List of comic book letter column titles

List of comic book letter column titles

The typical comic book letter column — until its general disappearance in the early 2000s — had its own title, usually a reference to the book’s hero or heroes. "Cape and Cowl Comments" ("World's Finest Comics"), "JLA Mailroom" ("Justice League of America"), "Legion Outpost" ("Legion of Super-Heroes"), "Metropolis Mailbag," ("Superman"), "Avengers Assemble!" ("Avengers"), "Letters to the Living Legend," ("Captain America"), "The Spider's Web" ("Amazing Spider-Man"), and "X-Mail," ("Uncanny X-Men") are just a few examples of this tradition.

Some books had trouble sticking with a lettercol title, and changed them on a more or less regular basis. The following is a list of letter column titles:

Dark Horse Comics

* "Concrete": "Think Like a Mountain"
* "John Byrne's Next Men": "A Flame About This High"
* "Sin City": "Blam"
* "Terminator": "Terminal Cases"
* "The Umbrella Academy": "A.K.A. The Letters Column"
* "The World Below": "Words Below"

DC Comics

Many of DC's lettercol headers were designed or redesigned in the 1980s by Todd Klein.Klein, Todd. [ "Klein Lettering Archives." Todd Klein - Lettering - Logos - Design.] Retrieved July 12, 2008.] . They are marked with an *

* "Action Comics": "Re: Action,"* "Superman in Action," "Where All the Action Is," "Action Reaction"
* "Adventure Comics starring Supergirl": "Super Fe-Mail"
* "The Adventures of Superman": "Krypto Grams," "Superman: The Letter Column II"
* "All-Star Comics": "All-Star Comments"
* "All-Star Squadron": "All-Star Comments," "All-Star Squadroom"*
* "Ambush Bug": "Letters to Me"*
* "Amethyst, Princess of Gemworld": "Purple Prose"
* "Animal Man": "Animal Writes"*
* "": "Spellbound Scrolls"*
* "Azrael": "Az You Like It"
* "Batman": "Letters to the Batcave," "Letters to the Batman," "Bat-Signals"
* "Batman and The Outsiders": "Inside the Outsiders"
* "Blackhawk (comics)": "Blackhawk By-Lines"
* "Blue Beetle": "Beetle's Nest"*
* "Blue Devil": "Circuits & Sorcery,"* "Speak of the Devil"*
* "Booster Gold": "The Gold Exchange"*
* "The Brave and the Bold": "Brave & Bold Mailbag"
* "Captain Carrot and His Amazing Zoo Crew": "Lettuce Page!" — accompanied by a picture by Scott Shaw of Captain Carrot preparing a salad made up of letters
* "Captain Atom": "Quantum Quotes"*
* "Claw the Unconquered": "Of Swordsmen and Sorcerers"
* "Creeper": "Crazy Talk"*
* "Darkstars": "Thanagrams"
* "DC 100 Page Super Spectacular": "A Look Through the Super Spectacles"
* "Demon": "The Hell You Say"*
* "Detective Comics": "Batman's Hot-Line," "Detective Comments"
* "Doom Patrol": "Doom Sayers"
* "El Diablo": "Deal with the Devil"
* "The Flash": "Flash-Grams," "Fleet Sheet,"* "Speed Reading"
* "Green Arrow" vol. 2: "Sherwood Forum"* — title suggested by reader John Kent of New York City [Blaschke, Jayme Lynn. [ "Green Arrow (Series 1)," The Unofficial Green Arrow Shrine.] Retrieved July 11, 2008.]
* "Green Lantern": "Green Lantern's Mail Chute," "Letters by Lantern's Light"
* "Hawkman": "Pinions"*, "Words of Prey"
* "House of Mystery": "Dial L for Letters" (Dial H for Hero run)
* "House of Secrets": "Creaks & Moans"
* "The Inferior Five": "The Inferior Five Dead Letter Office"
* "The Invisibles": "Invisible Ink"
* "The Joker": "The Joker's Ha-Hacienda"
* "Jonah Hex": "Hex Communications"
* "Justice League of America": "JLA Mailroom" — the header incorporated an illustration of League members reading mail that changed as the costumes and membership changed.
* "Justice League Task Force": "Task Masters" — the header showed J'onn J'onzz bracing himself against a giant pile of toplling mail
* "": "The Time Capsule"
* "L.E.G.I.O.N. '89": "L.E.T.T.E.R.S. '89"*
* "Legion of Super-Heroes": "The Legion Outpost" (named after one of the more famous fan newsletters), "Legion Mail-Bag"
* "Legionnaires": "Omnicomments"
* "Lois Lane": "Letters to Lois"
* "'Mazing Man": "'Mazing Mail"*
* "Mister Miracle": "Miracle Talk"
* "New Talent Showcase": "Talk About Talent"*
* "New Teen Titans": "Titans Tower"*
*"OMAC": "Eye In The Sky"
* "Omega Men": "Omega-Mail"*
* "Plop!": "Plop Drop"
* "Preacher": "Gone to Texas"
* "The Question": "The Answer"
* "Real Fact Comics": "You Tell Us"
* "Sandman": "Letters in the Sand"*
* "Secret Origins": "Secret Admirers"*
* "The Shadow": "Shadowmania"*
* "Shazam!": "Shazamail!"
* "The Spectre": "Speculations"*
* "Star Trek": "Hailing Frequencies Open"*
* "Starman": "Lost In The Stars"
* "Strange Sports Stories": "Sports Arena"
* "Suicide Squad": "Suicide Notes"*
* "Sun Devils": "Sunspots"
* "The Super Friends": "Super Fans"
* "Superboy": "Smallville Mailsack," "Super-Talk"
* "Superman": "Metropolis Mailbag," "Superman the Letter Column"
* "": "Tempered Steel"
* "Superman Family": "Super Fe-Mail" (Supergirl run)
* "Swamp Thing": "Swamp Things"
* "Teen Titans": "Tell it to the Titans"
* "Thriller": "Filler"*
* "Vigilante": "Vigilante-grams,"* "You, the Jury"*
* "The Wanderers": "Homing Signals"*
* "Wanted!": "Wanted! Your Letters!"
* "Weird Worlds": "Weird Words"
* "Welcome Back, Kotter": "Sweat Hog Scratchings!"
* "Wonder Woman": "Postcripts to Paradise,"* "Wonder Words"
* "World's Finest": "Cape and Cowl Comments," "World's Finest Fanmail"

