List of web application frameworks

List of web application frameworks

This is a list of notable web application frameworks, used for creating web applications.



* Cairngorm
* PureMVC


* Backbase
* Clean AJAX
* Dojo Toolkit
* Echo
* Ext
* [ Gapjumper]
* Gecco
* Himle
* JAK (JavaScript API Kernel)
* JQuery
* Microsoft AJAX Library
* midori
* Mochikit
* MooTools
* Morfik, server side and client side.
* My Library []
* OpenLink AJAX Toolkit
* Prototype JavaScript Framework
* qooxdoo
* Rialto Toolkit
* Rico
* SmartClient
* Spry framework
* VineAjax
* WaveMaker Ajax framework
* Yahoo! UI Library
* Widgetplus []
* Comparison of JavaScript frameworks


= ASP =

* Active_Server_Pages
* [ Troika Framework]


* ASP.NET MVC Framework
* Base One Foundation Component Library
* DotNetNuke
* MonoRail


* ColdFusion on Wheels
* ColdSpring
* Fusebox
* Mach-II
* Model-Glue
* onTap
* ColdBox

Common Lisp

* UnCommon Web
* ABCL-web
* blow
* SymbolicWeb


* Grails (Framework)
* Project Zero

= Java =

* Apache Cocoon
* Apache Sling
* Apache Struts
* AppFuse
* Aranea framework
* AribaWeb
* Backbase Enterprise Ajax for JSF / Struts / Spring
* Click Framework
* Ext GWT
* Flexive
* Google Web Toolkit
* Hamlets
* ICEfaces
* IT Mill Toolkit
* ItsNat
* JavaServer Faces
* JBoss Seam
* [ JOT Servlets]
* [ LecoWeb]
* Makumba
* OpenLaszlo
* OpenXava
* Oracle ADF
* Reasonable Server Faces
* Roma Meta Framework
* Shale Framework (software)
* SmartClient
* Spring Framework
* Stripes (framework)
* Tapestry
* ThinWire
* WaveMaker
* WebObjects
* WebWork
* Wicket framework
* ZK Framework
* ztemplates


* Kepler
* [ Lua Server Pages]

= JavaScript (server-side) =

* AppJet
* Axiom stack
* Jaxer
* Helma Object Publisher
* Morfik, server side and client side.
* Widgetplus [] , server side and client side.


* Catalyst
* CGI::Application
* Interchange
* Gantry
* Jifty
* Maypole
* Mason
* Squatting
* WebGUI


* Akelos PHP Framework
* [ Atomik Framework]
* [ aurora framework]
* [ BareBonesMVC]
* [ Caffeine]
* CakePHP
* Canvas Framework
* Chisimba
* CodeIgniter
* [ Copix]
* Drupal
* epesi
* [ exGate PHP Framework]
* Horde
* [ Jelix]
* Joomla!
* Kohana
* [ Knickers]
* [ LightVC Framework]
* Mambo (software)
* MediaWiki
* MODx
* [ Naos Framework]
* PHP For Applications
* php.MVC
* [ PHPDevShell]
* PHPNuke
* PHPOpenbiz
* PHPulse
* [ Pronto]
* Qcodo
* QPHP Framework
* Seagull PHP Framework
* [ Serenity Application Platform]
* SilverStripe
* Simplicity PHP framework
* [ SiteSupra]
* [ Solar Framework for PHP 5]
* Symfony
* Tigermouse
* [ Thule New Generation of PHP Framework]
* [ Trax PHP Framework]
* [ WACT]
* [ Xataface]
* Yii Framework
* Zend Framework
* Zikula
* Zoop Framework

= Python =

* CherryPy
* Django
* [ Nagare]
* Karrigell
* Nevow
* Porcupine
* Pylons
* [ PyLucid]
* Spyce
* TurboGears
* TwistedWeb
* []
* Web2py
* Webware
* Zope

= Ruby =

* Camping (microframework)
* Nitro
* Halcyon
* Ramaze
* Cerise
* Ruby on Rails
* Merb
* Himle
* Mack

= Scala =

* Lift (web framework)

= Scheme =

* SISCWeb (web framework)
* PLT Scheme web framework.


* AIDA/Web
* Seaside

Visual FoxPro

* FoxWeb

Other languages/Multiple languages

* Alpha Five
* Application Express (PL/SQL)
* Fusebox (ColdFusion and PHP)
* HAppS (Haskell)
* Morfik, use Pascal, Basic, Java or C# to develop full Ajax apps.
* OpenACS (Tcl)
* Pichat (C++) with integrated server push web service
* Yaws (Erlang)

ee also

* Ajax framework
* Comparison of web application frameworks
* Web service

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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