Michał Sołowow

Michał Sołowow

Michał Sołowow (born July 11, 1962 in Kielce) is a Polish businessman and racing driver.[1] The European vice-champion (2008), vice-champion of Poland (2006), the European vice-champion (2006), two-time Vice-champion of Poland (2004, 2005).

His wealth is estimated at the over 6 bn złoty (in 2006 - 3.6 bn); one of the biggest Polish stock exchange investor. He is an important shareholder of the following companies: Synthos (chemical industry), Cersanit (sanitary ceramics and tiles), Echo Investment (development activity), Barlinek (producer of floorboard).

In 2007, Forbes estimated his net worth at 2.3 billion US dollars.[1]


  1. ^ a b "The World's Billionaires: #407 Michal Solowow", Forbes, 8 March 2007, retrieved 2011-07-31

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