- Kalenjin
Kalenjin may refer to:
Kalenjin people
** Nandi
** Terik
*Kalenjin language
*Kalenjin languages
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.
Kalenjin may refer to:
** Nandi
** Terik
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.
Kalenjin — Kalenjins Kalenjins L athlète Lornah Kiplagat en 2007 Popula … Wikipédia en Français
Kalenjin — Pokot Frauen Die Kalendjin, Kalenjin oder Kalendschin (so gesprochen) sind eine Gruppe verwandter Völker, die im Westen Kenias im und am Rift Valley leben. Sie sprechen südnilotische Sprachen. Die Kalendjin sind Niloten und vor mehr als 2000… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Kalenjin — ▪ people any member of the Kipsikis (Kipsigis), Nandi, Pokot, or other related peoples of west central Kenya, northern Tanzania, and Uganda who speak Southern Nilotic languages of the Nilo Saharan language family. The Kalenjin peoples … Universalium
Kalenjin people — Kalenjin is an ethnic group of Nilotic origin living in the Great Rift Valley in western Kenya. The Kalenjin population is estimated at roughly 3 million. There are several smaller tribal groupings within the Kalenjin: Elgeyo, Endorois, Kipsigis … Wikipedia
Kalenjin language — For the broader linguistic family of Kalenjin languages spoken in Kenya, Uganda, and Tanzania, see Kalenjin languages. Kalenjin is a cluster of closely related dialects spoken in Western Kenya and the Rift Valley by about 12% of Kenya s… … Wikipedia
Kalenjin languages — The Kalenjin languages are a group of twelve related Southern Nilotic languages spoken in Kenya, eastern Uganda and northern Tanzania. The term Kalenjin comes from a Nandi expression meaning I say (to you) . Kalenjin in this broad linguistic… … Wikipedia
Kalenjin — noun a) an ethnic group of Nilotic origin living in the Great Rift Valley in western Kenya and eastern Uganda b) a member of this ethnic group … Wiktionary
Kalenjin — ISO 639 3 Code : kln ISO 639 2/B Code : ISO 639 2/T Code : ISO 639 1 Code : Scope : Macrolanguage Language Type : Living Individual languages : Identifier : enb Name: Markweeta Individual languages : Identifier : eyo Name: Keiyo … Names of Languages ISO 639-3
kalenjin — adj. D un peuple du Kenya … Le dictionnaire des mots absents des autres dictionnaires
Pueblo kalenjin — Lornah Kiplagat Los kalenjin son un grupo étnico de órigen nilótico oriundo de la región africana del Valle del Rift, en el oeste de Kenia y oeste de Uganda, cuya población estimada en la actualidad es de unos tres millones de personas. El… … Wikipedia Español