
Chakhchoukha; just cooked Marqa
Chakhchoukha. Marqa mixed with Rougag on individual plate ready to eat

Chakhchoukha, chekhechoukha or chakhchoura is a dish of the Algerian cuisine, eaten often on festive celebrations, especially popular in the Aurès region. The dish consists in tearing small pieces of Rougag (thin round flatbread) and mixing them with Marqa, a stew.



Chakhchoukha is an originally Chaoui culinary speciality that has now extended to other parts of Algeria. The word chakhchoukha comes from tacherchert, "crumbing" or "tearing into small pieces" in the Chaouia language (émietter in French). This dish originated in the hearty food shepherds needed when they came back home on cold winter nights.


The rougag or flat bread is made with fine semolina and, after baking, is torn by hand into small pieces. When eating in individual plates, about two handfuls are put in the plate and then the sauce or stew is poured on top.

The marqa or stew consists of diced lamb cooked with spices, tomatoes, chopped onions and chick peas. Often potatoes, zucchini, carrots and green peppers are added to the mixture depending from the season, the area and the family.

The main spices used for the stew are dried red chillies, caraway, ras el hanout, black pepper and cumin.

There is a variant of this dish in Batna and nearby towns, like Barika, M'Sila and Biskra, that uses a different type of bread.

See also

  • Algerian cuisine
  • Torta de gazpacho, a similar Spanish dish both in its appearance and origin.


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