United States House of Representatives elections in Florida, 2008

United States House of Representatives elections in Florida, 2008

The 2008 congressional elections in Florida will be held on November 4, 2008 to determine who will represent the state of Florida in the United States House of Representatives. Florida has 25 seats in the House, apportioned according to the 2000 United States Census. Representatives are elected for two-year terms; those elected will serve in the 111th Congress from January 4, 2009 until January 3, 2011. The election coincides with the 2008 U.S. presidential election.

The Primary election was held August 26, 2008, with a registration deadline of July 28, 2008. The General election will be held November 4, 2008, with a registration deadline of October 6, 2008. [ [http://election.dos.state.fl.us/calendar/elecdate.shtml Calendar of Election Dates] "Florida Division of Elections"] Early voting begins 15 days before an election and ends on the 2nd day before an election. [ [http://search.dos.state.fl.us/DOE/dtSearch/dtisapi6.dll?cmd=getdoc&DocId=210&Index=%2ac827685b409a8c2e2769b709d7a43ebb&HitCount=30&hits=1+2+22+23+2b+2c+30+31+52+53+66+67+7f+80+88+89+c5+c6+d9+da+f2+f3+fb+fc+117+118+126+127+20e+20f+&SearchForm=%5c%5cdossccffs1%5cwebcontent%5csearch%5cSearchDOEWeb%5cSearchDOEWeb%2easp Early Voting] "Florida Division of Elections"] In 2008, early voting will run from October 20th through November 2nd.

The races not forecasted as safe for the incumbent party are Districts 8, 13, 15, 16, 21, 22, 24 and 25.

Congressional districts

District 1

Republican incumbent Jeff Miller is expected to win over Democratic challenger/Vietnam Vet Jim Bryan ( [http://www.bryanforcongress.org/ campaign website] ). CQ Politics forecasts the race as 'Safe Republican'.
* [http://www.cqpolitics.com/wmspage.cfm?docID=district-FL-01 Race ranking and details] from CQ Politics
* [http://www.opensecrets.org/races/summary.php?id=FL01&cycle=2008 Campaign contributions] from OpenSecrets.org

District 2

Democratic incumbent Allen Boyd is expected to win over Republican challenger Mark Mulligan and WRI Robert Ortiz. CQ Politics forecasts the race as 'Safe Democrat'.
* [http://www.cqpolitics.com/wmspage.cfm?docID=district-FL-02 Race ranking and details] from CQ Politics
* [http://www.opensecrets.org/races/summary.php?id=FL02&cycle=2008 Campaign contributions] from OpenSecrets.org

District 3

Democratic incumbent Corrine Brown is running unopposed. CQ Politics forecasts the race as 'Safe Democrat'.
* [http://www.cqpolitics.com/wmspage.cfm?docID=district-FL-03 Race ranking and details] from CQ Politics
* [http://www.opensecrets.org/races/summary.php?id=FL03&cycle=2008 Campaign contributions] from OpenSecrets.org

District 4

Republican incumbent Ander Crenshaw is being challenged by Democrat Jay McGovern, an Iraq War veteran. CQ Politics forecasts the race as 'Safe Republican'.
* [http://www.cqpolitics.com/wmspage.cfm?docID=district-FL-04 Race ranking and details] from CQ Politics
* [http://www.opensecrets.org/races/summary.php?id=FL04&cycle=2008 Campaign contributions] from OpenSecrets.org

District 5

Republican incumbent Ginny Brown-Waite ( [http://www.ginnybrown-waite.com/ campaign website] ) is again being challenged by Democrat John Russell ( [http://www.johnrussellforcongress.com/ campaign website] ), who received 40% against Brown-Waite in the 2006 election. CQ Politics forecasts the race as 'Safe Republican'. (CPVI=R+5)

Brown-Waite attracted a serious primary challenger in this sprawling Nature Coast district. As of November, Jim King had already begun a media campaign attacking Brown-Waite from the right and appealing to the conservative Christians who exert a serious influence in the local Republican Party. [ [http://www.sptimes.com/2007/11/18/news_pf/Hernando/Early_rival_launches_.shtml sptimes.com] ] While King was a longshot to unseat Brown-Waite, a lengthy and divisive primary campaign of this sort risks draining the incumbent's campaign resources, splintering her support, and causing her to take up more conservative stances that would appeal less to moderate voters in the general election.

