Chinese mythology in popular culture

Chinese mythology in popular culture

Elements of Chinese mythology have appeared many times in popular culture.


Dragon turtle

  • Bowser, the arch-nemesis of Mario in the Super Mario Bros. video game franchise, is a well known dragon turtle.
  • In the Dungeons & Dragons role-playing game dragon turtles are gigantic sea creatures, feared by sailors for their ability to capsize the largest ships. They are massively armoured and breathe a cloud of scalding steam.
  • Dragon turtles are monsters in some DragonQuest/DragonWarrior games, often called Tortragon.
  • There are dragon turtles in the game Might and Magic VIII.
  • In Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2003) (season 5), the turtles turned into creatures that resembles dragon turtles.


Jade Emperor

In the television series Stargate SG-1, the Goa'uld System Lord Yu is presumably based on the Jade Emperor, though whether Lord Yu is supposed to be the originator of the related myth, or merely impersonated the deity among the ancient Chinese (as was the case with several other Goa'uld, who impersonated Egyptian gods, among others) is unclear.

Akito Sohma, the antagonist of the anime and manga Fruits Basket, is based on the Jade Emperor.

In the manga Fushigi Yūgi, the identity of Tai Yi-Jun (aka Tai Itsuken), the oracle who created the Universe of the Four Gods, is eventually revealed to be the Jade Emperor.

In the 2008 film The Forbidden Kingdom the Jade Emperor is one of the minor characters.

In the "Dragonball" anime and manga series, the character Kami-sama is based on the Jade Emperor, hence his green, or jade colored, skin.


  • Mogwai are featured in the movie "Gremlins"
  • There is a Scottish post-rock band named Mogwai


The story of Nezha has been made into several animated films. One of the most well-known is the 1979 production of Nezha Nao Hai (哪吒鬧海) (63 minutes), translated into English on the recent DVD release as Nezha Conquers the Dragon King, which won international award and recognition in the former USSR.

In the Chinese VCD, Nezha is shown with fire wheels, a red ribbon, and a golden ring.

Also, Nezha appears in the popular Japanese manga/anime series Saiyuki as Nataku, a half-mortal war god who won the then-divine Son Goku (Sun Wukong)'s friendship. Unfortunately, Nataku falls into a catactonic state (the reasons for this are not disclosed in the anime) and sits in the divine garden of heaven with only the Goddess of Mercy to keep him company staring blankly ahead for all time. In the series, Nataku is decidedly more somber than Goku and is resigned to being a puppet (he was 'given the honor' of being the War prince, a role which is later passed onto Homura) to the Gods. Furthermore, Nataku goes by a different title, but his background is still very much the same—right down to a Commander father and spear weapon. (However, it is glaringly obvious as the series goes on that the Commander is exploiting his son for fame and recognition from the Gods, reversing the roles that Nataku is to blame for misfortune) Nataku's father however, is then lectured by the past reincarnation of Cho Hakkai (Field Marshal Tenpou) and further mis-treatment of his son is then yet to be seen in the series.

In the anime series Gundam Wing, Meilan Long, Chang Wufei's wife, insists on calling herself Nataku (the Japanese pronunciation of the kanji for "Nezha"). After her death, Wufei would give his mobile suits, the Shenglong and Altron Gundams the nickname Nataku in her honor.

In the manga/anime series X/1999, one of the Dragons of Earth is named Nataku after the god. A genderless clone with the body of an adult and a childlike mentality, Nataku is presumed by its creators to be soulless and without emotions, though its actions prove otherwise.

Again in an anime series Soul Hunter Nataku is the son of a minor governor who is born through mysterious means with great powers and weapons called Pao-pei (宝貝?). He ages quickly, kills a dragon and is killed by the Dragon's higher powered father to save his parents. Nataku also is restored by a god to be an incarnation of a lotus flower. Nataku's powpei include fire/stone wheels that allow him to fly. .

Nezha, renamed Nata, appeared in the animated version of Monkey Magic as the main character's first major opponent. In this version Nezha was defeated more by trickery than power or skill.

Nezha is a motif in the live action film Rebels of the Neon God by the Taiwan director Tsai Ming-liang


The Nian are a part of the Canthan New Year Celebration as part of the game Guild Wars, specifically appearing in Guild Wars Factions

Omen, a boss in World of Warcraft which appears only once a year during the Lunar Festival was inspired by the Nian.

The Nian make an appearance in an episode of Three Delivery

The Nian is available as a mount in the game World of Kung Fu

The Nian (known as the Neinbeast in game) is available as a mount in the game Perfect World International. There is also an in-game event in which players try to kill Neinbeasts and their minions.

The Nian are in the TV show Spirit Warriors (however they are humanoid and ninja like in this show).


Nu Wa appears in the Koei video game Dynasty Warriors 3 and the later game, Warriors Orochi 2. She wields a rapier and a shield.

