Dangoh Khurd

Dangoh Khurd
Dangoh Khurd
—  town  —
Dangoh Khurd
Location of Dangoh Khurd
in Himachal Pradesh and India
Coordinates 31°47′17″N 75°59′38″E / 31.788°N 75.994°E / 31.788; 75.994Coordinates: 31°47′17″N 75°59′38″E / 31.788°N 75.994°E / 31.788; 75.994
Country India
State Himachal Pradesh
District(s) Una
Time zone IST (UTC+05:30)

Dangoh Khurd or Pirthipur is a small village in Una District of Himachal Pradesh. The Postal Index Number of the village is 177204.[1] It lies approx 3 km from Daulatpur Chownk on Una Talwara Road, 12 km from Mubarakpur and falls under Tehsil Amb of Una District. The village has produced many officers who have served Government of India & Government of Himachal Pradesh. The village is approx. 50 km from the Nangal side of the state of Punjab in India. The village has plain lands on one side, mountains on other side and has a rivulet flowing through it.



The Location of the village by name of Dangoh Khas is available on yahoo maps.[2]

Vill Pirthipur is approx 2 km to right of Daulatpur Chowk[3][4]

Population data

The village has approximately 61 households containing 302 persons as per Census of India.[5][6][7][8][9] The village has sizeable population of Dogra Brahmins. The village has a Zila Panchyat.[10]


Daulatpur Near Dangoh Khurd has DAV High School recognised by HimachalPradesh Education Board.[11] The Village has a nearby Govt High School at Daulat Pur Chowk also.[12]

Economy and general facts

The land is predominantly agricultural in nature. The main crops are wheat, rice, maize and in some areas medicinal plants are being grown. The India Post Pin Code of the village is 177204.[13] The famous Chintpurni Temple is approx 50 KM from the village.[14] Indian Railways have plans to link this village with District Headquarters of Una through Chandigarh. The State Bank of Patiala and Punjab National Bank are having branches at approx 2 km from the Village at Daulatpur,.[15][16]

See also


  1. ^ PIN No.
  2. ^ Yahoomaps
  3. ^ http://hpuna.nic.in/maps.htm
  4. ^ Livemaps
  5. ^ Census of India
  6. ^ Villagesofindia.org
  7. ^ Punjab Revenue
  8. ^ Una District
  9. ^ Indian Census
  10. ^ Zila Panchyat
  11. ^ HP Education Board
  12. ^ GHS
  13. ^ http://www.indiapost.gov.in/pin/pinsearch.aspx
  14. ^ http://himachal.nic.in/tour/relig.htm
  15. ^ State Bank of Patiala
  16. ^ Punjab National bank


  1. http://www.censusindia.gov.in/Population_Finder/Population_Finder.aspx?Name=Dangoh%20Khurd&Criteria=V
  2. http://hpeducationboard.nic.in/Affiliatedschoolsession2008-09.htm
  3. http://www.indiapost.gov.in/pin/pinsearch.aspx
  4. http://himachal.nic.in/tour/relig.htm
  5. http://hpuna.nic.in/maps.htm
  6. http://sbp.co.in/demobranch.jsp?searchTypeOption=state&searchText=HIMACHAL%20PRADESH&action=state
  7. http://www.pnbindia.com/searchB1.asp
  8. http://in.maps.yahoo.com/#?lat=31.7864056&lon=76.0024738&z=4
  9. http://ourvillageindia.org/Place.aspx?PID=195843
  10. http://punjabrevenue.nic.in/cust10.htm
  11. http://www.638387.org/districts/una.htm
  12. http://offerings.nic.in/directory/adminreps/viewpansum.asp?selstate=2&pno=62&ptype=V&parenttype=S
  13. http://ddws.gov.in/bnp_hab/rep_cap99_habdetail_dtwise.asp?head=3&scode=13&dcode=1304&catcode=CAP99&hab='NC','PC'
  14. http://india#gov#in/outerwin#htm?id=http://gis#nic#in/cen
  15. http://hpeducationboard#nic#in/ExamCentreMarch-06#htm
  16. http://www#indiapost#gov#in/pin/pinsearch#aspx
  17. http://maps#live#com/default#aspx?v=2&FORM=LMLTCP&cp=31#784217~76#019897&style=r&lvl=11&tilt=-90&dir=0&alt=-1000&phx=0&phy=0&phscl=1&trfc=1&encType=1

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  • Dangoh Khurd, Pirthipur, Una(HP) — Pirthipur is a small village in Una District of Himachal Pradesh. The Postal Index Number of the village is 177204 [PIN No.] . This Village is also known by the name as Dangoh Khurd. It lies approx 3 km from Daulatpur Chownk on Una Talwara Road,… …   Wikipedia

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