Meanings of minor planet names: 14001–15000

Meanings of minor planet names: 14001–15000

As minor planet discoveries are confirmed, they are given a permanent number by the IAU's Minor Planet Center, and the discoverers can then submit names for them, following the IAU's naming conventions. The list below concerns those minor planets in the specified span of numbers that have received names, and explains the meanings of those names. Besides the Minor Planet Circulars (in which the citations are published), a key source is Lutz D. Schmadel's Dictionary of Minor Planet Names. Meanings that do not quote a reference (the "†" links) are tentative.

Minor planets not yet given a name have not been included in this list.

Contents: 14,001… 14,101… 14,201… 14,301… 14,401… 14,501… 14,601… 14,701… 14,801… 14,901…

Name Provisional Designation Source of Name
14014 Münchhausen 1994 AL16 Karl Friedrich Hieronymus Freiherr von Münchhausen, German officer and adventurer*
14016 Steller 1994 BJ4 Georg Wilhelm Steller, German botanist, who accompanied Vitus Bering on the expedition that led to the discovery of southeastern Alaska
14024 Procol Harum 1994 RZ Procol Harum British progressive rock band
14025 Fallada 1994 RR11 Hans Fallada, German writer*
14026 Esquerdo 1994 ST7 Gil Esquerdo, American research assistant for the Near-Earth-Asteroid Physical Study project at the University of Western Ontario
14032 Mego 1994 XP Princess Mego, 16th-17th-century Japanese wife of Datemasamune; a cherry tree seedling planted near the Sendai Observatory is known as the "Princess Mego Cherry Tree"
14040 Andrejka 1995 QD2 *
14041 Dürrenmatt 1995 SO54 Friedrich Dürrenmatt, Swiss author*
14042 Agafonov 1995 UG5 *
14054 Dušek 1996 AR Jiří Dušek, Czech astronomer, one of the founders of the Czech Internet astronomical newspaper IAN
14056 Kainar 1996 AO1 Josef Kainar, Czech poet, dramatist, journalist and musician
14057 Manfredstoll 1996 AV1 Manfred Stoll, Austrian astronomical computer specialist
14060 Patersonewen 1996 BM5 Paterson Ewen, Canadian astronomical artist and teacher
14062 Cremaschini 1996 CR8 *
14065 Flegel 1996 EY5 Mike Flegel, Canadian amateur astronomer
14068 Hauserová 1996 HP1 Eva Hauserová, Czech writer and journalist
14069 Krasheninnikov 1996 HP18 Stepan Petrovich Krasheninnikov, Russian scientist (geographer, anthropologist)
14071 Gadabird 1996 JK13 Bonnie Bird and Andreas Gada, Canadian amateur astronomers
14072 Volterra 1996 KN Vito Volterra, Italian mathematician*
14074 Riccati 1996 NS *
14075 Kenwill 1996 OJ *
14077 Volfango 1996 PF1 Volfango Montanari, 20th-century Italian Olympic athlete
14080 Heppenheim 1997 GB *
14088 Ancus 1997 JB10 *
14092 Gaily 1997 MC8 T. Dean Gaily, Canadian physicist
14094 Garneau 1997 OJ1 Marc Garneau, the first Canadian in space
14097 Capdepera 1997 PU4 *
14098 Šimek 1997 QS *
14100 Weierstrass 1997 RQ5 Karl Weierstrass, German mathematician*
14104 Delpino 1997 TV Federico Ernesto Delpino, 20th-century Italian astronomer
14111 Kimamos 1998 QA24 *
14114 Randyray 1998 QE35 *
14115 Melaas 1998 QO36 *
14116 Ogea 1998 QC40 *