Russell is a businessman, acute care nurse practitioner and local activist. He is hoping to capitalize on Brown-Waite's difficult primary, her modest fundraising, and the recent demographic changes in this high-growth area.
* [http://www.cqpolitics.com/wmspage.cfm?docID=district-FL-05 Race ranking and details] from CQ Politics
* [http://www.opensecrets.org/races/summary.php?id=FL05&cycle=2008 Campaign contributions] from OpenSecrets.org

District 6

Republican incumbent Cliff Stearns faces Democratic challenger Tim Cunha ( [http://www.timcunha.com/ campaign website] ). CQ Politics forecasts the race as 'Safe Republican'.
* [http://www.cqpolitics.com/wmspage.cfm?docID=district-FL-06 Race ranking and details] from CQ Politics
* [http://www.opensecrets.org/races/summary.php?id=FL06&cycle=2008 Campaign contributions] from OpenSecrets.org

District 7

Republican incumbent John Mica faces Democratic challenger, Faye Armitage.( [http://www.fayeforcongress.com/ campaign website] ). CQ Politics forecasts the race as 'Safe Republican'.
* [http://www.cqpolitics.com/wmspage.cfm?docID=district-FL-07 Race ranking and details] from CQ Politics
* [http://www.opensecrets.org/races/summary.php?id=FL07&cycle=2008 Campaign contributions] from OpenSecrets.org

District 8

Republican incumbent Ric Keller ( [http://www.kellerforcongress.com campaign website] ) is facing Democrat Alan Grayson ( [http://www.graysonforcongress.com campaign website] ), an attorney who prosecutes war profiteers and who ran unsuccessfully in the 2006 Democratic primary. CQ Politics forecasts the race as 'Republican favored'. George W. Bush won the district in 2004 with 55% of the vote (CPVI=R+3).

In 2006, Keller, author of the "Cheeseburger Bill", was reelected by less than expected to Orlando businessman Charlie Stuart, who polled 46%. After the November 2006 election, Keller announced that he would break his 2000 pledge to serve only four terms. Todd Long ( [http://www.toddlongforcongress.com campaign website] ), an Orlando attorney and radio talkshow host, then announced he would challenge Keller in the Republican primary, promising to make an issue of the broken term-limits pledge.Rachel Kapochunas, [http://www.nytimes.com/cq/2006/12/05/cq_2009.html "Keller’s Early ‘08 Opponent Focusing on Broken Term Limit Pledge"] , "New York Times", December 5, 2006] Greg Lewis and retired Marine Corps officer Bob Hering also announced they would challenge Keller in the primary, but they did not meet the qualifying requirements.

On the Democratic side there were several primary contestants other than Grayson. Charlie Stuart ( [http://www.charliestuartforcongress.com/ campaign website] ), who lost to Keller by six percentage points in 2006; Mike Smith ( [http://www.mikesmithforcongress.com campaign website] ), a former state prosecutor and current trial lawyer with Morgan and Morgan; Corbett Kroeler ( [http://www.corbettforcongress.com campaign website] ), an environmental activist; Quoc Ba Van ( [http://www.vanforcongress.com campaign website] ), local weight-lifting champion and recent Emory Law School graduate. [cite news |first=Jason |last=Garcia |title=Keller Draws More Competition |url=http://blogs.orlandosentinel.com/news_politics/2007/06/keller_draws_mo.html |work=Orlando Sentinel Central Florida Political Pulse Blog |publisher=Orlando Sentinel |date=June 19, 2007 |accessdate=2007-06-19 ] [Brendan Farrington, [http://www.heraldtribune.com/article/20070623/APN/706230504 "Florida will be a congressional battleground again in 2008"] , "Herald Tribune", June 23, 2007] [Scott Maxwell [http://blogs.orlandosentinel.com/news_local_namesblog/2007/06/more_keller_com.html "More Keller competition"] , "Orlando Sentinel", June 20, 2007]
* [http://www.cqpolitics.com/wmspage.cfm?docID=district-FL-08 Race ranking and details] from CQ Politics
* [http://www.opensecrets.org/races/summary.php?id=FL08&cycle=2008 Campaign contributions] from OpenSecrets.org

District 9

Incumbent Republican Gus Michael Bilirakis is expected to win over his challengers. They include Democrats John Dicks, Anita de Palma ( [http://www.anitadepalma2008.com/ campaign website] ) and Bill Mitchell [Bill Mitchell] (who won), TPL Richard Emmons, WRI Andrew Pasayan, and Independent John Kalimnios. CQ Politics forecasts the race as 'Safe Republican'.
* [http://www.cqpolitics.com/wmspage.cfm?docID=district-FL-09 Race ranking and details] from CQ Politics
* [http://www.opensecrets.org/races/summary.php?id=FL00&cycle=2008 Campaign contributions] from OpenSecrets.org

