
Slogan The Swiss Portal for Research and Innovation
Available language(s) EN/DE/FR
Content license Copyright Scimetrica, Bern, Switzerland
Launched May 2007
Alexa rank ~200'000
Current status 45'000 visitors per month (2011) is the Swiss Portal for Research and Innovation. This portal gives an overview of sciences, employment, funding, research area, universities and other research institutions in Switzerland. It aims at providing practical information about research mobility and living in Switzerland as well as a job portal for scientists and academics and information about continuing education. was launched in may 2007 and took over some activities of the formal portal The latter was the Swiss portal for researchers in Switzerland from 1999 to 2005. The portal was maintained by the Swiss Confederation and the company Science Com AG. awarded by the magazin Anthrazit as being one of the 200 best websites in Switzerland in 2009. [1]

myScienceis a trademark of Scimetrica, Bern, Switzerland.


myScience Network

myScience is present in these countries:

myScience International has currently the largest choice of science jobs in the world. There are currently about 7000 thousands open positions.


Partners of are for example [2] an association supporting companies and institutions by providing access to the members network and its broad range of knowledge and expertise in the field of Life Sciences, EPFL, University of Geneva, University of Fribourg, Fachhochschule Nordwest Schweiz [3], the company Givaudan active in fragrances, Platform Networking for Jobs that supports immigrated and Swiss returning emigrants with an academic education to find a job appropriated to their qualifications. [4] and [5], a portal for promoting sciences among teenagers. Other partners: Université de Genève, Université de Fribourg, Université de Lausanne, Université de Berne, HES-SO, FHNW, ZHAW, UZH, ETHZ, EPFL, EMPA, EAWAG, Agroscope Changin, Givaudan, CELLnTEC, Cargill, Covance, Roche, ...

See also


  1. ^ Anthrazit February 2009 "Die 200 Best Websites 2009"
  2. ^
  3. ^ FHNW
  4. ^ Platform Networking for Jobs
  5. ^

External links

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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