- Daniel Micka
Daniel Micka (born 1963 in Prague) is a Czech writer and translator from English.
His stories have been published in a range of Czech literary periodicals. The Petrov publishing house has published two collections of his stories, and his next collection was produced by dybbuk publishers (first as an e-book). Some of his stories have been translated and published in foreign literary anthologies and magazines.
Apart from writing he has also translated texts for Czechoslovak Television and the company Alfafilm.
Daniel Micka, in addition to writing prose now dedicates himself to translating, in particular psychological and religious books, from English into Czech for various publishers. He also works as a book editor. He lives and works in Prague in the Czech Republic.
Magazine articles
Individual Micka's stories have been published since 1992 in Tvar,[1] Literární noviny,[2] Vokno,[3] Iniciály,[4] Revolver Revue[5] etc.[6] literary magazines.
The supplement of Tvar – TVARy – also published a small collection of stories:
- Strach z lidí. [Fear of People.] Series TVARy, vol. 2. 1995. in Tvar 6 (2): 1–32 (suppl.). 1995-01-26.
- Hledání člověka. [Looking for Someone.] Series TVARy, vol. 19. 2004. in Tvar 15 (19): 1–32 (suppl.). 2004-11-18. ISSN 0862-657X.
Published books
- Samou láskou člověka sníst. [Overwhelmed by Love for Someone.] Brno: Petrov. 1996. ISBN 80-85247-72-0.
- – A collection of twenty three short stories expressing the feelings of a lonely man who finds the courage to approach people but looks for his place in life in vain; the main theme of these stories is finally death and the indifference to others and their indifference to the individual.
- Strach z lidí. [Fear of People.] Brno: Petrov. 2001. ISBN 80-7227-097-4.
- – A collection of forty two stories on various themes linked by the feeling of the rootlessness and groping of a man – his embarrassment over his life and interpersonal relations, his fear of other people; the book is in stark contrast to the first but is in fact a continuation.
- Hledání člověka a sny o milování se s ním. [Looking for Someone and Dreaming About Making Love to Them.] Praha : dybbuk. 2011. ISBN 978-80-7438-042-6.
- – The next collection of short stories is based on extraordinary experiences of the narrator, who appears in them in a range of unusual forms but in an unchangeable role; the literary and existential testimony of an individual looking for someone and dreaming about making love to them.
Published in anthologies
- "Exkurse" (in Czech). in Kopáč, Radim; Jirkalová, Karolína; et al. (eds.) (2004). Antologie nové české literatury 1995–2004. [Anthology of New Czech Literature 1995–2004.] Praha: Fra. pp. 209–213. ISBN 80-86603-22-9.
Translated into foreign languages
- "Illusorinen murha" (in Finnish, translated by Eero Balk). Parnasso (Helsinki) 44 (3): 322. 1994-09. ISSN 0031-2320.[8]
- "Ystäväkauppa" (in Finnish, translated by Eero Balk). Bohemia (Helsinki) (1). 2004. ISSN 1456-9493.[9]
- "Verhalen : Adoptie; Ontsnapping; Zoenen van een egel in een kooi" (in Dutch, translated by Herbert van Lynden). Tijdschrift voor Slavische Literatuur (Amsterdam) (48): 36–47. 2007-12. ISSN 0922-1182.[10]
- "W poszukiwaniu człowieka" (in Polish, translated by Barbara Kudaj). Czeskie Revue (Racibórz-Ostróg) [online]. 2005. Available online (archived link) – three stories from the collection Hledání člověka [Looking for Someone] (2004).
Translations from English into Czech
- Wilde, Stuart (1994). Kormidluj svůj člun. [Affirmations.] Praha: Erika, Petra. ISBN 80-85612-78-X.
- Peale, Norman Vincent (1996). Síla pozitivního žití. [The Power of Positive Living.] Praha: Pragma, Knižní klub. ISBN 80-7176-450-7, ISBN 80-7205-059-1.
- Baker, Stephen[disambiguation needed
] (1997). Jak žít s neurotickou kočkou. [How to Live with a Neurotic Cat.] Praha: Pragma. ISBN 80-7205-385-X.
- Skolimowski, Henryk (2001). Účastná mysl : nová teorie poznání a vesmíru. [The Participatory Mind : A New Theory of Knowledge and of the Universe.] Praha: Mladá fronta. ISBN 80-204-0918-1.
- Gray, John (2004). Dvě tváře liberalismu. [Two Faces of Liberalism.] Praha: Mladá fronta. ISBN 80-204-0992-0.