District 10

Republican incumbent Bill Young is expected to win over Dunedin Mayor Democrat Bob Hackworth and write in candidate Don Callahan. Bob Hackworth won the Democratic primary on August 26, 2008 with 46% of the vote, defeating Samm Simpson and Max Linn. [ [http://www.baynews9.com/ElectionResults.html?8.26.2008-77841579 Election Results. Baynews9.com. Online. August 26, 2008.] ] CQ Politics forecasts the race as 'Safe Republican'.
* [http://www.cqpolitics.com/wmspage.cfm?docID=district-FL-10 Race ranking and details] from CQ Politics
* [http://www.opensecrets.org/races/summary.php?id=FL10&cycle=2008 Campaign contributions] from OpenSecrets.org

District 11

Democratic incumbent Kathy Castor is expected to win against Republican challenger Eddie Adams, Jr.. CQ Politics forecasts the race as 'Safe Democrat'.
* [http://www.cqpolitics.com/wmspage.cfm?docID=district-FL-11 Race ranking and details] from CQ Politics
* [http://www.opensecrets.org/races/summary.php?id=FL11&cycle=2008 Campaign contributions] from OpenSecrets.org

District 12

Republican incumbent Adam Putnam is expected to win against Iraq War Vet Doug Tudor-D. CQ Politics forecasts the race as 'Safe Republican'.
* [http://www.cqpolitics.com/wmspage.cfm?docID=district-FL-12 Race ranking and details] from CQ Politics
* [http://www.opensecrets.org/races/summary.php?id=FL12&cycle=2008 Campaign contributions] from OpenSecrets.org

District 13

Freshman Republican incumbent Vern Buchanan ( [http://www.vernbuchananforcongress.com/ campaign website] ) is again being challenged by Democratic banker Christine Jennings ( [http://www.christinejennings2008.com/ campaign website] ). Former Democratic Congressional candidate Jan Schneider has also filed, running as an Independent. [ [http://www.southernpoliticalreport.com/storylink_59_391.aspx southernpoliticalreport.com] ] This is expected to be a competitive race in 2008, though Buchanan is far ahead of Jennings in fundraising. CQ Politics forecasts the race as 'Leans Republican'. George W. Bush won 56% of the district's vote in 2004 (CPVI=R+4).

Buchanan was certified as having won in 2006 by a 369-vote margin over Jennings, but Jennings challenged the election in court. Although Buchanan was seated by the House, the House has made no final decision on the matter. In mid-July, Jennings announced she would run again in 2008. [Jeremy Wallace, [http://www.heraldtribune.com/article/20070720/NEWS/707200305 "Jennings to run for Congress again"] , "Herald-Tribune", July 20, 2007]
* [http://www.cqpolitics.com/wmspage.cfm?docID=district-FL-13 Race ranking and details] from CQ Politics
* [http://www.opensecrets.org/races/summary.php?id=FL13&cycle=2008 Campaign contributions] from OpenSecrets.org
* [http://www.pollster.com/polls/fl/08-fl-13-ge-bvj.php Buchanan (R-i) vs Jennings (D)] polls from "Pollster.com"

District 14

Republican incumbent Connie Mack is expected to win against Democrat Robert Neeld ( [http://www.neeldforcongress.com/ campaign website] ), Independent Jeff George and Republican State Senator Burt Saunders who is running as an Independent. CQ Politics forecasts the race as 'Safe Republican'.
* [http://www.cqpolitics.com/wmspage.cfm?docID=district-FL-14 Race ranking and details] from CQ Politics
* [http://www.opensecrets.org/races/summary.php?id=FL14&cycle=2008 Campaign contributions] from OpenSecrets.org

District 15

Seven-term Republican incumbent Dave Weldon had easily won re-election contests for a decade, but is retiring in 2008, leaving this an open seat and likely a competitive race. The Democratic nominee is physician Steve Blythe ( [http://www.blythe2008.com/ campaign website] ). The Republican nominee is State Senator Bill Posey, who has been endorsed by Weldon and the Florida Republican Party. Libertarian Jeffrey Bouffard ( [http://www.electbouf.com/ campaign website] ), a computer engineer and army veteran, also filed to run. CQ Politics forecasts the race as 'Republican Favored'. Bush won 57% of the vote here in 2004 (CPVI=R+4).
* [http://www.cqpolitics.com/wmspage.cfm?docID=district-FL-15 Race ranking and details] from CQ Politics
* [http://www.opensecrets.org/races/summary.php?id=FL15&cycle=2008 Campaign contributions] from OpenSecrets.org

