- Sewri-Nhava Sheva transharbour link
Mumbai Trans Harbour Sea Link Carries 6 lanes of Highway, Double Metro Lines Crosses Thane Creek Locale Mumbai, India Owner MMRDA Total length 22 kilometers (14 mi) Construction end 2017(proposed) Mumbai Trans Harbour Link or Sewri-Nhava Sheva transharbour link will be a 22km, freeway grade road cum metro line bridge crossing the Thane Creek in Mumbai, India. The bridge will begin in the area of Sewri, South Mumbai, crossing Thane Creek north of Elephanata Island and will end at Nhava Sheva. The road will be linked to the Mumbai Pune Expressway in the East, and to the Western Freeway Mumbai in the West. The Sea Link will contain 6 lanes Highway and a dual Metro line. The Metro Line will extended to under construction Navi Mumbai International Airport and key to make Navi Mumbai Airport a success.[1][2][3] Expected completion date is 2017.[4]
Mumbai Metropolitan Region Development Authority (MMRDA) has appointed Arup Consultancy Engineers and KPMG to conduct the techno-economic feasibility of the MTHL in August 2011 and expected to submit their report by October 2012. [5] The project will be based on a public-private-partnership model and bids will be invited during November 2011.[6]
- Phase I :- A six lane main bridge will be built from Sevri to Nhava Sheva including approaches at grade near Sewri end, interchange at Nh4B near Chirle village and underpasses at road and railway crossings. The length of MTHL road project from Sewri to NH-4B is 22 KM.
- Phase II:- Dispersal System at Sewri connecting Eastern Freeway and Acharya Donde Marg to MTHL (Sewri interchange).
- Phase III:- Construction of Metro rail link from Sewri to Nhava and from Nhava to MahaMumbai SEZ (MMSEZ) area near Pen, to Panvel via proposed Navi Mumbai International Airport and to Uran.
See also
- Sion Panvel Expressway
- Bandra Worli Sea Link
- Pamban Bridge
- Navi Mumbai International Airport
- ^ http://www.cidcoindia.com/cidco/mthl.aspx
- ^ http://www.indianexpress.com/news/trans-harbour-link-switches-tracks-to-metro/739683/
- ^ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tW82zkTJ22g
- ^ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6XbanMboMWw
- ^ http://articles.economictimes.indiatimes.com/2011-10-25/news/30320332_1_metro-rail-projects-mmrda-commissioner-rahul-asthana-mthl
- ^ http://daily.bhaskar.com/article/MAH-MUM-mumbai-trans-harbour-link-mmrda-to-invite-bids-in-november-2416330.html
Categories:- Transport in Mumbai
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