14119 Johnprince 1998 QU46 *
14120 Espenak 1998 QJ54 Fred Espenak, American astronomer and compiler of eclipse atlases (ephemerides)
14121 Stüwe 1998 QM54 *
14122 Josties 1998 QA55 *
14124 Kamil 1998 QN60 Kamil Hornoch, Czech amateur astronomer
14129 Dibucci 1998 QO95 *
14134 Penkala 1998 RP42 *
14135 Cynthialang 1998 RZ62 *
14141 Demeautis 1998 SR1 Christophe Demeautis, French astronomer
14143 Hadfield 1998 SQ18 Chris Austin Hadfield, Canadian astronaut
14145 Sciam 1998 SE24 Scientific American magazine (Sci. Am.)*
14146 Hughmaclean 1998 SP42 Hugh Noel Alexander Maclean, Canadian amateur astronomer
14147 Wenlingshuguang 1998 SG43 *
14148 Jimchamberlin 1998 SO45 James Arthur Chamberlin, Canadian aerospace worker
14149 Yakowitz 1998 SF61 *
14153 Dianecaplain 1998 SA80 *
14154 Negrelli 1998 SZ106 *
14155 Cibronen 1998 SK122 *
14157 Pamelasobey 1998 SA133 *
14158 Alananderson 1998 SZ133 *
14163 Johnchapman 1998 TY20 John Herbert Chapman, "Father of the Canadian Space Program"
14164 Hennigar 1998 TH29 Donald M. Hennigar, Canadian amateur telescope maker
14172 Amanolivere 1998 VN8 *
14174 Deborahsmall 1998 VO13 *
14179 Skinner 1998 VM32 *
14181 Koromházi 1998 WX6 Birthplace(?) of one discoverer, K. Sárneczky
14182 Alley 1998 WG12 *
14185 Van Ness 1998 WK32 *
14186 Virgiliofos 1998 XP2 Virgilio Fossombroni, teacher of Italian literature
14189 Sèvre 1998 XB14 François Sèvre French astronomer
14190 Soldán 1998 XS15 Jan Soldán, Czech astronomer, designer and developer of control software for space and ground-based experiments
14203 Hocking 1998 YT20 Wayne Keith Hocking, Canadian physicist
14206 Sehnal 1999 CL10 Ladislav Sehnal, Czech astronomer
14214 Hirsch 1999 RP86 *
14217 Oaxaca 1999 VV19 Oaxaca, City and State in Mexico, birth place of Benito Juárez, first native-born President of Mexico, first numbered asteroid discovered from Mexico (updated by the discoverer)
14223 Dolby 1999 XW1 *
14224 Gaede 1999 XU33 *
14225 Alisahamilton 1999 XZ49 *
14226 Hamura 1999 XR50 *
14230 Mariahines 1999 XF100 *
14234 Davidhoover 1999 XZ182 *
14238 d'Artagnan 1999 YX13 d'Artagnan, one of the Three Musketeers
14244 Labnow 2000 AT29 Science teacher (MCMS) /scientist [1]
14250 Kathleenmartin 2000 AJ63 *
14252 Audreymeyer 2000 AD64 *
14258 Katrinaminck 2000 AM116 *
14262 Kratzer 2000 AC125 *
14267 Zook 2000 AJ153 *
14274 Landstreet 2000 BL21 John Darlington Landstreet, Canadian astronomer
14275 Dianemurray 2000 BR26 *
14277 Parsa 2000 CS13 *
14278 Perrenot 2000 CV29 *
14309 Defoy A908 SA Ilse Defoy (1892–1947), wife of Christoph Schubart and mother of Heidelberg astronomer Joachim Schubart
14310 Shuttleworth 1966 PP Mark Shuttleworth, South African businessman, first citizen of an African country to venture into space (on a Soyuz mission in 2002)
14312 Polytech 1976 UN2 *
14313 Dodaira 1976 UZ7 Dodaira station was dedicated in 1962 with a 0.91-m reflector and 0.50-m Schmidt telescope as a branch station of the Tokyo Astronomical Observatory in Saitama prefecture, and its operation was terminated in Mar. 2000. It was located where the borders of Tokigawa, Ogawamachi and Higashichichibu meet.