District 16

This is normally a solidly Republican district, so consensus is that Democratic incumbent Tim Mahoney's 50% to 48% win in 2006 can be attributed to the Mark Foley scandal. The Republican nominee Joe Negron's campaign was harmed by the fact that Foley's name remained on the ballot even though he was not a candidate. Thus Mahoney may have a competitive race in 2008. CQ Politics forecasts the race as 'No Clear Favorite'. George W. Bush won this district by a 10-point margin in 2004 (CPVI=R+2).

Negron has announced that he will not run again. Attorney Tom Rooney won the Republican primary election against State Rep. Gayle Harrell and Palm Beach Gardens City Councilman Hal Valeche. [] http://election.dos.state.fl.us/candidate/canlist.asp Candidate Listing for 2008 General Election] "Florida Division of Elections"]
* [http://www.cqpolitics.com/wmspage.cfm?docID=district-FL-16 Race ranking and details] from CQ Politics
* [http://www.opensecrets.org/races/summary.php?id=FL16&cycle=2008 Campaign contributions] from OpenSecrets.org

District 17

Incumbent Democrat Kendrick Meek is running unopposed. CQ Politics forecasts the race as 'Safe Democrat'.
* [http://www.cqpolitics.com/wmspage.cfm?docID=district-FL-17 Race ranking and details] from CQ Politics
* [http://www.opensecrets.org/races/summary.php?id=FL17&cycle=2008 Campaign contributions] from OpenSecrets.org

District 18

Incumbent Ileana Ros-Lehtinen could face a difficult race as her district has been trending Democratic. The district contains many Miami suburbs and the entire Florida Keys. Founder and CEO of LanguageSpeak and Chair of the Women's Enterprise National Council's Leadership Forum Annette Taddeo ( [http://www.votetaddeo.com/ campaign website] ) has announced she will run as a Democrat and has been raising significant sums of money. CQ Politics forecasts the race as 'Safe Republican'.
* [http://www.cqpolitics.com/wmspage.cfm?docID=district-FL-18 Race ranking and details] from CQ Politics
* [http://www.opensecrets.org/races/summary.php?id=FL18&cycle=2008 Campaign contributions] from OpenSecrets.org
* [http://www.pollster.com/polls/fl/08-fl-18-ge-rlvt.php Ros-Lehtinen (R-i) vs Taddeo (D)] polls from "Pollster.com"

District 19

Democratic incumbent Robert Wexler is expected to win against both Benjamin Graber in the Democratic primary, and Republican Edward J. Lynch in the general election. CQ Politics forecasts the race as 'Safe Democrat'.
* [http://www.cqpolitics.com/wmspage.cfm?docID=district-FL-19 Race ranking and details] from CQ Politics
* [http://www.opensecrets.org/races/summary.php?id=FL19&cycle=2008 Campaign contributions] from OpenSecrets.org

District 20

In the primary, Democratic incumbent Debbie Wasserman Schultz ( [http://www.dwsforcongress.com/ campaign website] ) is facing fellow Democrat Peter Deutsch who held the seat until 2004 when he ran for the U.S. Senate and endorsed her as his successor. Her Republican challenger Margaret Hostetter is not expected to be a serious threat nor is Socialist candidate Marc Luzietti ( [http://www.luzietti.com/ campaign website] ). CQ Politics forecasts the race as 'Safe Democrat'.
* [http://www.cqpolitics.com/wmspage.cfm?docID=district-FL-20 Race ranking and details] from CQ Politics
* [http://www.opensecrets.org/races/summary.php?id=FL20&cycle=2008 Campaign contributions] from OpenSecrets.org

District 21

Republican incumbent Lincoln Diaz-Balart ( [http://www.raul2008.com/ campaign website] ) has faced nothing more than token opposition since his first election. But this year, he could face a very tough race. The Democratic nominee is former Hialeah Mayor Raul L. Martinez ( [http://www.raul2008.com/ campaign website] ), who is very well-known in the area and could be a formidable challenger. [ [http://thehill.com/leading-the-news/martinez-announces-challenge-to-diaz-balart-2008-01-22.html thehill.com] ] CQ Politics forecasts the race as 'Leans Republican'. Bush won 57% of the vote here in 2004 (CPVI=R+6).
* [http://www.cqpolitics.com/wmspage.cfm?docID=district-FL-21 Race ranking and details] from CQ Politics
* [http://www.opensecrets.org/races/summary.php?id=FL21&cycle=2008 Campaign contributions] from OpenSecrets.org
* [http://www.pollster.com/polls/fl/08-fl-21-ge-dbvm.php Diaz-Balart (R-i) vs Martinez (D)] polls from "Pollster.com"

