- Snowy River Cave
Snowy River is a
cave passage withinFort Stanton Cave inLincoln County, New Mexico , obtaining its name from a beautiful stream bed of whitecalcite .Geology
The bed of Snowy River is covered with bright white
calcite . Over time, ancient, slow moving ground water dissolved thelimestone walls of the cave and, with the help ofmicroorganisms , recrystallized limestone into the white-colored mineral. Since prehistoric times, ground water imbued with calcite has periodically flooded the cave, followed by extended periods of dryness, leaving behind coatings and deposits.The
Bureau of Land Management reports that Snowy River may be the largest continuous cave formation in America.Hydrology
Discovered in 2001, Snowy River is a section of a much larger cave complex. Researchers and explorers have not yet determined how the formations relate to the
geology andhydrology . After visits to the dry riverbed in 2001, 2003, 2005, explorers were surprised to find Snowy River flowing with water in 2007.Biology
Previously unknown species of microorganisms have been observed and identified.
New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology says the organisms live in this isolated environment by "eating the rocks", [ [http://www.nm.blm.gov/misc/snowy_river/snowy_river.htm Dr. Penny Boston, New Mexico Tech] ] creating reconstituted mineral byproducts in the process that may have pharmaceutical uses. Scientists anticipate new biological as well as geologic discoveries will be found.References
External links
* [http://www.nm.blm.gov/misc/snowy_river/snowy_river.htm BLM: Snowy River Passage]
* [http://www.nm.blm.gov/misc/snowy_river/snowy_river_how_found.htm BLM: Discovery]
* [http://www.nm.blm.gov/misc/snowy_river/snowy_river_ncca.htm BLM: Conservation Area]
* [http://www.mail.com/layoutengine.aspx?page=Article.aspx&articlepath=APNewsTop-Headlines20080724Exploring-Snowy-River.xml&cat=topheadlines&subcat=&pageid=1 news article]
* [http://www.nature.nps.gov/nckri/ National Cave and Karst Research Institute]
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