- Gdynia Literary Prize
Prize winners' GLP A.D. 2008 during Grand Gala (from left: Adam Wiedemann, Piotr Marecki (who collected prize on behalf of Marian Pankowski) oraz Piotr MatywieckiMarian Pankowski during The Autumn Meetings with Winners of the GLP A.D. 2008
Gdynia Literary Prize (Polish: Nagroda Literacka Gdynia) is a Polish literary prize. It was established in 2006 by Wojciech Szczurek, mayor of Gdynia[1][2]
„The idea of Gdynia Literary Prize is to honour unique achievements of contemporary Polish authors which shall determine a strong and also permanent impulse to further intensify activities in literature and art in its broad meaning.[3]”
Gdynia Literary Prize is awarded annually to authors of the best books published in the previous year in the following categories:
- prose
- poetry
- essay
The list of nominees is announced in May during the International Book Fair (Międzynarowe Targi Książki)[4][5] in Warsaw. The prizes which consist of the "Literature Cube" statuette and 50.000 PLN are presented at the Grand Gala in June in Gdynia.
Since 2008 the Grand Gala is accompanied by „Literaturomanie” Days of Gdynia Literary Prize („Literaturomanie” Dni Nagrody Literackiej Gdynia).
Moreover, at the turn of October and November, The Autumn Meetings with Winners of the Gdynia Literary Prize take place. (Jesienne Spotkania z Laureatami Nagrody Literackiej Gdynia).
Public City Library (Miejska Biblioteka Publiczna) in Gdynia publishes „Literary Suplement. Gdynia Literary Prize Newspaper” magazine (“Dodatek Literacki. Gazeta Nagrody Literackiej Gdynia”).
Choices of both the nominees and winners is done by the members of GLP Chapter consisting of prominent experts. The members are: Agata Bielik-Robson, Marek Bieńczyk, Jerzy Jarniewicz, Zbigniew Kruszyński, Małgorzata Łukasiewicz, Aleksander Nawarecki, Violetta Trella (Chapter’s secretary) and chairman Piotr Śliwiński.
In previous years the members were: Alina Brodzka-Wald, Piotr Sommer, Paweł Śpiewak and Elżbieta Gwiazdowska (Chapter's secretary).
Prize winners
edition date prose poetry essay 1 [6] 7 December 2006 "Lubiewo" Michał Witkowski "Dzieje rodzin polskich" Eugeniusz Tkaczyszyn-Dycki "Zamiast" Marek Zaleski 2 [7][8] 29 November 2007 "Traktat o łuskaniu fasoli" Wiesław Myśliwski "Pełne morze" Wojciech Bonowicz "Projekt handlu kabardyńskimi końmi" Krzysztof Środa 3 [9][10] 14 June 2008 "Ostatni zlot aniołów" Marian Pankowski "Pensum" Adam Wiedemann "Twarz Tuwima" Piotr Matywiecki 4 [11][12] 13 czerwca 2009 Jedenaście Marcin Świetlicki Piosenka o zależnościach i uzależnieniach Eugeniusz Tkaczyszyn-Dycki Inne obrazy Maria Poprzęcka -
Eugeniusz Tkaczyszyn-Dycki, GLP's A.D. 2009 prize winner (poetry)
Marcin Świetlicki, GLP's A.D. 2009 prize winner (prose)
„Literaturomanie” Days of Gdynia Literary Prize
„Literaturomanie” Days of Gdynia Literary Prize (pl:Dni Nagrody Literackiej Gdynia „Literaturomanie”) - is the full name of two-day festival which debuted in 2008.[13][14] „Literaturomanie” is the first big, annual literary event in Tricity.
The event is meant for the enthusiasts of high culture in varied literary genres (poetry, prose, essay and commentary). Its goal is to enable the audience to meet with recognized authors with similar profiles of ambitious, contemporary literature (by trend, views, age, sex etc.). The guests who are invited conduct discussions, with each other and with the audience, on the most actual themes. The prominent critics and journalists from patronizing media take care of meritocracy of the debates.
