Tine Van Rompuy

Tine Van Rompuy
Tine Van Rompuy
Born Christine Francine Wilhelmina Van Rompuy
28 August 1955 (1955-08-28) (age 56)
Leuven, Belgium
Nationality  Belgium
Occupation politician, nurse, syndicalist

Christine Francine Wilhelmina (Tine) Van Rompuy (born 28 August 1955, in Leuven) is a Belgian nurse, politician and syndicalist, member of the Workers Party of Belgium, a small leftist party in Belgium. Van Rompuy is the sister of Herman Van Rompuy, EU's first full-time president of the European Council, and the Flemish politician Eric Van Rompuy. She earned her diploma as a psychiatric nurse in 1977. From 1977 to 1995 she worked as a psychiatric nurse in the head Psycho-Social Center of the Brothers of Charity in Leuven. Since 2004 she is head nurse at the Central Patient Transport Service at the University Hospital of Leuven.

In 2009, Van Rompuy helped to design an election campaign poster showing her brother, Prime minister Herman Van Rompuy, dressed as a circus clown. This attracted some attention, and according to some media reports, they have not spoken since.[1] However, Van Rompuy said on her personal weblog that she is "happy that [her] brother will be president of Europe",and that she would give him a "little box" with a message that "the 2 % who are the richest, pay a tax of 2% on their wealth".[2]


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