- Moldovan parliamentary election, April 2009
Moldovan parliamentary election 2005 ← 5 April 2009 → July 2009 All the 101 seats to the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova First party Second party Third party Leader Vladimir Voronin Mihai Ghimpu Vlad Filat Party Party of Communists of the Republic of Moldova Liberal Party Liberal Democratic Party of Moldova Leader since 1994 2005 2007 Last election 56 0 0 Seats won 60 15 15 Seat change +4 ±0 ±0 Popular vote 760,551 201,879 191,113 Percentage 49.48 13.13 12.43 Fourth party Leader Serafim Urechean Party Party Alliance Our Moldova Leader since 2003 Last election 22 Seats won 11 Seat change -11 Popular vote 150,155 Percentage 9.77
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A parliamentary election was held in Moldova on 5 April 2009. The Party of Communists of the Republic of Moldova (PCRM) won a majority of seats (60 out of 101) for the third consecutive occasion. Turnout was 59.49 percent, exceeding the 50% necessary for the election to be valid. The new parliament will elect a new President of Moldova as the incumbent Vladimir Voronin has to stand down after completing two terms.[1]
Pre-election developments
The EU called on Moldova to reform its electoral law, which foresees an electoral threshold of 6% and makes little allowance for alliances of smaller parties, so that smaller parties might also enter parliament, but President Vladimir Voronin rejected these calls.[2]
Final results were announced on 8 April 2009; the ruling PCRM failed to gain the 61 seats required to elect the president, leaving the opposition parties with the possibility of forcing a new election. The ballot recount performed on April 21 confirmed these results.
Summary of the 5 April 2009 Parliament of Moldova election results Parties Votes Votes % Seats +/− Party of Communists of the Republic of Moldova 760,551 49.48 60 +4 Liberal Party 201,879 13.13 15 +15 Liberal Democratic Party of Moldova 191,113 12.43 15 +15 Party Alliance Our Moldova 150,155 9.77 11 −11 Total (turnout 57.55%) 1,537,087 100% 101 0 Source: alegeri.md Party Seats Moldovan Parliament after April 2009 polls Party of Communists 60 Liberal Party 15 Liberal Dem Party 15 Alliance Our Moldova 11 Reactions
The International Election Observation Mission, represented by delegations from the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly, Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR), Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), and the European Parliament evaluated the elections as positive on the whole, with some reservations not affecting the outcome or the overall initial assessment. The opinion polls before the elections had showed a comfortable win for the Communist Party, with the only uncertainty being the size of the winning margin.[3]
The OSCE observer mission has issued a preliminary report declaring the elections generally free and fair and describing Moldova as an "overall pluralistic environment, offering voters a distinct political alternative and meeting many of the O.S.C.E. and Council of Europe commitments."[4] Petros Efthymiou, head of the delegation of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly and Special Co-ordinator of the OSCE short-term observers, said that he was delighted at the progress of democracy in Moldova. "These elections were very good and they gave me great confidence in the future of this country," Efthyimou said.[5]
However, one member of the 280-strong observation team, Emma Nicholson, Baroness Nicholson of Winterbourne, whose observation post was near the border of the separatist republic of Transnitria, voiced concern over this evaluation, claiming that she had a "very, very strong feeling" that there have been some manipulation, but she "couldn't find any proof" of it.[4] She claimed that the Russians from the organization influenced this report.[6] She also declared that at the counting of the votes that at 1:00 the PCRM had 35% of the votes and the 15–16 parties from the opposition 40–45% altogether while shortly later, at 8:00 the situation changed radically and the PCRM had 50%. [7] There have also been claims of voter fraud, with deceased and nonattendant persons reportedly voting. [8][9][10]
Following the recount, it was decided by the Constitutional Court that the presidential election would have to take place by 7 July 2009. Otherwise parliament would be dissolved and early elections held. The opposition parties stated that they would boycott parliament, citing electoral fraud as the reason, and tried to force new elections.[11] The presidential election was later set for 20 May 2009.
