
Category Carbides
Chemical formula (Fe,Ni,Co)3C
Strunz classification 01.BA.05
Molar mass 183.04 gm
Crystal system Orthorhombic - Dipyramidal
Cleavage good
Fracture Brittle
Mohs scale hardness 5.56
Luster Metallic
Diaphaneity Opaque
Density 7.27.65
Other characteristics Strongly magnetic
References [1][2]

Cohenite is a naturally occurring iron mineral with the chemical structure (Fe, Ni, Co)3C. This forms a hard, shiny, silver mineral which was named by E. Weinschenk in 1889 after the German mineralogist Emil Cohen, who first described and analysed it. Cohenite is found in rod-like crystals in iron meteorites. [3]

On Earth Cohenite is stable only in rocks which formed in a strongly reducing environment and contain native iron deposits. Such conditions existed in some places where molten magmas invaded coal deposits, e.g. on Disco Island in Greenland, or at the Bühl near Kassel in Germany.

Similar ironcarbides occur also in technical iron alloys and are called cementite.


  1. ^ Cohenite Page
  2. ^ Cohenite Page
  3. ^ Vagn F. Buchwald: Handbook of Iron Meteorites. University of California Press, 1975

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