- DVB-T in Slovenia
It all began in 2007 when the Government of the Republic of Slovenia decided to test DVB-T transmittion in Slovenia capital city Ljubljana using the MPEG 2 modulation for 3 months. But before they could start the test the slovene Organization APEK (Agency for Post and Telecommunications Republic of Slovenia) had to give authorization for the use of a DVB-T channel. In a few days APEK gave authorization to RTV SLO for use of DVB-T channel 37.
After that the RTV SLO had to determine which transmitter would be used for the 3-month test. The settled on the transmitters made by a Slovene company, Elti, who produces analog and digital TV transmitters. After the 3 months test, the RTV SLO decided to start transmitting DVB-T Programs. They also added digital transmission for TV SLO 2. In 2007, the RTV SLO made a new Tv channel in 2007: TV SLO 3 (Parliamentary TV channel) that started transmitting in DVB-T. In the year 2008 they started negotiations with the private Tv station TV3 to transmit in DVB-T form.
History of DVB-T in SLovenia
Slovenia adopted DVB-T in the year 2007 and use
H.264/MPEG-4 AVC codec. Others friends counties (Italy,Croatia,Austria,Hungary) useMPEG-2 .Slovenia with DVB-T signal in 14.1.2008: [http://www.rtvslo.si/dvb-t/uploader/dvbt_w700.jpg] Slovenia with DVB-T signal in 30.11.2007: [http://img.rtvslo.si/dvb-t/uploader/pokritost_20071130.jpg]
The RTV SLo created the HD TV in 12.8.2008 specially for the live broadcasting from the Olympic Games (Beijing 2008)
DVB-T Channels
Location where DVB-T signal is available in Slovenia: [http://www.rtvslo.si/dvb-t/uploader/web_karta_velika.jpg]
Non DVB-T programs in Slovenia
[http://http://www.apek.si/sl/prihaja_televizija_visoke_razlocljivosti_hdtv] [http://www.rtvslo.si/dvb-t/hdtv.php] [http://www.rtvslo.si/dvb-t/index.php] [http://dvb-t.apek.si/hdtv] [http://dvb-t.apek.si/dvb-t] [http://www.mojmikro.si/news/rtv_slovenija_oddaja_tudi_v_hd_tv_tehniki] [http://www.rtvslo.si/modload.php?&c_mod=forum&op=viewtopic&topic_id=4228&forum=4] [http://www.finance.si/216061] [http://www.rtvslo.si/vabimo/tv.php?id=5223]
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