Eclipse Comics

* "Aztec Ace": "Vreebs"
* "Crossfire": "Crosstalk"
* "Groo the Wanderer": "Groo Grams"
* "Mr. Monster": "Mr. Monster's Scarlet Letters"
* "Sabre": "Crossed Swords"
* "Scout": "Lock 'n' Load"
* "Zot!": "Zot! Talk"

Image Comics

* "Astro City": "Greetings from Astro City"
* "The Maxx": "Maxx Traxx"
* "Powers": "The Line Up"
* "Savage Dragon": "Fin Addicts" — A play on the term "Fan Addicts," initially applied to the earliest EC fanzine
* "Spawn": "Spawning Ground"

Marvel Comics

In the 1990s, some of Marvel's lettercol headers were designed or redesigned by Todd Klein.Klein, Todd. [ "Klein Lettering Archives." Todd Klein - Lettering - Logos - Design.] Retrieved July 14, 2008.] . They are marked with an *

* "Amazing Adventures": "Amazing Mails"
* "Amazing Spider-Man": "The Spider’s Web"*
* "Astonishing Tales": "Mindlocks" (Deathlok run)
* "The Avengers": "Avengers Assemble!"
* "The Black Panther": "Panther Post Scripts"
* "Cage": "Out of the Cage"
* "Captain America": "Let's Rap With Cap", "Letters to the Living Legend," "American Graffiti"
* "Captain Savage and His Fighting Leathernecks": "Sound Off to Savage"
* "The Champions": "Cables of Champions"
* "Captain Marvel": "Mail it to Mar-Vell," "Cosmic Comments," "Comic Awareness"
* "Conan the Barbarian": "The Hyborian Page"
* "Daredevil": "Devil’s Advocate," "Let's Level with Daredevil"
* "Doctor Strange": "Strange Mails"
* "The Defenders": "Defenders Dialogue"
* "The Eternals": "Eternal Utterings"
* "Excalibur": "Sword Strokes"
* "Fantastic Four": "Baxter Building Bulletins," "Fantastic Forum," "Fantastic Four Fan Page"
* "Ghost Rider": "Ghost Writers"
* "Hollywood Superstars" (Epic Comics): "Show Business"
* "The Human Fly": "Fly Papers"
* "The Incredible Hulk": "Green Mail," "Green-Skin's Grab-Bag"
* "The Invaders": "Okay, Axis, Here We Come!"
* "Iron Fist": "Iron Fistfuls" (and "Iron Fist-fuls")
* "Iron Man": "Printed Circuits"
* "Machine Man": "Machine Mail"
* "Man From Atlantis": "Out of the Depths"
* "Marvel Fanfare": "Marvel FanFlair"
* "Marvel Spotlight": "Spotlight Mail"
* "Marvel Super-Heroes": "Marvel Mailbag"
* "Marvel Team-Up": "Mail It to Team-Up," "Web-Zingers"*
* "Marvel Two-in-One": "The Ever-Lovin' Blue-Eyed Letters Page!"
* "Planet Terry" (Star Comics): "Terry Grams"
* "Master of Kung Fu": "Missives to the Master!"
* "Marvel Age": "Does Anybody Really Have a Favorite Letter Column?" (issue #27), "The Letter Column That Ate New York" (issue #29), "Kurt Busiek and the Letter Column of Doom" (issue #32), "Letters Column of the Month Club" (issue #44)
* "Ms. Marvel": "Ms. Prints"
* "Namor The Sub-Mariner": "Alternating Currents"
* "The New Exiles": "TALLUS About It!"
* "Nova": "Nova Newsline!"
* "Omega the Unknown": "Omega Mail"
* "Peter Parker, The Spectacular Spider-Man": "Peter Parker's Pad," "Spectacular Spider-Mail"
