Nonlinear Oscillations (journal)

Nonlinear Oscillations (journal)
Nonlinear Oscillations  
Discipline Mathematics
Language English
Edited by Anatolii M. Samoilenko
Publication details
Publisher Springer Science+Business Media on behalf of the Institute of Mathematics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Ukraine)
Publication history 1998–present
Frequency Quarterly
Impact factor
ISSN 1536-0059

Nonlinear Oscillations is a quarterly peer-reviewed mathematical journal that was established in 1998. It is published by Springer Science+Business Media on behalf of the Institute of Mathematics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. It covers research in the qualitative theory of differential or functional differential equations. This includes the qualitative analysis of differential equations with the help of symbolic calculus systems and applications of the theory of ordinary and functional differential equations in various fields of mathematical biology, electronics, and medicine.

Nonlinear Oscillations is a translation of the peer-reviewed Ukrainian journal Nelineinye Kolebaniya. The editor-in-chief is Anatoly M. Samoilenko (Institute of Mathematics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine).

External links

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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