- List of web application frameworks
This is a list of notable
web application framework s, used for creatingweb application s.Client-side
ActionScript * Cairngorm
* PureMVCJavaScript *
*Clean AJAX
*Dojo Toolkit
* Echo
* Ext
* [http://www.gapjumper.com/ Gapjumper]
* Gecco
*JAK (JavaScript API Kernel)
*Microsoft AJAX Library
* midori
*Morfik , server side and client side.
*My Library [http://www.cinsoft.net/mylib.html]
*OpenLink AJAX Toolkit
*Prototype JavaScript Framework
*Rialto Toolkit
* Rico
*Spry framework
* WaveMaker Ajax framework
*Yahoo! UI Library
* Widgetplus [http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&safe=off&q=best+widget+framework]
*Comparison of JavaScript frameworks erver-side
= ASP =*
* [http://www.troika-asp.com/ Troika Framework]ASP.NET *
ASP.NET MVC Framework
*Base One Foundation Component Library
* MonoRailColdFusion *
ColdFusion on Wheels
* Fusebox
*ColdBox Common Lisp *
UnCommon Web
* blow
*SymbolicWeb Groovy *
Grails (Framework)
*Project Zero
= Java =*
Apache Cocoon
*Apache Sling
*Apache Struts
*Aranea framework
* AribaWeb
* Backbase Enterprise Ajax for JSF / Struts / Spring
*Click Framework
*Ext GWT
*Google Web Toolkit
*IT Mill Toolkit
*JavaServer Faces
*JBoss Seam
* [http://www.jotobjects.com JOT Servlets]
* [http://www.lecoweb.jp LecoWeb]
* Makumba
*Oracle ADF
*Reasonable Server Faces
*Roma Meta Framework
*Shale Framework (software)
*Spring Framework
*Stripes (framework)
* Tapestry
* WaveMaker
*Wicket framework
*ZK Framework
* ztemplatesLua
* Kepler
* [http://barracudaserver.com/doc/Lua/ Lua Server Pages]*
*Axiom stack
* Jaxer
*Helma Object Publisher
*Morfik , server side and client side.
* Widgetplus [http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&safe=off&q=best+widget+framework] , server side and client side.Perl * Catalyst
* CGI::Application
* Interchange
* Gantry
* Jifty
* Maypole
* Mason
* Squatting
Akelos PHP Framework
* [http://www.atomikframework.com Atomik Framework]
* [http://aurora.ryotic.de aurora framework]
* [http://code.google.com/p/barebonesmvc-php BareBonesMVC]
* [http://code.google.com/p/caffeine-php Caffeine]
*Canvas Framework
* [http://www.copix.org Copix]
* [http://www.sourceforge.net/projects/exgate exGate PHP Framework]
* Horde
* [http://jelix.org Jelix]
* [http://kissmvc.com KISSMVC]
* Kohana
* [http://www.knickersproject.org Knickers]
* [http://lightvc.org/ LightVC Framework]
*Mambo (software)
* [http://www.naos-framework.com/ Naos Framework]
*PHP For Applications
* [http://www.phpdevshell.org PHPDevShell]
* [http://phocoa.com/ PHOCOA]
* [http://www.prontoproject.com Pronto]
*QPHP Framework
*Seagull PHP Framework
* [http://e29inc.com/products/ Serenity Application Platform]
*Simplicity PHP framework
* [http://sitesupra.com SiteSupra]
* [http://solarphp.com Solar Framework for PHP 5]
* [http://www.thuleframework.com Thule New Generation of PHP Framework]
* [http://www.phpontrax.com Trax PHP Framework]
* [http://www.phpwact.org/ WACT]
* [http://xataface.com Xataface]
*Yii Framework
*Zend Framework
*Zoop Framework
= Python =*
* Django
* [http://www.nagare.org/ Nagare]
* Porcupine
* Pylons
* [http://www.pylucid.org/ PyLucid]
* [http://webpy.org/ web.py]
= Ruby =*
Camping (microframework)
* Nitro
* Halcyon
* Ramaze
* Cerise
*Ruby on Rails
* Mack
= Scala =*
Lift (web framework)
= Scheme =*
SISCWeb (web framework)
*PLT Scheme web framework.Smalltalk *
* SeasideVisual FoxPro *
FoxWeb Other languages/Multiple languages
Alpha Five
* Application Express (PL/SQL )
* Fusebox (ColdFusion andPHP )
*HAppS (Haskell)
*Morfik , use Pascal, Basic, Java or C# to develop full Ajax apps.
*OpenACS (Tcl )
*Pichat (C++) with integrated server push web service
* Yaws (Erlang)ee also
Ajax framework
*Comparison of web application frameworks
*Web service
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.