* "Power Man": "Comments to Cage"
* "Power Man and Iron Fist": "Power/Fistfuls"
* "Professor Xavier and the X-Men": "Thought Patterns"
* "The Punisher": "Punishing Mails"
* "Rocko's Modern Life": "That's Life"
* "Super-Villain Team-Up": "Bad Tidings"
* "Rom Spaceknight": "Space Notes"
* "Sgt. Fury": "Tell It to Fury"
* "Silver Surfer": "Cosmic Pipeline"
* "Spider-Man Unlimited": "Spider-Readers Unlimited"*
* "Spider-Woman": "Venom Blasts"
* "Sub-Mariner": "Send it to Subby"
* "Super-Villain Team-Up": "Bad Tidings"
* "The Thing": "The Ever-Lovin' Blue-Eyed Letters Page!" —re-used from "Marvel Two-in-One"
* "Thor": "The Hammer Strikes"
* "Tomb of Dracula": "Tomes to the Tomb"
* "Silver Surfer": "Who Speaks for the Surfer"
* "Uncanny X-Men": "X-Mail"
*"What If": "Why Not"", "What Now?" (said by an exasperated Uatu, already up to his eyes in mail, receiving another bag-full from the postman.)
* "What The--?!": "What The — Mail?!"
* "X-Men" vol. 2: "X-Pressions"
* "X-Men Unlimited": "Unlimited X-citement"*

Independent and alternative comics

* "American Flagg!" (First Comics): "PlexMail"
* "Bunny" (Harvey): "Your Letters to Bunny"
* "Cerebus" (Aardvark-Vanaheim): "Aardvark Comment"
* "The Desert Peach" (MU Press/AEON, A Fine Line): "Der Kauz"
* "E-Man" (First): "E-Mail" —notable for its coining the term e-mail before it gained its current meaning
* "Eerie" (Warren): "Dear Cousin Eerie"
* "Elfquest" (WaRP Graphics): "Elf Addressed", "Jink Ink"
* "Gizmo" (Mirage Studios): "Nuts & Bolts!"
* "Jay & Silent Bob" (Oni Press): "The Letters Column That Dare Not Speak Its Name"
* "Just a Pilgrim" (Black Bull): "Just a Lettercolumn"
* "Mad" (EC): "Mad Mumblings"
* "Magnus, Robot Fighter" (Gold Key): "Robot Rostrum"
* "The Maximortal" (King Hell/Tundra): "@#*!"
* "Mighty Heroes" (Archie/Radio Comics): "The Mighty Readers"
* "Mighty Mites" (Eternity): "The Mitey Mail"
* "Minimum Wage" (Fantagraphics): "Minimum Postage"
* "Palooka-ville" (Drawn & Quarterly): "Dear Sir"
* "Poison Elves" (Sirius Entertainment): "Deathreats"
* "The Simpsons" (Bongo Comics): "Junk Mail"
* "The Spirit" (Warren): "The Spirit's Dead Letters"
* "" (Malibu): "Ambassadors"
* "Stray Bullets" (El Capitan): "Lunatic Ravings Of A Group Of People Too Dangerous To Gather In One Room"
* "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Adventures" (Archie): "Turtle Tracks"
* "Unknown Worlds" (American Comics Group): "Kisses and Hisses"
* "Walt Disney's Comics and Stories" (various): "Comics Comments"
* "Walt Disney's Goofy Adventures" (Disney): "Gawrsh! I Got Muh Own Letter Column!"

See also

*Comic book letter column
*Fan mail
*Letter to the editor



* [ Rose A. Hill's Letter Column Headers section from her website The Comics Pit (archived via The Wayback Machine).]
* [ The Comic Book Database]

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