Civil unrest
Main article: 2009 Moldova civil unrestFollowing the announcement of preliminary election results on April 6, 2009, which showed the Party of Communists of the Republic of Moldova victorious, winning approximately 50% of the votes, the opposition rejected the results, accusing the authorities of falsification in the course of counting the votes and demanded new elections.[12] Opposition and NGO activists have organized protest demonstrations in the center of Chişinău on April 6th and 7th.[13]
The demonstration spun out of control and escalated into a riot on April 7th, with protesters attacking the parliament building and the presidential palace, throwing stones at the buildings, with the riot police attempting to protect the buildings.[14] In the afternoon of April 7th, the rioters broke into the parliament building, looted it and set it on fire. Police forces had regained control of the city center by April 8th, arresting several hundred protesters. Following the arrests, numerous cases of excessive force usage, including beatings and torture by the police, were reported by the detainees.[15]
Peaceful demonstrations on the central square continued for the remainder of the week. The government and opposition parties have accused each other of sending provocateurs to incite the crowds.[16]
On 10 April 2009, Voronin called on the Constitutional Court to authorise a recount of the votes, as demanded by the protesters.[17][18] On 12 April the court ruled in favor of conducting a recount, which was scheduled to take place on 15 April.[19][20] On 14 April, Serafim Urechean announced that the three main opposition parties would boycott the recount, citing fears that the government would use it to increase its majority to the 61 seats required to elect the next president.[21][22]
The results of the recount were published on April 21. No serious errors were determined and the original election result was confirmed.[23]
Election of a new president
Main article: Moldovan presidential election, May–June 2009One of the first tasks of the newly elected parliament is to elect a new president. Current President Vladimir Voronin is ineligible for another term, as he already served two terms, the maximum number allowed under the constitution. His successor needs to be elected before 8 June 2009 with a three-fifths majority (61 of 101 votes). If no candidate reaches a majority vote before that date, a new parliamentary election will be held. The three opposition parties announced that all of them would vote against the PCRM's nominee for president, for which 61 votes out of 101 are required; if Parliament fails three times to elect a candidate, this will result in a new election.[24][25]
The Communist Party had nominated former Prime Minister Zinaida Greceanîi as their presidential candidate. The previous parliament failed to elect a new president triggering early parliamentary elections which were held on 29 July 2009.
The Parliament must elect, with a majority of three fifths the President of Moldova. The ruling Party of Communists of the Republic of Moldova (PCRM) nominated Zinaida Greceanîi[26], and a puppet-candidate, a Doctor from Chişinău. As the PCRM holds only 60 of 101 seats in parliament, but 61 seats are required to elect the president, at least one dissenting vote from the opposition was required. The opposition (formed by the three liberal-oriented parties the Liberal Party, the Liberal Democratic Party of Moldova, and the Party Alliance Our Moldova) boycotted the first round of the election held on 20 May 2009, thus forcing repeated parliamentary elections[27], [28]. The second round was set for 28 May 2009, but it was postponed to 3 June 2009[29]; the PCRM claimed that it was due to Ascension Thursday falling that day. On 3 June 2009, the second round (repeated election) was held, the results being the same: 60 votes for Zinaida Greceanîi, forcing incumbent Vladimir Voronin to dissolve the Parliament[30]. Early elections were set for 29 July 2009 after Vorinin dissolved parliament on 15 June 2009.
The elected deputies
The list of deputies elected in the 5 April 2009 parliamentary elections:
Party of Communists of the Republic of Moldova
Votes won by PCRM by raion and municipality- Vladimir Voronin,
- Marian Lupu,
- Zinaida Greceanîi,
- Victor Mîndru,
