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"Amora" (Aramaic: אמורא; plural אמוראים, "Amora'im"; "those who say" or "those who tell over"), were renowned Jewish scholars who "said" or "told over" the teachings of the Oral law, from about 200 to 500 CE in Babylonia and the Land of Israel. Their legal discussions and debates were eventually codified in the Gemara. The "Amoraim" followed the "Tannaim" in the sequence of ancient Jewish scholars. The "Tannaim" were direct transmitters of uncodified oral tradition; the "Amoraim" expounded upon and clarified the oral law after its initial codification.

The Amoraic era

The first Babylonian "Amoraim" were Abba Arika, respectfully referred to as Rav, and his contemporary and frequent debate partner, Shmuel. Among the earliest "Amoraim" in Israel were Rabbi Yochanan and Shimon ben Lakish. Traditionally, the Amoraic period is reckoned as seven or eight generations (depending on where one begins and ends). The last "Amoraim" are generally considered to be Ravina I and Rav Ashi, and Ravina II, nephew of Ravina I, who codified the Babylonian Talmud around 500 CE.

In the Talmud itself, the singular "amora" generally refers to a lecturer's assistant; the lecturer would state his points briefly, and the "amora" would then repeat them aloud for the public's benefit, adding translation and clarification where needed.

Prominent Amoraim

The following is an abbreviated listing of the most prominent of the (hundreds of) "Amoraim" mentioned in the Talmud. More complete listings may be provided by some of the external links below. "See also ."

First generation (approx. 230250 CE)

* Abba Arika (d. 247), known as Rav, last "Tanna", first "Amora". Disciple of Judah haNasi. Moved from Israel to Babylonia (219). Founder and Dean of the Yeshiva at Sura.
* Shmuel (d. 254), disciple of Judah haNasi and others. Dean of the Yeshiva at Pumbedita.
* Joshua ben Levi (early 3rd century), headed the school of Lydda.
* Abba the Surgeon
* Bar Kappara

econd generation (approx. 250290 CE)

* Rav Huna (d. 297), disciple of Rav and Shmuel. Dean of the Yeshiva at Sura.
* Rav Yehudah (d. 299), disciple of Rav and Shmuel. Dean of the Yeshiva at Pumbedita.
* Adda bar Ahavah, (3rd and 4th centuries), disciple of Rav.
* Hillel, son of Gamaliel III (fl. early 3rd century), disciple and grandson of Judah haNasi, and younger brother of Judah II (Judah Nesiah).
* Judah II (fl. early 3rd century), disciple and grandson of Judah haNasi, and son and successor of Gamaliel III as Nasi. Sometimes called "Rabbi Judah Nesi'ah", and occasionally "Rebbi" like his grandfather.
* Resh Lakish (d. late 3rd century), disciple of Rabbi Yannai and others, and colleague of Rabbi Yochanan.
* Rabbi Yochanan (d. 279 or 289), disciple of Judah haNasi and Rabbi Yannai. Dean of the Yeshiva at Tiberias. Primary author of the Jerusalem Talmud.
*Samuel ben Nahman
*Shila of Kefar Tamarta
* Isaac Nappaḥa

Third generation (approx. 290320 CE)

* Rabbah (d. 320, disciple of Rav Huna and Rav Yehudah. Dean of the Yeshiva at Pumbedita.
* Rav Yosef (d. 323), disciple of Rav Huna and Rav Yehudah. Dean of the Yeshiva at Pumbedita.
*Rav Zeira (Palestine)
* Rav Chisda (d. 309), disciple of Rav, Shmuel, and Rav Huna. Dean of the Yeshiva at Sura.
*Simon (Shimeon) ben Pazzi
*Rav Sheshes
* Rav Nachman (d. 320), disciple of Rav, Shmuel, and Rabbah bar Avuha. Did not head his own yeshiva, but was a regular participant in the discussions at the Yeshivot of Sura and Mahuza.
* Rabbi Abbahu (d. early 4th century), disciple of Rabbi Yochanan. Dean of the Yeshiva in Caesarea.
* Hamnuna — Several rabbis in the Talmud bore this name, the most well-known being a disciple of Shmuel (fl. late 3rd century).
* Judah III (d. early 4th century), disciple of Rabbi Johanan bar Nappaha. Son and successor of Gamaliel IV as Nasi, and grandson of Judah II.
*Rabbi Ammi
*Rabbi Assi
* Hanina ben Pappa
* Rabbah bar Rav Huna
* Rami bar Hama

Fourth generation (approx. 320350 CE)

* Abaye (d. 339), disciple of Rabbah, Rav Yosef, and Rav Nachman. Dean of the Yeshiva in Pumbedita.
* Rava (d. 352), disciple of Rabbah, Rav Yosef, and Rav Nachman, and possibly Rabbi Yochanan. Dean of the Yeshiva at Mahuza.
* Hillel II (fl. c. 360). Creator of the present-day Hebrew calendar. Son and successor as Nasi of Judah Nesiah, grandson of Gamaliel IV.

Fifth generation (approx. 350371 CE)

* Rav Nachman bar Yitzchak (d. 356), disciple of Abaye and Rava. Dean of the Yeshiva at Pumbedita.
* Rav Papa (d. 371 or 375), disciple of Abaye and Rava. Dean of the Yeshiva at Naresh.
* Rav Kahana, teacher of Rav Ashi
* Rav Hama
* Rav Huna berai d'Rav Yehoshua

Sixth generation (approx. 371427 CE)

* Rav Ashi (d. 427, disciple of Abaye, Rava, and Rav Kahana. Dean of the Yeshiva in Mata Mehasia. Primary redactor of the Babylonian Talmud.
* Ravina I (d. 421), disciple of Abaye and Rava. Colleague of Rav Ashi in the Yeshiva at Mata Mehasia, where he assisted in the redaction of the Babylonian Talmud.

Seventh generation (approx. 425460 CE)


Eighth generation (approx. 460500 CE)

* Ravina II (d. 475 or 500), disciple of Ravina I and Rav Ashi. Dean of the Yeshiva at Sura. Completed the redaction of the Babylonian Talmud.


The "Stammaim" is a term that has been coined by some modern scholars for the rabbis who submitted anonymous comments on the Talmud, some of whom contributed during the period of the "Amoraim", but most who made their contributions after the amoraic period. []

External links

* [ Gemara in the Talmud Map] – University of Calgary
* [ Jewish Encyclopedia article for AMORA]
* [ Biographies of the Amoraim]

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