CTT Correios de Portugal, S.A.

CTT Correios de Portugal, S.A.
CTT - Correios de Portugal, S.A.
Type Government Enterprise
Industry Mail
Founded 1520 as Correio Público (Public Post Office)
Headquarters Lisbon, Portugal
Key people Luís Nazaré, Chairman & CEO
Website www.ctt.pt
A CTT mail delivery vehicle
A CTT traditional mail box
A CTT local post office

CTT Correios de Portugal, S.A.—meaning Postal Services of Portugal, plc—is the national postal service of Portugal. The acronym CTT comes from Correios, Telégrafos e Telefones—Post, Telegraph and Telephone—the former name of the postal administration. CTT has become a public limited company in 1991, but all the capital is still controlled by the Portuguese government.

In 2007, CTT started to offer a mobile phone service in Portugal, under the brand name Phone-ix.

CTT was also the designation of the postal services of the former Portuguese Colonies. It is still the designation of the Macau Postal Service.

The CTT group

The CTT group includes the following subsidiaries:

CTT Correios: national and international regular mail delivering company;
CTT Expresso: national and international express mail service;
Mailtec: management and information systems research & development company;
PostContacto: non addressed mail delivering company;
Campos Envelopagem: direct marketing and editorial mail company;
PayShop: utility services pay net service;
Phone-ix: mobile communications operator;
Tourline Express: express mail service (Spain).


  • 1520: King Manuel I creates the public mail service of Portugal, the Correio PúblicoPublic Post Office.
  • 1533: the first postal service regulation in Portugal.
  • 1753: the first financial mails regulations in Portugal.
  • 1821: the beginning of house-to-house mail delivering in Portugal.
  • 1880: the fusion of the Post Office and the Telegraphs Department in one single service, the Department of Posts, Telegraphs and LighthousesDirecção-Geral de Correios, Telégraphos e Faróis.
  • 1911: the department received administrative and financial autonomy from the Portuguese State and become the General Administration of Posts, Telegraphs and TelephonesAdministração-Geral dos Correios, Telégrafos e Telefones—adopting the CTT acronym which was kept until today, even after the several changes of official name.
  • 1953: CTT adopts the horse rider logo. The logo represents an ancient postman rider of the CTT, announcing his arrival with a bugle. The logo was reformed three times, the last one in 2004.
  • 1969: CTT becomes a State Company, adopting the name CTT Correios e Telecomunicações de PortugalCTT Posts and Telecommunications of Portugal.
  • 1992: the telecommunications service is separated from the CTT, becoming an autonomous company. At the same time, CTT become a public limited company (with all shares owned by the Portuguese government), adopting the name CTT Correios de PortugalCTT Posts of Portugal.

External links

  • CTT official website

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