- Kinotannic acid
Kinotannic acid Other namesCoccotannic acid
kino-tannic acidProperties Molecular formula C18H18O8[1] acid (verify) (what is:
Except where noted otherwise, data are given for materials in their standard state (at 25 °C, 100 kPa)Infobox references Kinotannic acid is the chief constituent of the kino gum, of which it contains 70 to 80 per cent. Kino also contains kino red, a phlobaphene produced from kinotannic acid by oxidation[2]. It is closely related to the tannin from catechu; its non-glucosidal nature was established by Bergholz[3][4].
Carbohydrates Types Ellagitannins | Gallotanninsunclassified Chebulagic acid | Chebulinic acid | Cinchotannic acid | Combreglutinin | Flavogallonic acid | Flavogallonic acid dilactone | Geraniin | Granatin B | Hipophaenin D | Isostrictinin | Kinotannic acid | Stachyurin | Stenophyllanin A | Strictinin | Tannic acid | Tercatin | Tergallagin | Theograndins I and II | Vescalin | Valoneic acid | Valoneic acid dilactone | Vescavaloneic acid/Castavaloneic acidOther Tannin sources | TannateThis article about a polyphenolic compound is a stub. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it.