Previous edition of festival
year date place 2008 13–14 June pl:Pomorski Park Naukowo-Technologiczny 2009 12–13 June pl:Teatr Miejski im. Witolda Gombrowicza w Gdyni Programs
Program of “Literaturomanie” 2008 was full of numerous events, such as:
- Author. Author! – meetings with leading Polish authors (the guests were: Wiesław Myśliwski, Eustachy Rylski, Leszek Szaruga, Jacek Żakowski).
- Literary Debates of „Gdynia” – meetings with nominees and readings of fragments of their books.
- Gdynia Drama Prize – presentation of fragments of winning drama and conversation with author.
- Music event – free of charge (Świetliki).
- Open Tournament of One Poem – a combination of poetry and performance during which competitors present their works while the jury (Wojciech Boros, Wojciech Bonowicz oraz Tadeusz Dąbrowski) judge their performance and present the winners (in previous editions: Patryk Dziczek, Joanna Herman, Maciej Kotłowski, Natalia Malek, Anna Wieser, Mariusz Więcek).
- Special movie screenings – and meetings with their creators („Jegomość Tischner i jego filozofia po góralsku”, creators: Witold Bereś, Artur Więcek).
- Second-book Fair – where the best collections can be found.
- Gdynia Literary Prize Vademecum – book stand where books of the nominees can be bought and signatures with dedications can be obtained.
- Poetry Workshops – free of charge classes for 10-15 people which are held by one of prize winners of the previous edition (in 2008 workshops were held by Wojciech Bonowicz).
Moreover, during the festival there are many open debates held with prominent guests such as: Stefan Chwin, Piotr Kłoczowski, Stanisław Rosiek, Krzysztof Środa, Jacek Żakowski.
In "Literaturomanie" 2009's program which took place on 12–13 June 2009 one could find:
- Author. Author! – meetings with leading Polish authors: Hanna Krall - meeting chaired by Paweł Huelle and Janusz Głowacki, chaired by - Remigiusz Grzela.
- Gdynia zaczytana - photos' exhibition.
- Gdynia Literary Prize Vademecum – book stand where books of the nominees can be bought and signatures with dedications can be obtained.
- Literary Debates of „Gdynia” - meetings with nominees chaired by literary critics and journalists: poetry - Michał Chaciński (TVP Kultura), prose - Andrzej Franaszek (Tygodnik Powszechny), essay - Łukasz Rudziński (trojmiasto.pl).
- Open Tournament of One Poem – third edition; combination of poetry and performance; jury: Leszek Szaruga, Anna Sobecka and Wojciech Boros.
- Prose workshops – free of charge, two-day classes for 10 people, held by Leszek Szaruga
- Second-book fair.
- Two decades of Polish literature - debate on Polish literature after year 1989; participants: Przemysław Czapliński, Ewa Graczyk, Leszek Szaruga, Adam Wiedemann and Marek Zaleski. Meeting chaired by Dariusz Bugalski.
Literaturomanie 2009 in pl:Teatr Miejski im. Witolda Gombrowicza w Gdyni
Hanna Krall, Paweł Huelle and Dorota Nowak
Janusz Głowacki signing his books
The Autumn Meetings with Winners of the Gdynia Literary Prize
The Autumn Meetings with Winners of the Gdynia Literary Prize (Jesienne Spotkania z Laureatami Nagrody Literackiej Gdynia) – is an event that is held at the turn of October and November which enables further meeting of the enthusiast of culture and art with the Gdynia Literary Prize winners.
Autumn Meetings with „Literaturomanie” Days of Gdynia Literary Prize are platforms where the audience can participate in casual conversations abort literature and listen to interpretations of winners’ books
Previous editions
year date guests 2008 12th Nov Adam Wiedemann[15] (meeting and II Open Tournament of One Poem)
13th Nov Piotr Matywiecki (meeting and interpretations by Jerzy Radziwiłowicz)
14th Nov Marian Pankowski[16] (meeting and interpretations by Krzysztof Majchrzak)
2009 TBA after presenting the winners of Gdynia Literary Prize 2009 -
Marian Pankowski - prose prizewinner
Interpretations by Krzysztof Majchrzak
- ^ UCHWAŁA nr XLI/971/06 RADY MIASTA GDYNI z 12 kwietnia 2006 roku. http://www.gdynia.pl/g2/uchwaly/04-41-971-06.doc.
