Members of the Parliament of Australia who have served for at least 30 years

Members of the Parliament of Australia who have served for at least 30 years

This is a list of Members of the Parliament of Australia who have served for at least 30 years.

Their service does not need to be continuous; broken terms are aggregated.

All these periods of service were spent in one House exclusively. A number of people have served in both the Senate and the House of Representatives[1], but none of them to date has had an aggregate length of service to the Parliament reaching 30 years.

Those who were Father of the Senate or Father of the House of Representatives are shown. A Father of either House is the person currently serving who has served longer, continuously, than any other currently serving member of that House. Where two or more people have equal lengths of continuous service, more than any other people, they are called joint Fathers. The more senior of the Father of the House and the Father of the Senate is the Father of the Parliament. Only those Fathers who served for 30 years or more will appear in this list.


Members of the Parliament who have served for at least 30 years

Name Chamber Start of service End of service Period of service Continuous
Father of the
Father of the
Hughes, BillyBilly Hughes House of Reps 01901-03-30 30 March 1901 01952-10-28 28 October 1952 &1000000000000005100000051 years, &10000000000000213000000213 days Yes 1935-52 1938-52
Page, EarleSir Earle Page House of Reps 01919-12-13 13 December 1919 01961-12-09 9 December 1961 &1000000000000004100000041 years, &10000000000000362000000362 days Yes 1952-61 1952-61
Ruddock, PhilipPhilip Ruddock House of Reps 01973-09-22 22 September 1973 currently serving &1000000000000003800000038 years, &1000000000000003900000039 days Yes Father since 1998 Father since 1998
Pearce, GeorgeSir George Pearce Senate 01901-03-29 29 March 1901 01938-06-30 30 June 1938 &1000000000000003700000037 years, &1000000000000009400000094 days Yes 1923-38 No
Cooper, WalterSir Walter Cooper Senate 01928-11-17 17 November 1928
01935-07-01 1 July 1935
01932-06-30 30 June 1932
01968-06-30 30 June 1968
&1000000000000003600000036 years, &10000000000000227000000227 days No 1965-68 No
Maloney, WilliamWilliam Maloney House of Reps 01904-03-30 30 March 1904 01940-08-27 27 August 1940 &1000000000000003600000036 years, &10000000000000151000000151 days Yes No No
McEwen, JohnSir John McEwen House of Reps 01934-09-15 15 September 1934 01971-02-01 1 February 1971 &1000000000000003600000036 years, &10000000000000139000000139 days Yes Joint Father 1963-69
Father 1969-71
Joint Father 1965-69
Father 1969-71
Makin, NormanNorman Makin House of Reps 01919-12-13 13 December 1919
01954-05-29 29 May 1954
01946-08-14 14 August 1946
01963-11-01 1 November 1963
&1000000000000003600000036 years, &1000000000000003700000037 days No No No
Brennan, FrankFrank Brennan House of Reps 01911-02-08 8 February 1911
01934-09-15 15 September 1934
01931-12-19 19 December 1931
01949-10-31 31 October 1949
&1000000000000003500000035 years, &10000000000000362000000362 days No No No
Clark, JoeJoe Clark House of Reps 01934-09-15 15 September 1934 01969-09-29 29 September 1969 &1000000000000003500000035 years, &1000000000000001500000015 days Yes Joint Father 1963-69 Joint Father 1965-69
Sinclair, IanIan Sinclair House of Reps 01963-11-30 30 November 1963 01998-08-31 31 August 1998 &1000000000000003400000034 years, &10000000000000275000000275 days Yes 1990-98 1990-98
Watkins, DavidDavid Watkins House of Reps 01901-03-29 29 March 1901 01935-04-08 8 April 1935 &1000000000000003400000034 years, &1000000000000001100000011 days Yes No No
O'Byrne, JustinJustin O'Byrne Senate 01947-07-01 1 July 1947 01981-06-30 30 June 1981 &1000000000000003400000034 years, &100000000000000000000000 days Yes Joint Father 1968-71
Father 1971-81
Howard, JohnJohn Howard House of Reps 01974-05-18 18 May 1974 02007-11-24 24 November 2007 &1000000000000003300000033 years, &10000000000000191000000191 days Yes No No
Cadman, AlanAlan Cadman House of Reps 01974-05-18 18 May 1974 02007-10-17 17 October 2007 &1000000000000003300000033 years, &10000000000000152000000152 days Yes No No
