
Cipura flava
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Plantae
Division: Magnoliophyta
Class: Liliopsida
Order: Asparagales
Family: Iridaceae
Subfamily: Iridoideae
Tribe: Tigridieae
Genus: Cipura

Hist. Pl. Guiane 1: 38 (1775).

Type species
Cipura paludosa

See text.

Cipura is a small genus of perennial, herbaceous and bulbous plants in the Iris family (Iridaceae). The genus consists in 8 species widespread distributed in tropical Central and South America. It is closely related to the larger genus Cypella.



Perennial plants with 20 to 50 cm in height (up to 1 m in Cipura gigas) and lanceolate and plicate leaves. The flowers are actinomorphic, usually white, rarelly light blue. The outer whorl of tepals has a different shape and morphology than the inner whorl. Basic chromosome number in Cipura is x=7. C. xanthomelas and C. rupicola, are tetraploid species with 2n = 4x = 28 chromosomes.

List of species

The list of Cipura species, with their complete name and authority, and their geographic distribution is given below. [1] The best known is Cpaludosa, a widely distributed species occurring in tropical South America, Central America, and the West Indies.[2]

  • Cipura campanulata Ravenna, Revista Inst. Munic. Bot. 2: 51 (1964). Mexico to Brazil.
  • Cipura formosa Ravenna, Onira 1: 36 (1988). Brazil.
  • Cipura gigas Celis, Goldblatt & Betancur, Novon 13: 420 (2003). Colombia to Venezuela.
  • Cipura insularis Ravenna, Onira 1: 42 (1988). W. Cuba.
  • Cipura paludosa Aubl., Hist. Pl. Guiane 1: 38 (1775). Mexico to Trop. America.
  • Cipura paradisiaca Ravenna, Onira 1: 37 (1988). Brazil (Goiás).
  • Cipura rupicola Goldblatt & Henrich, Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 74: 337 (1987). E. Colombia to S. Venezuela.
  • Cipura xanthomelas Maxim. ex Klatt, Abh. Naturf. Ges. Halle 15: 362 (1882). Brazil.
    • Cipura xanthomelas subsp. flavescens Ravenna, Onira 1: 40 (1988). Brazil (Goiás).
    • Cipura xanthomelas subsp. xanthomelas. Brazil.


  1. ^ Royal Botanical Gardens, Kew. World Checklist of Monocotyledons: Cipura. Accessed May 16 2009.
  2. ^ Manning, John; Goldblatt, Peter (2008). The Iris Family: Natural History & Classification. Portland, Oregon: Timber Press. pp23537. ISBN 0-88192-897-6. 


External links