Canvas (web framework)

Canvas (web framework)

name = Canvas Web Application Development Framework

caption =
developer = [ Matt Todd]
latest_release_version = 1.1
latest_release_date = release_date|2006|06|01
operating system = Cross-platform
platform =
language =
programming_language = PHP
genre = Web application framework
license = MIT License
website =

Canvas is an open-source web application framework built with and for PHP5. Canvas employs the model-view-controller (MVC) design pattern, as well as abstracting database interaction with an object-relational mapping (ORM) model that presents data in a database as real world objects.

Canvas is in active development at Clayton State University's Office of Information Technology and Services department The HUB. The framework is currently at version 1.1, but has many more releases planned and under way.

The framework was developed out of a need for a simple and common way for the entire department to develop web applications with rapid ease. A great deal of inspiration was pulled from Ruby on Rails and the simplistic beauty it provides the Ruby community. The goal for the design of the system was semantic simplicity and beauty. Agile development methods were employed to enhance the system as much as possible, particularly the "don't repeat yourself" principle, orthogonality, decoupled design, and others.

The framework uses MySQL as the default relational database engine and Smarty as the default templating system, but is easily modified to use other databases and templating systems.

ee also

*List of web application frameworks

External links

* [] — the Canvas Framework homepage
* [ Clayton State University]
* [ The HUB]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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