Brown, GordonGordon Brown Senate 01932-07-01 1 July 1932 01965-06-30 30 June 1965 &1000000000000003300000033 years, &100000000000000000000000 days Yes Joint Father 1947-50
Father 1950-65
Groom, LittletonSir Littleton Groom House of Reps 01901-09-14 14 September 1901
01931-12-19 19 December 1931
01929-10-12 12 October 1929
01936-11-06 6 November 1936
&1000000000000003200000032 years, &10000000000000353000000353 days No No No
Francis, JosiahSir Josiah Francis House of Reps 01922-12-16 16 December 1922 01955-11-04 4 November 1955 &1000000000000003200000032 years, &10000000000000324000000324 days Yes No No
Holt, HaroldHarold Holt House of Reps 01935-08-17 17 August 1935 01967-12-19 19 December 1967[2] &1000000000000003200000032 years, &10000000000000125000000125 days Yes No No
Ward, EddieEddie Ward House of Reps 01931-03-07 7 March 1931
01932-02-06 6 February 1932
01931-12-19 19 December 1931
01963-07-31 31 July 1963
&1000000000000003200000032 years, &1000000000000009900000099 days No 1961-63 1961-63
Beazley, KimKim Beazley, Sr. House of Reps 01945-08-18 18 August 1945 01977-11-10 10 November 1977 &1000000000000003200000032 years, &1000000000000008500000085 days Yes 1975-77 1975-77
Daly, FredFred Daly House of Reps 01943-08-21 21 August 1943 01975-11-11 11 November 1975 &1000000000000003200000032 years, &1000000000000008300000083 days Yes 1972-75 1972-75
Calwell, ArthurArthur Calwell House of Reps 01940-09-21 21 September 1940 01972-11-02 2 November 1972 &1000000000000003200000032 years, &1000000000000004300000043 days Yes 1971-72 1971-72
McMahon, WilliamSir William McMahon House of Reps 01949-12-10 10 December 1949 01982-01-04 4 January 1982 &1000000000000003200000032 years, &1000000000000002600000026 days Yes Joint Father 1977-80
Father 1980-82
Lynch, PatrickPatrick Lynch Senate 01907-01-01 1 January 1907 01938-06-30 30 June 1938 &1000000000000003100000031 years, &10000000000000181000000181 days Yes No No
Menzies, RobertSir Robert Menzies House of Reps 01934-09-15 15 September 1934 01966-02-17 17 February 1966 &1000000000000003100000031 years, &10000000000000156000000156 days Yes Joint Father 1963-66 Joint Father 1965-66
Uren, TomTom Uren House of Reps 01958-11-22 22 November 1958 01990-02-19 19 February 1990 &1000000000000003100000031 years, &1000000000000009000000090 days Yes 1984-90 1984-90
Scullin, JamesJames Scullin House of Reps 01910-04-13 13 April 1910
01922-02-18 18 February 1922
01913-05-31 31 May 1913
01949-10-31 31 October 1949
&1000000000000003000000030 years, &10000000000000304000000304 days No No No
Cameron, ClydeClyde Cameron House of Reps 01949-12-10 10 December 1949 01980-09-19 19 September 1980 &1000000000000003000000030 years, &10000000000000285000000285 days Yes Joint Father 1977-80 No
Jull, DavidDavid Jull House of Reps 01975-12-13 13 December 1975
01984-12-01 1 December 1984
01983-03-05 5 March 1983
02007-10-17 17 October 2007
&1000000000000003000000030 years, &1000000000000003900000039 days No No No
Lazzarini, HubertHubert Lazzarini House of Reps 01919-12-13 13 December 1919
01934-09-15 15 September 1934
01931-12-19 19 December 1931
01952-10-01 1 October 1952
&1000000000000003000000030 years, &1000000000000002400000024 days No No No
Crawford, ThomasThomas Crawford Senate 01917-07-01 1 July 1917 01947-06-30 30 June 1947 &1000000000000003000000030 years, &100000000000000000000000 days Yes Joint Father 1938-47 No
Foll, HarryHarry Foll Senate 01917-07-01 1 July 1917 01947-06-30 30 June 1947 &1000000000000003000000030 years, &100000000000000000000000 days Yes Joint Father 1938-47 No
Watson, JohnJohn Watson Senate 01978-07-01 1 July 1978 02008-06-30 30 June 2008 &1000000000000003000000030 years, &100000000000000000000000 days Yes 2005-08 No


See also

  • People who have served in both Houses of the Australian Parliament


  1. ^ Handbook of the 42nd Parliament: Members who have served in both chambers
  2. ^ While Harold Holt has since been deemed to have legally died on 17 December 1967, he was not declared presumed dead until 19 December and he is considered to have served until that date, as both a member and as Prime Minister.

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