- Ile du Golfe (Tasmania)
Ile du Golfe is a long, narrow, 68 ha
limestone island in south-easternAustralia . It is part of the Maatsuyker Island Group, lying close to the southern end of the south-western coast ofTasmania . Its highest point is 150 m asl. It is part of theSouthwest National Park , and thus within theTasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Site .Brothers, Nigel; Pemberton, David; Pryor, Helen; & Halley, Vanessa. (2001). "Tasmania’s Offshore Islands: seabirds and other natural features". Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery: Hobart. ISBN 0-7246-4816-X]Fauna
Recorded breeding
seabird andwader species are theLittle Penguin ,Short-tailed Shearwater (134,000 pairs),Fairy Prion (356,000 pairs),Pacific Gull ,Silver Gull ,Sooty Oystercatcher andBlack-faced Cormorant . TheSwamp Antechinus has been recorded.Reptile s present include theTasmanian Tree Skink ,Metallic Skink andThree-lined Skink .References
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