- Mar Ukva
- For the Geonim sage, also an Exilarch, see: Mar Ukba.
- For the Amora sage of the 3d generation, also an Exilarch, see: Mar 'Ukban III (exilarch) [also known as "Ukban ben Nehemiah" or "Nathan de-Zuzita"].
Rabbinical Eras Mar Ukva [1] (or Mar Ukba [2]; other: Mar Ukva (I) [1]) was a Jewish Amora sage of Babylon, of the first generation of the Amora era. He served as an Exilarch during the days of Samuel of Nehardea, who was also his Rabbi, but at the same time, Samuel was subordinated to Mar Ukva in Ukva's capacity as "Av Beit Din" - Chief of the rabbinical Sanhedrin court, and its second-highest ranking member. He resided at Kafri city, Babylonia, where his "Beth din" - rabbinical court - was also located. According to the Iggeret Rav Sherira Gaon, he was appointed Exilarch after R. Huna Kamma died. In the Talmud it is storied that he was a righteous man and used to give "Tzedakah" ("Charity") anonymously, in order not to shame the needy he handed the charity to. As a disciple of Samuel of Nehardea, he also had knowledge in medicine.
- ^ a b Mar Ukva | מר עוקבא, Sages of the Talmud
- ^ Encyclopedia of Judaism: Mar Ukba
Amoraim Amoraim of Eretz Israel First Generation (Until 250 A.D): Gamaliel III | R. Hiyya | Rabbi Yannai | Hoshaiah Rabbah | Epes the Southerner | Joshua ben Levi | Hanina bar Hama | Levi ben Sisi | Bar Kappara | Jeremiah (I)Second Generation (Until 280 A.D): Judah II (Nesi'ah I) | Yochanan bar Nafcha | Shimon ben Lakish | Eleazar ben Pedat | Jose b. Hanina | Rav Kahana II | Jacob b. Idi | Hezekiah | Judah b. Hiyya | Abba of JaffaThird Generation (Until 310 A.D): Gamaliel IV | Rabbi Ammi | Rabbi Assi | Abbahu | Abin I | Hiyya bar Abba | Ulla | Rav Zeira | Rabbah bar bar Hana | Rabbi Ilai II | Rab 'Awira | Hanina b. Papi | Jose of Yokereth | Jeremiah (II) | Hoshaiah | Hanina | Abba bar Memel | Tachlifa the Palestinian | Avdimi of HaifaFourth Generation (Until 340 A.D): Hasa of Eshtemoa | Judah III (Nesi'ah II) | Jeremiah (III) | Rabbi Aha | Rabbi Berekiah | Jose b. Zevida | Rav Jonah | Rabbi Hilkiah | Zerika | Isaac b. EliashibFifth Generation (Until 380 A.D): Sixth Generation (Until 410 A.D): Amoraim of Babylon First Generation (Until 250 A.D): Second Generation (Until 280 A.D): Rav Huna | Judah ben Ezekiel | Rabbah b. Abuha | Jeremiah b. Abba | Rav Kahana II | Rav Berona | Hiyya b. Joseph | Rav Giddel | Hiyya b. Ashi | Raba Bar Jeremiah (Abba)Third Generation (Until 310 A.D): Rav Nachman | Sheshet | Rav Chisda | Rabbah bar Nahmani | Rav Yosef b. Hiyya | Raba bar Rav Huna | Joseph b. Hama | Ammi b. AbbaFourth Generation (Until 340 A.D): Abaye | Rava | Rami bar Hama | Aha b. Jacob | Rav Safra | Rav Kahana III | Idi b. Abin Naggara | Hiyya b. Abin Naggara | Rav Shizbi | Isaac b. Judah | Rabbah b. ShelaFifth Generation (Until 380 A.D): Rav Nachman bar Yitzchak | Rav Papa | Huna b. Joshua | Rav Zevid | Rav Papi | Amemar | Mar Zutra | Rav MesharshiyaSixth Generation (Until 430 A.D): Seventh Generation (Until 465 A.D): Eighth Generation (Until 500 A.D): Categories:- Talmud rabbis of Babylonia
- Exilarchs
- Judaism stubs
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