In Dynasty Warriors Three, she wore green pants, a green top with a gold chestplate, a golden hairpiece, and she looked human. In the Warriors Orochi Series, her appearance was greatly changed.

In Warriors Orochi 2, she believes that Cao Cao is the chosen one, but she has mixed feeling about both Cao Cao and Oda Nobunaga on whether they will slip into darkness or not. Although she assists Wei, she is constantly testing Cao Cao. After Orochi's second demise, Nu Wa believes that Orochi mixed the different worlds because he wanted it that way.

"Nuwa" appears in her more snaky incarnation as a Han Commander unit in the game Arcane Legions. She is able to resurrect fallen Terra-Cotta warriors.

Ox-Head and Horse-Face

  • In Lone Wolf and Cub, the protagonist, Ogami Itto, has visions about Ox-Head and Horse-face. He refers to them as "Gozu Mezu" and uses drawings of them to advertise his services as an assassin.
  • In the animated version of Rumiko Takahashi's InuYasha, the cast fights with Ox-Head and Horse-Face in order to enter the underworld - but only Sesshomaru, with the healing sword Tenseiga, is allowed to pass without fighting Ox-Head and Horse-Face.
  • Ox-Head appears as the titular character in Takashi Miike's movie Gozu.
  • In Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne, Ox-Head is Gozu-Tenno, one of the main antagonists in the story.
  • Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG features a card named "Mezuki" based on Horse-Head
  • Mezura, the second phantom god from the anime Kotetsushin Jeeg, is based after Horse-Face. Kyo even refers to its fight with Jeeg as Ox-Head and Horse-Face.


The legend was referenced by the Japanese playwright Chikamatsu in his play The Battles of Coxinga in 1715.

Sha Wujing

In Japan he was popularly seen and depicted as a kappa, another fearsome kind of water demon.

In the manga/anime Saiyūki, Sha Gojyō is loosely based on Sha Wujing, with a modified version of the same weapon (albeit incorrectly called a shakujō, the Japanese name for the Chinese xīzhàng). However, Gojyō is described as being half human, half yōkai with the ability to breathe underwater, instead of a man-eating river monster.

Mega Man: The Wily Wars had a character based on Sha Wujing named Mega Water.S in the unlockable "Wily Tower" game. Mega Water.S later made an appearance in the CD Database for Mega Man & Bass.

In the manga/anime Dragon Ball, the character Yamcha, the Desert Bandit, was originally based upon Sha Wujing.

There is a Digimon called Shawujingmon.


In the Chinese novel Water Margin, the character Tong Meng is nicknamed Fanzhiang Shen 翻江蜃 "River-churning Shen". In Japanese manga, Shin 蜃 is an illusion-creating weapon of Tomo (Seiryu Seishi) and an illusion-manifesting technique of Demon Eyes Kyo. The title Honō no Mirāju 炎の蜃気楼 "Mirage of Blaze" transcribes shinkirō 蜃気楼 with the English gairaigo loanword mirāju.


The 1974 tokusatsu kaiju film Godzilla vs Mechagodzilla features a giant shisa monster called King Shisa (transliterated as King Caesar or King Seesar in the U.S. release), who was awakened from its ancient slumber in Okinawa to help Godzilla destroy his mechanical doppelgänger, Mechagodzilla. This monster was later used in Godzilla: Final Wars as one of the monsters that were controlled by the Xilians.

The Pokémon Growlithe and its evolution Arcanine are based on the shisa.

The Digimon Seasarmon is based on a shisa, along with Chatsuramon.

Shisas feature prominently on the crest of local Okinawan football club F.C. Ryukyu

Yoshiyuki Saito, a Japanese professional wrestler hailing from Okinawa, uses the mask and gimmick Super Shisa. He also has a young protegé named Shisa Boy and once formed a team with King Shisa (Pentagon Black from Mexico).

Mega Man ZX Advent have two Shisa-based Pseudoroids, Argoyle and Urgoyle, They work as a pair when fighting and become a playable form after being defeated.

In the game The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker, the talking boat, The King of Red Lions has a head on the front of the boat resembling a Shisa.

The Demon Sorcerer Dai Gui from Jackie Chan Adventures has a Shisa-like face.

Two variations on the Shisa, in this case referred to as Foo Dogs and Foo Lions or Foo Creatures, are featured in the first edition Dungeons & Dragons role-playing game's Monster Manual II.

In the game Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 FES, there is a Shisa Persona, although its name is spelled as "Shiisaa." Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne also features a Shisaa.

In the PlayStation 2 game Final Fantasy X and Final Fantasy X-2, the aeon Yojimbo had a shisaa, Daigoro, as his companion. Yuna gains a similar shisaa, Kogoro, as her animal partner with the Trainer dressphere.

A Shisa has also appeared in few episodes of Friends, in Joey and Chandler's apartment.

In an episode of Azumanga Daioh, Osaka appears musing over Shisa during a field trip to Okinawa.


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