
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Fungi
Division: Basidiomycota
Class: Agaricomycetes
Order: Agaricales
Family: Tricholomataceae
Genus: Neohygrophorus
Singer ex Singer[1]
Type species
Neohygrophorus angelesianus
(A.H.Sm. & Hesler) Singer

Neohygrophorus is a genus of fungus in the Tricholomataceae family. It is a monotypic genus, containing the single species Neohygrophorus angelesianus, found in North America.[2]

See also

Karl Johanssvamp, Iduns kokbok.png Fungi portal
  • List of Tricholomataceae genera


  1. ^ Singer R. (1961). "Diagnoses fungorum novorum Agaricalium II". Sydowia 15 (1–6): 45–83. 
  2. ^ Kirk PM, Cannon PF, Minter DW, Stalpers JA. (2008). Dictionary of the Fungi (10th ed.). Wallingford, UK: CABI. p. 464. ISBN 0-85199-826-7. 

External links

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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