- Tkaciuk Mark,
- Dodon Igor,
- Vladimir Vitiuc,
- Victor Stepaniuc,
- Eugenia Ostapciuc,
- Vladimir Eremciuc,
- Maria Postoico,
- Ivan Călin,
- Iuri Eriomin,
- Galina Balmoş,
- Anatolie Popuşoi,
- Anatolie Zagorodnîi,
- Dmitrii Todoroglo,
- Iurie Stoicov,
- Andrei Stratan,
- Maia Radilov,
- Vladimir Ţurcan,
- Veronica Abramciuc,
- Aliona Babiuc,
- Elena Bodnarenco,
- Vadim Mişin,
- Alla Mironic,
- Igor Vremea,
- Iurie Muntean,
- Vasile Iovv,
- Grigore Petrenco,
- Svetlana Rusu,
- Violeta Ivanov,
- Lidia Lupu,
- Raisa Spinovschi,
- Anton Miron,
- Irina Vlah,
- Oleg Reidman,
- Valeriu Sava,
- Ludmila Belcencova,
- Ghenadie Morcov,
- Oxana Domenti,
- Anatolie Gorilă,
- Inna Şupac,
- Gheorghe Popa,
- Petru Porcescu,
- Oleg Garizan,
- Veaceslav Bondari,
- Mihail Mocan,
- Nicolae Munteanu (politician),
- Mihail Poleanschi,
- Lidia Semeniţcaia,
- Sergiu Stati,
- Mariana Şmilenco,
- Mihail Rusu,
- Iurie Moiseev,
- Oleg Babenco,
- Serghei Afanasenco,
- Ala Ursul,
- Natalia Vîsotina,
- Ştefan Grigoriev,
Liberal Party
Votes won by PL by raion and municipality- Dorin Chirtoacă,
- Mihai Ghimpu,
- Anatol Şalaru,
- Corina Fusu,
- Vadim Cojocaru,
- Anatolie Arhire,
- Gheorghe Brega,
- Nistor Grozavu,
- Vadim Vacarciuc,
- Oleg Bodrug,
- Ana Guţu,
- Ion Hadârcă,
- Valeriu Nemerenco,
- Mihail Moldovanu,
- Ion Lupu,
Liberal Democratic Party of Moldova
- Vladimir Filat,
- Alexandru Tănase,
- Liliana Palihovici,
- Mihai Godea,
- Vitalie Nagacevschi,
- Iurie Ţap,
- Călin Vieru,
- Ion Balan,
- Vladimir Hotineanu,
- Iurie Leancă,
- Alexandru Cimbriciuc,
- Valeriu Ghileţchi,
- Simion Furdui,
- Mihail Şleahtiţchi,
- Angel Agache,
Party Alliance Our Moldova
Votes won by AMN by raion and municipality- Serafim Urechean,
- Mihai Cimpoi,
- Veaceslav Untilă,
- Vasile Balan,
- Iurie Colesnic,
- Leonid Bujor,
- Victor Osipov,
- Alexandr Oleinic,
- Valentin Chepteni,
- Mihail Silistraru,
- Veaceslav Platon,
- ^ BBC: "Communists win Moldovan election", April 06, 2009
- ^ "Moldova Rejects EU Proposal To Change Election Law", Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, 3 December 2008.
- ^ Ten Reasons Why the Communist Party Won Moldova's Elections Again
- ^ a b The New York Times: "After Protests, Moldovan Opposition Claims Election Fraud", April 9, 2009
- ^ "Moldova's elections met many international standards, but further improvements are needed, observers say"
- ^ "Romania blamed over Moldova riots", BBC, April 8, 2009
- ^ (Romanian) "Emma Nicholson critică raportul OSCE referitor la alegerile din Republica Moldova"
- ^ (Romanian) http://www.cotidianul.ro/cum_voteaza_mortii_in_republica_moldova-79772.html
- ^ (Romanian) http://garda.com.md/stiri/fraude-non-stop-semnaturi-false-in-liste
- ^ (Romanian) http://www.hotnews.ro/stiri-opinii-5560303-revolta-anticomunista-republica-moldova.htm
- ^ http://www.dw-world.de/dw/article/0,,4200826,00.html
- ^ (Romanian) "Tinerii zgâlţâie comunismul la Chişinău", Evenimentul Zilei, April 8, 2009
- ^ "The protest initiative group: LDPM is the guilty one for the devastations in the Chişinău downtown", April 08, 2009
- ^ Amnesty International: "Organizers of peaceful demonstration blamed for violence in Moldova"
- ^ Amnesty International: "Protect peaceful Moldovan protesters from police ill-treatment"
- ^ "Riot Police Crack Down on Anti-Communist Protests"
- ^ http://www.google.com/hostednews/afp/article/ALeqM5gnlhEoVXHWsFUijDGvVlR1lPp20w
- ^ http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/7993547.stm
- ^ http://www.nytimes.com/reuters/2009/04/12/world/international-us-moldova-election.html?ref=global-home
- ^ http://uk.reuters.com/article/worldNews/idUKTRE53C1M020090413?pageNumber=2&virtualBrandChannel=0&sp=true
- ^ http://www.reuters.com/article/newsMaps/idUSTRE53D3HB20090414
- ^ http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601085&sid=aEChIO6955tI&refer=europe
- ^ "Moldova recount 'confirms result'", BBC, April 17, 2009
- ^ (Romanian) "PL, PLDM şi AMN: Alegerile au fost trucate. Suntem gata pentru alegeri repetate!" (statements by opposition parties)
- ^ Reuters: "Moldova Communists win parliamentary election", April 06, 2009
- ^ http://www.kyivpost.com/world/41316
- ^ Deutsche Welle
- ^ BBC News
- ^ BBC News
- ^ BBC News
Results of the April 5, 2009 Moldovan parliamentary elections
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