Lilac-crowned Amazon

Lilac-crowned Amazon

name = Lilac-crowned Amazon

image_width = 220px
status = VU | status_system = IUCN3.1
trend = down
regnum = Animalia
phylum = Chordata
classis = Aves
ordo = Psittaciformes
familia = Psittacidae
genus = "Amazona"
species = "A. finschi"
binomial = "Amazona finschi"
binomial_authority = (Sclater, 1864)
The Lilac-crowned Amazon, "Amazona finschi", is a parrot endemic to the Pacific slopes of Mexico. Also known as Finsch's Amazon, the parrot is characterized by green plumage, a maroon forehead, and violet-blue crown. Their coloring resembles that of the Red-crowned Amazon "Amazona viridigenalis", though the Lilac-crowned Amazon is less vibrant.

In 2006 BirdLife International classified this species as Vulnerable.

The binomial of this bird commemorates the German naturalist and explorer Otto Finsch.

Feral populations

There are feral populations of this bird in several counties in southern California. It has been observed in residential and suburban areas, but also in native coniferous forest in the San Gabriel Mountains. [ [ California Parrot Project: Lilac-crowned Parrot] ]

In captivity

The birds are quite friendly in captivity and pick up quite a vocabulary even though they are not known as talkers. They are on the small side, an average of about 13". They make wonderful companions and are quite the clown. They like water and need frequent showers, about one a week. If they are not showered, they will do it for themselves in their water bowl, which can make quite a mess. While most breeders and pet shops will say they need a medium cage, a large is much better with a play structure on the top as they are active and love to climb.

They also show remarkable intelligence, and will act out if ignored. Large parrots like this are not suited to complete novices, and would best be accommodated by owners who understand that such animals are a life-long commitment, requiring attention not unlike a human child. Care should be taken to avoid feeding the usual assortment of foods to parrots that, while safe for humans, pose toxicity or allergy problems in high doses: onion, avocado, chocolate, high-salt, etc. [ "Top 10 Common Foods that Can Poison Your Bird"]


* Database entry includes a range map, a brief justification of why this species is vulnerable, and the criteria used. [ Range
* []

External links

* [ BirdLife Species Factsheet.]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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