14314 Tokigawa 1977 DQ3 *
14315 Ogawamachi 1977 EL5 *
14316 Higashichichibu 1977 ES7 *
14317 Antonov 1978 PC3 *
14318 Buzinov 1978 SD3 Victor Mikhajlovich Buzinov, 20th-century Russian journalist and author
14322 Shakura 1978 YM Nikolai Ivanovich Shakura, Russian astrophysicist
14327 Lemke 1980 FE2 Dietrich Lemke, German astronomer
14335 Alexosipov 1981 RR3 Alexandr Kuzmich Osipov, Ukrainian astronomer
14338 Shibakoukan 1982 VP3 *
14342 Iglika 1984 SL *
14346 Zhilyaev 1985 QG5 Boris Efimovich Zhilyaev, Ukrainian astronomer
14349 Nikitamikhalkov 1985 UQ4 Nikita Sergeevich Mikhalkov, Russian film director and actor
14354 Kolesnikov 1987 QX7 Evgeny Kolesnikov, Russian scientist who has conducted research at the Tunguska impact site
14360 Ipatov 1988 CV4 Sergej Ivanovich Ipatov, Russian astronomer
14361 Boscovich 1988 DE Rudjer Boscovich, scientist*
14365 Jeanpaul 1988 RZ2 *
14366 Wilhelmraabe 1988 RX3 Wilhelm Raabe, German novelist*
14367 Hippokrates 1988 RY3 Hippocrates of Cos, Ancient Greek physician*
14372 Paulgerhardt 1989 AD6 Paul Gerhardt, German hymn writer*
14382 Woszczyk 1990 ES6 Andrzej Woszczyk (1935-2011), Polish astronomer
14395 Tommorgan 1990 TN3 *
14400 Baudot 1990 WO4 *
14412 Wolflojewski 1991 RU2 *
14413 Geiger 1991 RT3 *
14420 Massey 1991 SM *
14424 Laval 1991 SR3 Université Laval, Québec, Canada, oldest university of North America
14428 Lazaridis 1991 VM12 Mike Lazaridis, Canadian entrepreneur and founder of the Perimeter Institute
14429 Coyne 1991 XC George Vincent Coyne, astronomer*
14438 MacLean 1992 HC2 Steven Glenwood MacLean, Canadian astronaut
14446 Kinkowan 1992 UP6 Kinkowan (Kagoshima Bay) in Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan. Mount Sakurajima, a famous active volcano, is in the centre of Kinkowan
14463 McCarter 1993 GA1 David Graham McCarter, Canadian amateur astronomer and telescope maker
14466 Hodge 1993 OY2 *
14479 Plekhanov 1994 CQ13 Gennadiy Plekanov, Russian scientist, long time investigator of the Tunguska event
14486 Tuscia 1994 TE The ancient name of Tuscany
14499 Satotoshio 1995 VR1 Toshio Sato, Japanese amateur astronomer and astronomical historian
14500 Kibo 1995 WO7 *
14501 Tetsuokojima 1995 WA8 Tetsuo Kojima, Japanese amateur astronomer, an active member of Ota Astronomical Club
14502 Morden 1995 WB22 James C. Morden, Canadian historian, educator and author
14504 Tsujimura 1995 YL3 *
14505 Barentine 1996 AW4 John Caleb Barentine, American astronomer
14509 Lučenec 1996 ER2 *
14511 Nickel 1996 EU3 Jack Allen "Triple" Nickel, retired USAF pilot, NASA Shuttle Trainer Aircraft instructor*
14513 Alicelindner 1996 GK17 Alice Lindner, German secretary at the Hoher List Observatory
14517 Monitoma 1996 LJ1 *
14519 Ural 1996 TT38 The Ural river, flowing from the Ural mountains into Kazakhstan and the Caspian Sea; it forms part of the traditional boundary between Europe and Asia
14526 Xenocrates 1997 JT3 Xenocrates of Chalcedon, Ancient Greek philosopher*
14533 Roy 1997 QY *
14535 Kazuyukihanda 1997 RF *
14537 Týn nad Vltavou 1997 RL7 Týn nad Vltavou, a town on the Vltava River in Bohemia, the Czech Republic
14539 Clocke Roeland 1997 RU9 Clocke Roeland, carillon society of the Belgian (Flemish) city of Ghent
14542 Karitskaya 1997 SW9 *
14543 Sajigawasuiseki 1997 SF11 *
14550 Lehký 1997 UU7 *
14551 Itagaki 1997 UN8 *
14558 Wangganchang 1997 WG1 *
14564 Heasley 1998 BX13 James N. Heasley, American astronomer
14566 Hokule'a 1998 MY7 *
14567 Nicovincenti 1998 MQ8 *
14568 Zanotta 1998 OK Mauro Vittorio Zanotta, Italian amateur astronomer , +<--- also --->