District 22

First-term incumbent Ron Klein (D) might face a challenge in this Fort Lauderdale area district that barely went to John Kerry in 2004 (CPVI=D+4). Republicans suffered a setback when Boca Raton Mayor Steven Abrams announced he would not run. Former army officer and Iraq War veteran Allen West and former navy pilot Mark Flagg both have announced they are running. The neurosurgeon Robert Brodner and 2006 Connecticut U.S. senatorial candidate Alan Schlesinger are also potential candidates. Mike Prysner an Iraq War veteran, peace activist, and college student is running on the Party for Socialism and Liberation ticket. [ [http://politics1.com/fl.htm politics1.com] ] CQ Politics forecasts the race as 'Democrat Favored'.
* [http://www.cqpolitics.com/wmspage.cfm?docID=district-FL-22 Race ranking and details] from CQ Politics
* [http://www.opensecrets.org/races/summary.php?id=FL22&cycle=2008 Campaign contributions] from OpenSecrets.org

District 23

Democratic incumbent Alcee Hastings is expected to win against both Ray Torres Sanchez in the Democratic primary, and Republican Marion Dennis Thorpe Jr. in the general election. CQ Politics forecasts the race as 'Safe Democrat'.
* [http://www.cqpolitics.com/wmspage.cfm?docID=district-FL-23 Race ranking and details] from CQ Politics
* [http://www.opensecrets.org/races/summary.php?id=FL23&cycle=2008 Campaign contributions] from OpenSecrets.org

District 24

Republican incumbent Tom Feeney ( [http://www.tomfeeney.com/ campaign website] ) could have a challenging race in 2008, running against the Democrat nominee, former State Representative Suzanne Kosmas ( [http://www.kosmasforcongress.com/ campaign website] ). [ [http://blogs.orlandosentinel.com/news_politics/2007/10/feeney-gets-tou.html orlandosentinel.com] ] . The district includes the Orlando suburbs as well as the Space Coast of Florida. Feeney was reelected by 58% to 42%, less than expected especially considering that Feeney reportedly drew the district for himself while serving as speaker of the state house. CQ Politics forecasts the race as 'Leans Republican'. George W. Bush won 55% here in 2004 (CPVI=R+3).
* [http://www.cqpolitics.com/wmspage.cfm?docID=district-FL-24 Race ranking and details] from CQ Politics
* [http://www.opensecrets.org/races/summary.php?id=FL24&cycle=2008 Campaign contributions] from OpenSecrets.org
* [http://www.pollster.com/polls/fl/08-fl-24-ge-fvk.php Feeney (R-i) vs Kosmas (D)] polls from "Pollster.com"

District 25

Republican incumbent Mario Diaz-Balart faces a challenge from Miami-Dade County Democratic Party chairman Joe Garcia ( [http://joegarcia08.com/ campaign website] ), a former executive director of the Cuban American National Foundation (CANF). [Luis Rumbaut, [http://www.washingtonindependent.com/view/cuban-americans "Cuban-Americans Ready For Change? Florida House Races Show a New Democratic Alignment Could Emerge"] , "Washington Independent", February 9, 2007] CQ Politics forecasts the race as 'Republican Favored'. Bush won 56% of the vote here in 2004 (CPVI=R+4).
* [http://www.cqpolitics.com/wmspage.cfm?docID=district-FL-25 Race ranking and details] from CQ Politics
* [http://www.opensecrets.org/races/summary.php?id=FL25&cycle=2008 Campaign contributions] from OpenSecrets.org
* [http://www.pollster.com/polls/fl/08-fl-25-ge-dbvg.php Diaz-Balart (R-i) vs Garcia (D)] polls from "Pollster.com"


External links

* [http://election.dos.state.fl.us/ Florida Division of Elections]
* [http://www.votesmart.org/election_congress_state.php?state_id=FL&go33.x=7&go33.y=6 U.S. Congress candidates for Florida] at Project Vote Smart
* [http://www.2008racetracker.com/page/Florida Florida U.S. House Races] from "2008 Race Tracker"
* [http://www.opensecrets.org/races/election.php?state=FL Campaign contributions for Florida congressional races] from OpenSecrets.org

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