Bob Deutsch

Bob Deutsch

Dr. Robert (Bob) Deutsch is a cognitive anthropologist, consultant, and founder and president of Brain Sells, a strategic advisory practice that works with companies to reinvent how they assess the mind and mood of various publics (1992–present). From 1975-80 he lived with primitive cultures in New Guinea and Amazonia.

Deutsch earned a doctorate in cognitive neuroscience from the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, a Guggenheim Fellowship, an NIMH Post-doctoral Fellowship, and a Fellowship from The Max Planck Society of The Federal Republic of Germany. Afterwards, he conducted inter-disciplinary research in anthropology and cognition at Rutgers University Medical School.

From 1982-91 Deutsch worked in the US Department of State, advising on strategic communications and public diplomacy.

In 2007, Deutsch became a Senior Advisor in International Communications at The Center for the Study of the Presidency and Congress.

In 2010, Deutsch won a CICERO Award for best "Political Hot-Button" speech. The title of the winning speech was "Imagining 'the Other'."

As president of Brain Sells, Deutsch is a consultant, writer and speaker.


  • CICERO Awards, 2010 [1]
  • Deutsch, Bob, "Frugality, Authenticity, and Luxury" [2]
  • Deutsch, Bob, "A New Concept of Value" [3]
  • Deutsch, Bob, "Enemies of Creativity" [4]
  • Deutsch, Bob, "Marketers need to better understand creativity" [5]


External links

  • Blog on [6]
  • Brain Sells web site [7]
  • Twitter feed [8]

Luxury Society column, Fatto a Mano, the Seductiveness of Luxury

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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