- Helminiak, Daniel A. (2004). Ježíš Kristus : kým byl/je doopravdy. [The Same Jesus : A Contemporary Christology.] Praha: Práh. ISBN 80-7252-105-5.
- Jampolsky, Gerald G. (2004). Léčivá moc lásky : sedm principů atitudálního léčení. [Teach Only Love : The Seven Principles of Attitudinal Healing.] Praha: Pragma. ISBN 80-7205-145-8.
- White, Gregory L.; Mullen, Paul E. (2006). Žárlivost : teorie, výzkum a klinické strategie. [Jealousy : Theory, Research, and Clinical Strategies.] Praha: Triton. ISBN 80-7254-708-9.
- Helminiak, Daniel A. (2007). Co vlastně Bible říká o homosexualitě? [What the Bible Really Says About Homosexuality.] Brno: Centrum pro studium demokracie a kultury (CDK). ISBN 978-80-7325-122-2.
- Masson, Jeffrey Moussaieff (2007). Útok na pravdu : Freudovo potlačení teorie svádění. [The Assault on Truth : Freud’s Suppression of the Seduction Theory.] Praha: Mladá fronta. ISBN 978-80-204-1640-7.
- Slipp, Samuel (2007). Freudovská mystika : Freud, ženy a feminismus. [The Freudian Mystique : Freud, Women, and Feminism.] Praha: Triton. ISBN 978-80-7254-891-0.
- Wolff, Larry (2007). Týrání a zneužívání dětí ve Vídni v době Freuda (korespondenční lístky z konce světa). [Child Abuse in Freud's Vienna : Postcards from the End of the World.] Praha: Triton. ISBN 978-80-7254-869-9.
- Dreger, Alice Domurat (2009). Hermafroditi a medicínská konstrukce pohlaví. [Hermaphrodites and the Medical Invention of Sex.] Praha: Triton. ISBN 978-80-7387-040-9.
- Sengoopta, Chandak (2009). Otto Weininger : sexualita a věda v císařské Vídni. [Otto Weininger : Sex, Science, and Self in Imperial Vienna.] Praha: Academia. ISBN 978-80-200-1753-6.
- Awards and nominations
- Translation of the book Chandak Sengoopta Otto Weininger, Sex, Science, and Self in Imperial Vienna was nominated for the Academia Publishing House Prize for the translation of scientific or non-fiction work in 2009.[11]
- Wernisch, Ivan (1994). Pekařova noční nůše. Brno: Petrov. p. 129. ISBN 80-85247-52-6.
- Machala, Lubomír (1996). Průvodce po nových jménech české poezie a prózy 1990–1995. Olomouc: Rubico. pp. 27, 107. ISBN 80-85839-13-X.
- ^ Tvar 14 (9): 12. 2003-05-01. ISSN 0862-657X.
- ^ Literární noviny, Vol. 3 (25): 9; (27): 9; (31): 9; (49): 9. 1992. – Vol. 4 (4): 8; (9): 8; (19): 9. 1993 – Vol. 5 (2): 9; (19): 8; (27): 8–9. 1994 – Vol. 6 (24): 8; (38): 9. 1995 – Vol. 7 (1): 9; (19): 12; (21): 13; (26): 11; (27): 11. 1996 – Vol. 8 (8): 12; (34): 13. 1997 – Vol. 9 (16): 13. 1998. ISSN 1210-0021.
- ^ Vokno (24): 77–78. 1992-07. – (25): 68–69. 1992-09. ISSN 0862-7711.
- ^ Iniciály. Sešity nezavedené literatury IV (32): 5–6. 1993. ISSN 0862-6324.
- ^ Revolver Revue (27): 60–68. 1994-11. ISSN 1210-2881.
- ^ e.g. X-INK magazine (5): 30–31. 1994-06. ISSN 1210-7484.
- ^ dybbuk publishers Hledání člověka… (e-book) – Currently unavailable online (http://www.dybbuk.cz/download/e05-micka.pdf), annotation – archived link
- ^ Finnish literary magazine Parnasso (Helsinki) – www.parnasso.fi
- ^ Finnish Society Bohemia (Helsinki) magazine Bohemia (contents) magazine Bohemia (contents)
- ^ Dutch Magazine of Slavonic Literature TSL (Amsterdam): contents TSL 29–57
- ^ Academia Publishing House Academia Publishing House Prizes 2009
External links
- Czech Literature Portal – about the author, excerpts from his work in Czech
- Petrov publishing house – about the author in Czech
- Czeskie Revue – three stories in Polish
Categories:- 1963 births
- Living people
- Czech writers
- Czech translators
- English–Czech translators
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