- Henry Barrowe
Henry Barrowe (c. 1550 –
April 6 ,1593 ), EnglishPuritan andSeparatist , was born about 1550, inNorfolk , of a family related by marriage toNicholas Bacon , and probably to John Aylmer,Bishop of London . He matriculated atClare Hall, Cambridge , in November 1566, and graduated BA in 1569–1570. Afterwards he "followed the court" for some time, leading a frivolous if not licentious life. He was a member ofGray's Inn for a few years from 1576, but was never called to the bar.In about 1580 or 1581 he was deeply impressed by a sermon, whereupon he retired to the country, and was led by study and meditation to the strictest form of
Puritan ism. Subsequently, in what manner is not known, he came into intimate relations withJohn Greenwood , the Separatist leader, whose views he adopted without reserve. Though not strictly resident inLondon at this time, he was associated with "the brethren of the Separation" there, in whose secret meetings his natural earnestness and eloquence made him conspicuous.Greenwood having been imprisoned in
The Clink , Barrowe came from the country to visit him, and onNovember 19 1586 was detained by the gaoler and brought before ArchbishopJohn Whitgift . He insisted on the illegality of this arrest, refused either to take the ex officio oath or to give bail for future appearance, and was committed to the Gatehouse. After nearly six months detention and several irregular examinations before the high commissioners, he and Greenwood were formally indicted (May 1587) forrecusancy under an act originally directed against Roman Catholics. They were ordered to find heavy bail for conformity, and to remain in theFleet Prison until it was forthcoming. Barrowe continued a prisoner for the remainder of his life, nearly six years, sometimes in close confinement, sometimes having "the liberty of the prison." He was subjected to several more examinations, once before the Privy Council at Whitehall onMarch 18 1588 , as a result of petition to the Queen. On these occasions he vigorously maintained the principle ofseparatism , denouncing the prescribed ritual of the Church as "a false worship," and the bishops as oppressors and persecutors.During his imprisonments he was engaged in written controversy with
Robert Browne (down to 1588), who had yielded a partial submission to the established order, and whom he therefore accounted a renegade. He also wrote several vigorous treatises in defence of separatism and congregational independency, the most important being:—
*"A True Description of the Visible Congregation of the Saints", &c. (1589)
*"A Plain Refutation of Mr Gifford’s Booke, intituled A Short Treatise Gainst the Donatistes of England" (1590–1591)
*"A Brief Discovery of the False Church" (1590).Others were written in conjunction with his fellow-prisoner, Greenwood. These writings were taken charge of by friends and mostly printed in the
Netherlands . By 1590 the bishops thought it advisable to try other means of convincing or silencing these controversialists, and sent several conformingPuritan ministers to confer with them, but without effect. At length it was resolved to proceed on a capital charge of "devising and circulating seditious books," for which, as the law then stood, it was easy to secure a conviction. They were tried and sentenced to death on23 March 1593 . The day after sentence they were brought out as if for execution andrespite d. On31 March they were taken to the gallows, and after the ropes had been placed about their necks were again respited. Finally they were hanged early on the morning ofApril 6 . The motive of all this is obscure, but there is some evidence that the Lord Treasurer Burghley endeavoured to save their lives, and was frustrated by Whitgift and other bishops.References
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