Commodore 1351

Commodore 1351

The Mouse 1351 is a mouse made by Commodore in 1986, which can directly be plugged into the 9-pin control port of a C64/128/D/DCR.



Commodore 1351 mouse

The Commodore Mouse 1351 has two buttons on the upper side and a ball on the bottom side. It works in two operating modes: the joystick mode and the proportional mode. The operating mode is decided when the computer is switched on: when the right mouse button is pressed, the mouse goes into the joystick mode, otherwise (default) into the proportional mode.

The "Mouse 1351" contained next to the manual also a Test/Demo-Diskette.

Joystick mode

The joystick mode enables the use of the mouse with every joystick-compatible software. It is also provided as a "reserve" for the case when the used software does not support the proportional mode.

Proportional mode

The proportional mode needs a special driver program in machine language to unfold its full abilities. Here the mouse works as followed:

1. Every movement is registered inside the mouse. The current position is transfered modulo 64 every 512 micro seconds to the SID registers POTX (for the x-position) and POTY (for the y-position), without the need of software.

Register assignment:

Bit position 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
POT register X P5 P4 P3 P2 P1 P0 N


X ....... bit not used
P5-P0 ... mouse position modulo 64
N ....... special (noise) bit

2. The left mouse button is connected as a joystick fire button.

3. The right mouse button is connected to the contact of the upward movement of the joystick.

source: 1351 Mouse User's Manual


The "Commodore 1351 MOUSE User's manual" contains information about the mouse and the software interface in eight languages, as well as English listings for mouse driver and a pin-out.


Deutsch .............................. Seite 1-13
Francais ............................. Page 15-23
English .............................. Page 25-33
Italiano ........................... Pagina 35-43
Español ............................ Página 45-54 
Nederlands ......................... Pagina 55-64
Dansk ................................ Side 65-73
Svenska ............................. Sidan 75-80
Basic and machine language programs for 1351 mouse and C 64 ..... Page 81-86
Basic and machine language programs for 1351 mouse and C 128 .... Page 87-92
1351 Mouse Pin-Out ................... Page 93

Contents of the test/demo disk or utility disk

The content of the first side was an English menu program for the C64/128, which contained a standard and a more advanced driver as well as a short demo program for testing the mouse.

Side 1:

5   Startup.102486 PRG
3   COMM 1351      USR
1   MOUSE64.BAS    PRG
2   MOUSE64.BIN    PRG
7   MOUSE64.SRC    SEQ
2   M1351.64.BAS   PRG
2   M1351.64.BIN   PRG
11  M1351.64.SRC   SEQ
5   DATA64         PRG
6   DEMO64         PRG
2   MOUSE128.BAS   PRG
1   MOUSE128.BIN   PRG
7   MOUSE128.SRC   SEQ
4   M1351.128.BAS  PRG
2   M1351.128.BIN  PRG
12  M1351.128.SRC  SEQ
5   DATA128        PRG
6   DEMO128        PRG
3   SPRITES.0E00   PRG

Side 2:

GEOS Upgrade
18  upgrader        USR<

On side 2 is the GEOS upgrade to version 1.3 (1986) by Berkley Softworks for the Commodore 64C


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