- Hermann Rothe
Hermann Rothe (*December 28 1882 inVienna ; †December 18 1923 in Vienna) was an Austrianmathematician .Rothe studied at the
University of Vienna and theUniversity of Göttingen . He attained theDoctorate inEngineering in 1909 in Vienna. Then he was assistant at theVienna University of Technology , where he attained theHabilitation in 1910. In 1913 Rothe married and began to teachmathematics at the Vienna University of Technology asProfessor extraordinarius, and from 1920 as Professor ordinarius. In 1923 he died after a longdisease . [Cite journal
author=Radon, J.
title=Hermann Rothe: Nachruf
journal=Jahresbericht der Deutschen Mathematiker-Vereinigung
volume =35
pages =172-175]Rothe is known for his collaboration (1910–1912) with
Philipp Frank onspecial relativity . Based ongroup theory , they tried to derive theLorentz transformation without the postulate of the constancy of thespeed of light . [Cite journal
author=Pauli, W.
journal=Encyclopädie der mathematischen Wissenschaften
title= Die Relativitätstheorie
url=http://gdz.sub.uni-goettingen.de/no_cache/dms/load/img/?IDDOC=201990]Furthermore Rothe worked — outside his teaching activity — on mathematical problems like
Hermann Grassmann 's "Ausdehnungslehre" (theory of extension, orexterior algebra ).ources
*Cite journal
author=Frank, P. & Rothe, H.
title=Über die Transformation der Raum-Zeitkoordinaten von ruhenden auf bewegte Systeme
journal=Annalen der Physik
volume =34
pages =825-855
url=http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k15337j/f845.table*Cite journal
author=Rothe, H.
title=Systeme geometrischer Analyse
journal=Encyklopädie der mathematischen Wissenschaften mit Einschluss ihrer Anwendungen
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