HTML editor

HTML editor

An HTML editor is a software application for creating web pages. Although the HTML markup of a web page can be written with any text editor, specialized HTML editors can offer convenience and added functionality. For example, many HTML editors work not only with HTML, but also with related technologies such as CSS, XML and JavaScript or ECMAScript. In some cases they also manage communication with remote web servers via FTP and WebDAV, and version management systems such as CVS or Subversion.


There are various forms of HTML editors: text, object and WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) editors.

Object editors

Some editors allow alternate editing of the source text of objects in more visually organized modes than simple color highlighting, but in modes not considered WYSIWYG. Some WYSIWYG editors include the option of using palette windows that enable editing the text-based parameters of selected objects. These palettes allow either editing parameters in fields for each individual parameter, or text windows to edit the full group of source text for the selected object. They may include widgets to present and select options when editing parameters. Adobe GoLive provides an outline editor to expand and collapse HTML objects and properties, edit parameters, and view graphics attached to the expanded objects.


WYSIWYG HTML editors provide an editing interface which resembles how the page will be displayed in a web browser. Some editors, such as ones in the form of [ browser extensions] allow editing within a web browser. Because using a WYSIWYG editor does not require any HTML knowledge, they are easier for an average computer user to get started with.

The WYSIWYG view is achieved by embedding a layout engine based upon that used in a web browser. The layout engine will have been considerably enhanced by the editor's developers to allow for typing, pasting, deleting and moving the content. The goal is that, at all times during editing, the rendered result should represent what will be seen later in a typical web browser.

While WYSIWYG editors make web design faster and easier; many professionals still use text editors, despite the fact that most WYSIWYG editors have a mode to edit HTML code by hand. The web was not originally designed to be a visual medium, and attempts to give authors more layout control, such as CSS, have been poorly supported by major web browsers. Because of this, code automatically generated by WYSIWYG editors frequently sacrifice file size and compatibility with fringe browsers, to create a design that looks the same for widely used desktop web browsers. This automatically generated code may be edited and corrected by hand. For more on subject, "see Difficulties in achieving WYSIWYG below." [ [ WPDFD Issue #54 - September 01, 2002 | Web Page Design for Designers © ] ] [ [ WPDFD Issue #77 - August 01, 2004 | Web Page Design for Designers © ] ] [ [ WPDFD Issue #79 - October 01, 2004 | Web Page Design for Designers © ] ]

WYSIWYM editors

What You See Is What You "Mean" (WYSIWYM) is an alternative paradigm to the WYSIWYG editors above. Instead of focusing on the "format" or presentation of the document, it preserves the intended "meaning" of each element. For example, page headers, sections, paragraphs, etc. are labeled as such in the editing program, and displayed appropriately in the browser.

Valid HTML code

HTML is a structured markup language. There are certain rules on how HTML must be written if it is to conform to W3C standards for the World Wide Web. Following these rules means that web sites are accessible on all types and makes of computer, to able-bodied and people with disabilities, and also on wireless devices like mobile phones and PDAs, with their limited bandwidths and screen sizes.

Unfortunately most HTML documents on the web are not valid according to W3C standards. According to [ one study] only about 1 out of 141 is valid. Even those syntactically correct documents may be inefficient due to an unnecessary use of repetition, or based upon rules that have been deprecated for some years.Current W3C recommendations on the use of CSS with HTML were first formalised by W3C in 1996 [ [ Cascading Style Sheets, level 1 ] ] and have been revised and refined since then. See CSS, XHTML, [ W3C's current CSS recommendation] and [ W3C's current HTML recommendation] .

These guidelines emphasise the separation of content (HTML or XHTML) from style (CSS). This has the benefit of delivering the style information once for a whole site, not repeated in each page, let alone in each HTML element. WYSIWYG editor designers have been struggling ever since with how best to present these concepts to their users without confusing them by exposing the underlying reality. Modern WYSIWYG editors all succeed in this to some extent, but none of them has succeeded entirely.

People who use text editors can generally fix such problems immediately, once they become aware of them.People find it frustrating when such errors come from WYSIWYG editors.

However a web page was created or edited, WYSIWYG or by hand, in order to be successful among the greatest possible number of readers and viewers, as well as to maintain the 'worldwide' value of the Web itself it can be argued that, first and foremost, it should consist of valid markup and code. Some would argue that it should not be delivered by a designer to his or her customer, and not be considered ready for the World Wide Web, until its HTML and CSS syntax has been successfully validated using either the free W3C validator services ( [ W3C HTML Validator] and [ W3C CSS Validator] ) or some other trustworthy alternatives.

Others would argue [] that publishing useful information or profitable content as soon as possible should be first and foremost.

Whatever software tools are used to design, create and maintain web pages, there is little doubt that the quality of the underlying HTML is dependent on the skill of the person who works on the page. Some knowledge of HTML, CSS and other scripting languages as well as a familiarity with the current W3C recommendations in these areas will help any designer produce better web pages, with a WYSIWYG HTML editor and without [ [ Dave Raggett's Introduction to HTML ] ] .

Difficulties in achieving WYSIWYG

A given HTML document will have an inconsistent appearance on various platforms and computers for several reasons:

;Different browsers and applications will render the same markup differently.:The same page may display slightly differently in Internet Explorer and Firefox on a high-resolution screen, but it will look very different in the perfectly valid text-only Lynx browser. It needs to be rendered differently again on a PDA, an internet-enabled television and on a mobile phone. Usability in a speech or braille browser, or via a screen-reader working with a conventional browser, will place demands on entirely different aspects of the underlying HTML. Printing the page, via different browsers and different printers onto various paper sizes, around the world, places other demands. With the correct use of modern HTML and CSS there is no longer any need to provide 'Printable page' links and then have to maintain two versions of the whole site. Nor is there any excuse for pages not fitting the user's preferred paper size and orientation, or wasting ink printing solid background colours unnecessarily, or wasting paper reproducing navigation panels that will be entirely useless once printed out [ [ Media types ] ] .;Browsers and computer graphics systems have a range of user settings.:Resolution, font size, colour, contrast etc can all be adjusted at the user's discretion, and many modern browsers allow even more user control over page appearance [ [ Options window ] ] . All an author can do is suggest an appearance.;Web browsers, like all computer software, have bugs:They may not conform to current standards. It is hopeless to try to design Web pages around all of the common browsers' current bugs: each time a new version of each browser comes out, a significant proportion of the World Wide Web would need re-coding to suit the new bugs and the new fixes. It is generally considered much wiser to design to standards, staying away from 'bleeding edge' features until they settle down, and then wait for the browser developers to catch up to your pages, rather than the other way round [ [ An essay on W3C's design principles ] ] . In this regard, no one can argue that CSS is still 'cutting edge' as there is now widespread support available in common browsers for all the major features [ [ Cascading Style Sheets ] ] , even if many WYSIWYG and other editors have not yet entirely caught up [ [ Cascading Style Sheets ] ] .

What you see may be what most visitors get, but it is not guaranteed to be what "everyone" gets.

Comparison of HTML editors

See the main article Comparison of HTML editors.

See also

* List of HTML editors
* Web template system
* Website builder
* Validator [ Text Editors for Web Developers]


Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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