- Okamoto–Uchiyama cryptosystem
The Okamoto–Uchiyama cryptosystem was discovered in 1998 by T. Okamoto and S. Uchiyama. The system works in the group
, where n is of the form p2q and p and q are large primes.
Scheme definition
Like many public key cryptosystems, this scheme works in the group
. A fundamental difference of this cryptosystem is that here n is a of the form p2q, where p and q are large primes. This scheme is homomorphic and hence malleable.
Key generation
A public/private key pair is generated as follows:
- Generate large primes p and q and set n = p2q.
- Choose
such that
- Let h = gn mod n.
The public key is then (n, g, h) and the private key is the factors (p, q).
Message encryption
To encrypt a message m, where m is taken to be an element in
- Select
at random. Set
Message decryption
If we define
, then decryption becomes
How the system works
The group
The group
has a unique subgroup of order p, call it H. By the uniqueness of H, we must have
For any element x in
, we have xp−1 mod p2 is in H, since p divides xp−1 − 1.
The map L should be thought of as a logarithm from the cyclic group H to the additive group
, and it is easy to check that L(ab) = L(a) + L(b), and that the L is an isomorphism between these two groups. As is the case with the usual logarithm, L(x)/L(g) is, in a sense, the logarithm of x with base g.
We have
So to recover m we just need to take the logarithm with base gp−1, which is accomplished by
The security of the entire message can be shown to be equivalent to factoring n. The semantic security rests on the p-subgroup assumption, which assumes that it is difficult to determine whether an element x in
is in the subgroup of order p. This is very similar to the quadratic residuosity problem and the higher residuosity problem.
External links
Public-key cryptography Algorithms Benaloh · Blum–Goldwasser · Cayley–Purser · CEILIDH · Cramer–Shoup · Damgård–Jurik · DH · DSA · EPOC · ECDH · ECDSA · EKE · ElGamal (encryption · signature scheme) · GMR · Goldwasser–Micali · HFE · IES · Lamport · McEliece · Merkle–Hellman · MQV · Naccache–Stern · NTRUEncrypt · NTRUSign · Paillier · Rabin · RSA · Okamoto–Uchiyama · Schnorr · Schmidt–Samoa · SPEKE · SRP · STS · Three-pass protocol · XTR
Theory Standardization ANS X9F1 · CRYPTREC · IEEE P1363 · NESSIE · NSA Suite B
Topics Digital signature · OAEP · Fingerprint · PKI · Web of trust · Key size
Cryptography Categories:- Asymmetric-key cryptosystems
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