- Iteso
The Iteso, plural (also referred to as Teso, is the place where Iteso traditionally live in, Etesot, singular male and Atesot, singular female) are an ethnic group in
Uganda (eastern) andKenya (western). They are the second largest ethnic group in Uganda, living mainly inTeso sub-region , i.e., the districts of Amuria, Soroti, Kumi,Katakwi ,Pallisa ,Bukedea ,Kaberamaido andTororo . In Kenya they live in Teso District.According to anthropologists, the Iteso are part of a group that migrated from
Ethiopia around 1600 A.D. and split into two branches, with one branch moving to present dayKenya to form the Kalenjin group and Maasai cluster. The other branch, calledAteker migrated westwards. Ateker or Luk'ateker (from the clan) further split into several groups, includingJie ,Turkana in present dayKenya , and Iteso,Karamojong andKumam in present day Uganda.Originally a cattle herding people similar to the Karamajong, the Iteso have adopted a less nomadic lifestyle and have settled into mixed farming. Recent cattle raids by the Karamajong, after they acquired automatic weapons, resulted in a sharp decline in cattle herding by the Iteso. In the northern parts of their regions many people have moved to displaced people camps fearing night-time incursions by Karamajong raiders.
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