Collision avoidance system

Collision avoidance system
This article is about collision avoidance in automobiles; for other modes, see collision avoidance (disambiguation).

A collision avoidance system is a system of sensors that is placed within a car to warn its driver of any dangers that may lie ahead on the road. Some of the dangers that these sensors can pick up on include how close the car is to other cars surrounding it, how much its speed needs to be reduced while going around a curve, and how close the car is to going off the road. The system uses sensors that send and receive signals from things like other cars, obstacles in the road, traffic lights, and even a central database are placed within the car and tell it of any weather or traffic precautions. A situation that provides a good example of how the system works is when a driver is about to change lanes, and there is a car in his blind spot. The sensors will detect that car and inform the driver before he starts turning, preventing him from potentially getting into a serious accident.


Significant applications

Collision avoidance systems are especially useful in bad weather conditions. The sensors in the car would be capable of detecting the poor conditions and would inform the driver on how to drive in them. For example, because fog affects visibility, the sensors would recognize this and alert the driver of any dangers that lie ahead, like a windy turn or another car, giving the driver enough time to slow down, allowing him to escape from what could have been a bad accident. Ongoing research focuses also on collision avoidance during night with aid from IR-sensors.

Cost analysis

A study done in 1993 on a seventy-seven gigahertz monolithic transmitter and millimeter wave technology gave some hopeful insights on the cost-effectiveness of collision avoidance systems. “This module, due to its small size, light weight and low production costs, is a significant advance in millimeter wave technology from traditional waveguide hybrid approaches and it now makes collision avoidance radars affordable.”(Raffaelli) As this study was done in 1993, it shows that collision avoidance systems, although very advanced, are not as expensive as one might perceive.

List of Cars with Collision Avoidance Available

(As of 2010)

These cars have a "pre-collision system" that applies brakes and retracts seatbelts but does not prepare brakes:

Importance of safe driving

Even the best collision avoidance systems can not be solely relied upon completely, and cannot substitute for safe driving habits.


  • Raffaelli, Lamberto, Earle Stewart, Robert Quimby, John Borelli, Art Geissberger, and Dan Palmieri. "Low Cost 77 GHz Monolithic Transmitter for Automotive collision avoidance systems." Diss. 1993. Abstract. Proc 1993 IEEE Microwave Millimeter Wave Monolithic Circ Symp (1993): 63-66.
  • Grosch, Theodore O. "Radar Sensors for Automotive Collision Warning and Avoidance." Diss. Abstract. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 2463 (1995): 239-247.
  • Khattak, Asad J., Paula Kantor, and Forrest M. Council. "Role of Adverse Weather in Key Crash Types on Limited-access Roadways." Transportation Research Record 1621 (1998): 10-19. Compendex. 21 Nov. 2005.
  • Smith, Emily T. "Keep Your Eye on the Road- Your Radar Eye." Business Week 3303 (1993): 67. Academic Search Premier. 21 Nov. 2005.

See also

External links

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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