Marcel·lí Perelló i Domingo

Marcel·lí Perelló i Domingo
Marcel·lí Perelló, presoner al Penal de El Dueso, Santoña (avui Cantàbria). circa 1929

Marcel·lí Perelló i Domingo born in (Barcelona in 1897? - died Mexico City 1961) was a Catalan guerrilla politician and newspaper writer. He was the first Secretary of Estat Català. He was part of a plot against the Spanish Throne, was impriosned and exiled to Mexico.

The Plot of Garraf

He was son of Frederic Perelló i Arnús and Magdalena Domingo i Selma, he was the commander of the Catalan State squads escamots d'Estat Català and belonged to Black Flag (Bandera Negra). He directed the Plot of Garraf that, in 1925, intended to kill Alfonso XIII and all his family, placing an explosive device at Garraf rail road, where the royal train would pass by. A traitor caused the plot to fail, and Perelló and his fellows were condemned to death penalty Later, their sentences were commutted to life sentence because the authorities didn't want them to become martyrs. When the dictatorship of Primo de Rivera fell (1930), they were set free.


While in jail at Penal de El Dueso he met Edelmira Valls i Puig, who participated in a huge national and international solidarity campaign for their liberation. Once he was set free they got married and had six children: Jordina (1931–1933); Carles (1932), mathematician and phD at UAB; Edelmira (1934) Frederic (1941–1942), Marcel·lí (1944) and Mercè (1947).

Political activity

Marcel·lí Perelló was the first Secretary of Estat Català, he also joined Nosaltres Sols! and Partit Català Proletari. His radical point of view turned him against Francesc Macià. During the Spanish Civil War, Perelló directed the Diari de Barcelona. In 1939 he and his family exiled to France, and went from there to Casablanca, and then to Mexico, reaching the Mexican shore 1942. Perelló worked recycling and selling old tools, and also participated actively in the Catalan independence movement abroad. He was an active member of Unió Catalana Independentista, very close to Grop Nacionalista Radical|Catalunya Grop from Santiago de Cuba under the direction of Salvador Carbonell i Puig.

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