- ^ "Nowa nagroda literacka". Wyborcza.pl. 5 May 2006. http://wyborcza.pl/1,75475,3262674.html. Retrieved 2009-04-20.
- ^ "Nagrody literackie na pokuszenie". Wyborcza.pl. 5 September 2007. http://wyborcza.pl/1,76842,4456843.html. Retrieved 2009-04-20.
- ^ "głoszono nominacje do Nagrody Literackiej Gdynia". Onet.pl. 15 May 2008. http://wiadomosci.onet.pl/1749560,19,item.html. Retrieved 2009-04-20.
- ^ "Targi książki po raz 54. już za dwa tygodnie". Wyborcza.pl. 5 May 2009. http://wyborcza.pl/1,94898,6574894,Targi_ksiazki_po_raz_54__juz_za_dwa_tygodnie.html. Retrieved 2009-05-12.
- ^ "Laureaci Nagrody Literackiej Gdynia". Onet.pl. 7 December 2006. http://wiadomosci.onet.pl/1446853,19,item.html. Retrieved 2009-04-20.
- ^ "Laureaci II edycji Nagrody Literackiej "Gdynia"". Onet.pl. 30 November 2007. http://czytelnia.onet.pl/0,1650285,0,0,0,laureaci_ii_edycji_nagrody_literackiej_gdynia,wiadomosci.html. Retrieved 2009-04-20.
- ^ "Laureaci II edycji Nagrody Literackiej "Gdynia"". Gazeta.pl. 29 November 2007. http://wiadomosci.gazeta.pl/Wiadomosci/1,80708,4720244.html. Retrieved 2009-04-20.
- ^ "Laureaci Nagrody Literackiej Gdynia". Onet.pl. 15 June 2008. http://wiadomosci.onet.pl/1769635,19,item.html. Retrieved 2009-04-20.
- ^ "Laureaci Nagrody Literackiej Gdynia". Gazeta.pl. 14 June 2008. http://wiadomosci.gazeta.pl/Wiadomosci/1,80708,5313876,Laureaci_Nagrody_Literackiej_Gdynia.html. Retrieved 2009-04-20.
- ^ "Nagroda Literacka Gdynia dla Tkaczyszyn-Dyckiego, Świetlickiego i Poprzęckiej". Wyborcza.pl. 15 June 2009. http://wyborcza.pl/1,75475,6717098,Laureaci_Nagrody_Literackiej_Gdynia.html. Retrieved 2009-06-15.
- ^ "Nagroda Literacka Gdynia wręczona". Polska.pl. 14 June 2009. http://wiadomosci.polska.pl/kultura/article,Nagroda_Literacka_Gdynia_wreczona,id,380789.htm. Retrieved 2009-06-15.
- ^ "Nagroda literacka Gdynia 2008". Polskie Radio Online. 12 June 2008. http://www.polskieradio.pl/dwojka/dwojkapoleca/artykul54354.html. Retrieved 2009-03-21.
- ^ "Nagroda Gdynia ma wzięcie". Gazeta Wyborcza. 1 May 2008. http://miasta.gazeta.pl/trojmiasto/1,87984,5173317.html. Retrieved 2009-03-21.
- ^ "Rok Wiedemanna? Rozmowa z laureatem Nagrody Literackiej Gdynia". trojmiasto.pl. 12 November 2008. http://kultura.trojmiasto.pl/Rok-Wiedemanna-Rozmowa-z-laureatem-Nagrody-Literackiej-Gdynia-n30410.html. Retrieved 2009-04-20.
- ^ "O książce, życiu i aniołach - rozmowa z laureatem Nagrody Literackiej Gdynia". trojmiasto.pl. 14 November 2008. http://kultura.trojmiasto.pl/O-ksiazce-zyciu-i-aniolach-rozmowa-z-laureatem-Nagrody-Literackiej-Gdynia-n30448.html. Retrieved 2009-04-20.
External links
Categories:- Gdynia
- Polish literary awards
- Awards established in 2006
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.