14570 Burkam 1998 QS37 *
14571 Caralexander 1998 QC45 *
14572 Armando 1998 QX54 *
14573 Montebugnoli 1998 QD55 *
14574 Payette 1998 QR58 Julie Payette, Canadian astronaut
14575 Jamesblanc 1998 QC92 *
14576 Jefholley 1998 QO92 *
14582 Conlin 1998 RK49 *
14583 Lester 1998 RN61 *
14584 Lawson 1998 RH63 *
14588 Pharrams 1998 RH73 Stacey Pharrams, participant in the Discovery Channel Young Scientist Challenge
14589 Stevenbyrnes 1998 RW79 Steven J. F. Byrnes, a finalist in the 2003 Intel Science Talent Search
14593 Everett 1998 SA26 *
14594 Jindrašilhán 1998 SS26 Jindřich Šilhán (Jindra Šilhan), Czech astronomer, observer of variable stars*
14595 Peaker 1998 SW32 Brian Ronald Peaker, Canadian competitive rower and Olympic medalist
14596 Bergstralh 1998 SC55 Jay Bergstralh, NASA Solar System Exploration Division*
14597 Waynerichie 1998 SV57 *
14598 Larrysmith 1998 SU60 *
14605 Hyeyeonchoi 1998 SD123 Hyeyeon Choi, a finalist in the 2003 Intel Science Talent Search
14606 Hifleischer 1998 SK125 Hilary Caren Fleischer, a finalist in the 2003 Intel Science Talent Search
14612 Irtish 1998 SG164 Irtish river, flowing from the Mongolian Altay Mountains of China into Kazakhstan and Russia before joining the Ob river
14613 Sanchez 1998 TP2 *
14616 Van Gaal 1998 TK30 Hendrik Van Gaal, founder of the Urania Observatory in Hove, Belgium*
14617 Lasvergnas 1998 UA4 Olivier Las Vergnas (1954 - ) fr:Olivier Las Vergnas French Astronomer, creator of the Association astronomique de Paris en Sorbonne in 1970 and currently President of the French Astronomical Association [2] and [3]
14619 Plotkin 1998 UF9 Howard Plotkin, Canadian historian of science
14621 Tati 1998 UF18 Jacques Tati, French cinematographer*
14623 Kamoun 1998 UE24 *
14624 Prymachenko 1998 UO24 *
14627 Emilkowalski 1998 VA Emil Kowalski, Named for the discoverer's late father
14632 Flensburg 1998 VY33 *
14643 Morata 1998 WZ30 *
14654 Rajivgupta 1998 YV16 Rajiv Gupta, Canadian mathematician
14656 Lijiang 1998 YN22 *
14659 Gregoriana 1999 AF24 *
14664 Vandervelden 1999 BY25 Erwin Rene van der Velden, Australian astrophotographer
14669 Beletic 1999 DC Named after James William Beletic (b. 1956), a physicist. Asteroid awarded by Cyril Cavadore of the European Southern Observatory's Optical Detector Team, which J. Beletic led from 1994 Nov. 1 to 2000 Apr. 27.
14678 Pinney 1999 XN33 *
14679 Susanreed 1999 XN42 *
14683 Remy 1999 XG156 *
14684 Reyes 1999 XQ167 *
14693 Selwyn 2000 AH144 *
14694 Skurat 2000 AR145 *
14696 Lindawilliams 2000 AW203 *
14697 Ronsawyer 2000 AO214 Ron Sawyer, Canadian amateur astronomer
14698 Scottyoung 2000 AT230 Scott Douglas Young, Canadian planetarium director
14699 Klarasmi 2000 AV239 *
14700 Johnreid 2000 AC240 *
14702 Benclark 2000 AY242 *
14708 Slaven 2000 CU26 *
14719 Sobey 2000 CB85 *
14724 SNO 2000 CA100 The Sudbury Neutrino Observatory (SNO)
14727 Suggs 2000 DU11 Rob Suggs, meteor scientist*
14734 Susanstoker 2000 DZ78 *
14789 GAISH 1969 TY1 GAISh (ГАИШ), Moscow University's Sternberg Astronomical Institute, founded in 1931 on the site of the observatory established by the university in 1831
14790 Beletskij 1970 OF *
14791 Atreus 1973 SU *
14792 Thyestes 1973 SG1 *
14794 Konetskiy 1976 SD5 Victor Victorovich Konetskiy, 20th-century Russian writer and Arctic captain
14795 Syoyou 1977 EE7 *
14812 Rosario 1981 JR1 Rosario, Argentina
14814 Gurij 1981 RL2 *
14815 Rutberg 1981 TH3 *
14820 Aizuyaichi 1982 VF4 *
14821 Motaeno 1982 VG4 *
14826 Nicollier 1985 SC1 Claude Nicollier, Swiss astronaut*
14827 Hypnos 1986 JK Hypnos, the Greek God of Sleep. *
