Maximum-entropy Markov model

Maximum-entropy Markov model

In machine learning, a maximum-entropy Markov model (MEMM), or conditional Markov model (CMM), is a graphical model for sequence labeling that combines features of hidden Markov models (HMMs) and maximum entropy (MaxEnt) models. An MEMM is a discriminative model that extends a standard maximum entropy classifier by assuming that the unknown values to be learned are connected in a Markov chain rather than being conditionally independent of each other. MEMMs find applications in natural language processing, specifically in part-of-speech tagging[1] and information extraction.[2]

MEMMs potentially suffer from the "label bias problem," where states with low-entropy transition distributions "effectively ignore their observations." Conditional random fields were designed to overcome this weakness.[3]


  1. ^ Toutanova, Kristina; Manning, Christopher D. (2000). "Enriching the Knowledge Sources Used in a Maximum Entropy Part-of-Speech Tagger". Proc. J. SIGDAT Conf. on Empirical Methods in NLP and Very Large Corpora (EMNLP/VLC-2000). pp6370. 
  2. ^ McCallum, Andrew; Freitag, Dayne; Pereira, Fernando (2000). "Maximum Entropy Markov Models for Information Extraction and Segmentation". Proc. ICML 2000. pp591598. 
  3. ^ Lafferty, John; McCallum, Andrew; Pereira, Fernando (2001). "Conditional Random Fields: Probabilistic Models for Segmenting and Labeling Sequence Data". Proc. ICML 2001. 

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