Cornelis Kruseman

Cornelis Kruseman
Cornelis Kruseman

Self portrait, 1812
Born 25 September 1797(1797-09-25)
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Died 14 November 1857(1857-11-14) (aged 60)
Lisse, The Netherlands
Nationality Dutch
Field Painting

Cornelis Kruseman (Amsterdam, 25 September 1797Lisse, 14 November 1857) was a Dutch painter.

Cornelis Kruseman was born in 1797 in Amsterdam as the son of Alexander Hendrik Kruseman (17651829) and Cornelia Bötger. He continued to live in that city until he travelled to Switzerland and Italy in 1821. Eventually he ended up in Paris. In 1825, after his return to the Netherlands, he settled in 's Gravenhage (The Hague). On 3 October 1832 he married Henriette Angelique Meijer. In 1841 he left for Italy again; he would stay there for six years. Thus he is also called the "Italian Kruseman". From 1847 to 1854 he lived in 's Gravenhage (The Hague), and after that in Lisse until his death.

From the age of fourteen Cornelis Kruseman attended the Amsterdamse Tekenacademie and received tuition from Charles Howard Hodges (17641837), Petrus Antonius Ravelli (17881861) and Jean Augustin Daiwaille (17861850).

His oeuvre consists of portraits, biblical subjects and Italian scenes. In 1826 he published a travel account of his journey to Italy, entitled Aanteekingen van C. Kruseman, betrekkelijk deszelfs kunstreis en verblijf in Italië. He has been honoured for his work in several ways. In 1831 he was appointed a Knight in the Orde van de Nederlandse Leeuw (Order of the Dutch Lion) and in 1847 as Commander in the Ordre de la Couronne de Chêne (Order of the de Oak Crown), a Luxembourg order installed in 1841 by King Willem II, Grand Duke of Luxembourg. In 1917 a street, the Cornelis Krusemanstraat, was named after him in Amsterdam, in 1954 in Eindhoven, and in 1956 in Leeuwarden. The Krusemanstraat in Ede was also named after Cornelis Kruseman, in 1981. Some of his many students included his second cousin Jan Adam Kruseman (18041862) and Herman Frederik Carel ten Kate (18221891).

In 1996 Mrs J.M.C. Ising (19 July 18996 October 1996), a descendant of Johannes Diederik Kruseman (16 March 179413 January 1861), the brother of Cornelis Kruseman, established the foundation Cornelis Kruseman - J.M.C. Ising Stichting, the Cornelis Kruseman Stichting for short. The foundations objective is to gain more recognition for the work of Cornelis Kruseman and his painting relatives.


  • Westrheene Wz., T. van (1859) "C. Kruseman, zijn leven en werken", Kunstkronijk 20 pp916.
  • Heteren, M. van, Meere, J. de (1998) Fredrik Marinus Kruseman (18161882)Painter of pleasing landscapes, Schiedam: Scriptum, p112.
  • Website of the Cornelis Kruseman Stichting

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