Paweł Huelle

Paweł Huelle

Paweł Huelle (b. September 10, 1957 in Gdańsk, Poland) is a Polish prose writer.

Huelle studied philology at Gdańsk University, and later became a journalist. He worked for a time for the press service of Solidarność (Solidarity). He has also taught literature, philosophy, and history. He was director of the Polish Television in his home town from 1994 to 1999.

His literary debut came in 1987 with "Weiser Dawidek", made into a film, "Weiser", by Wojciech Marczewski in 2000.


*"Weiser Dawidek" (1987) (trans. "Who was David Weiser?")
*"Opowiadania na czas przeprowadzki" (1991)
*"Wiersze" (1994)
*"Pierwsza miłość i inne opowiadania" (1996)
*"Mercedes-Benz. Z listów do Hrabala." (2001)
*"Hans Castorp w Sopocie. Zaginiony rozdział z 'Czarodziejskiej Góry"' (2002)
*"Byłem samotny i szczęśliwy" (2002)
*"Ostatnia Wieczerza" (2007)

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