14829 Povalyaeva 1986 TR11 Marina Petrovna Povalyaeva, Ukrainian charity leader, decorated with the Order of Saint Peter and Paul and the "For patriotism" medal
14831 Gentileschi 1987 BS1 Artemisia Gentileschi, Italian painter*
14832 Alechinsky 1987 QC3 Pierre Alechinsky, Belgian painter*
14834 Isaev 1987 SR17 Aleksej Mikhajlovich Isaev, 20th-century Russian space engineer
14835 Holdridge 1987 WF1 Mark E. Holdridge, American astronomer*
14836 Maxfrisch 1988 CY Max Frisch, Swiss architect, playwright and novelist*
14845 Hegel 1988 VS6 Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, German philosopher*
14846 Lampedusa 1989 BH Lampedusa, largest of the Pelagie Islands*
14871 Pyramus 1990 TH7 Pyramus and Thisbe, Pyramus, the handsome youth, and Thisbe, the fair maiden, in the romance as recounted by Ovid
14872 Hoher List 1990 UR Seat of the Observatory (Sternwarte Hoher List) of the University of Bonn*
14873 Shoyo 1990 UQ2 *
14877 Zauberflote 1990 WC9 Die Zauberflöte (The Magic Flute), opera by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (named on the occasion of the 250th anniversary of Mozart's birth)
14888 Kanazawashi 1991 SN1 Kanazawa ("Little Kyoto"), Ishikawa prefecture, Japan
14902 Miyairi 1993 BE2 *
14909 Kamchatka 1993 PY3 Kamchatka Peninsula
14917 Taco 1994 AD11 *
14919 Robertohaver 1994 PG Roberto Haver, Italian amateur astronomer
14925 Naoko 1994 VU2 Yamazaki (Sumino) Naoko, Japanese astronaut
14926 Hoshide 1994 VB3 Hoshide Akihiko, Japanese astronaut
14927 Satoshi 1994 VW6 Furukawa Satoshi, Japanese astronaut
14937 Thirsk 1995 CP3 Robert Brent Thirsk, Canadian astronaut
14939 Norikura 1995 DG1 *
14940 Freiligrath 1995 EL8 Ferdinand Freiligrath, German poet*
14941 Tomswift 1995 FY2 Tom Swift and Tom Swift, Jr., protagonists of series of twentieth century adventure novels*
14942 Stevebaker 1995 MA *
14947 Luigibussolino 1996 AB4 *
14953 Bevilacqua 1996 CB3 *
14959 TRIUMF 1996 JT3 The Tri-University Meson Facility (TRIUMF)
14960 Yule 1996 KO *
14961 d'Auteroche 1996 LV3 Jean-Baptiste Chappe d'Auteroche, French astronomer*
14964 Robertobacci 1996 VS Roberto Bacci, Italian amateur astronomer
14965 Bonk 1997 KC Werner Bonk, German amateur astronomer
14966 Jurijvega 1997 OU2 Jurij Vega, Slovenian mathematician and military engineer, on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Jurij Vega Grammar School in Idrija, which the discoverer attended
14967 Madrid 1997 PF4 Madrid, Spain*
14968 Kubáček 1997 QG *
14969 Willacather 1997 QC1 Willa Cather, American author*
14972 Olihainaut 1997 QP3 Olivier R. Hainaut, Belgian astronomer.
14973 Rossirosina 1997 RZ Rosina Rossi, mother of the discoverer Andrea Boattini
14974 Počátky 1997 SK1 Počátky, a town in south Bohemia, the Czech Republic, where the discoverer Miloš Tichý was born
14975 Serasin 1997 SA3 Antonietta Serasin, Italian amateur astronomer
14976 Josefčapek 1997 SD4 Josef Čapek, Czech artist and playwright*
14977 Bressler 1997 SE4 Martin Bressler, Austrian amateur astronomer
14980 Gustavbrom 1997 TW9 Gustav Brom (Gustav Frkal), Czech 20th-century jazz musician, conductor, composer and singer
14988 Tryggvason 1997 UA7 Bjarni Tryggvason, Icelandic-Canadian astronaut
14989 Tutte 1997 UB7 William Tutte, Canadian mathematician
14990 Zermelo 1997 UY10 *
14994 Uppenkamp 1997 UW18 Wolfgang Uppenkamp, German literature teacher
14995 Archytas 1997 VY1 *
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Meanings of minor planet names
List of minor planets: 14,001–15,000
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