Infobox Radio station
name = BLU FM

area = Upper and Mid Blue Mountains
slogan =
frequency = 89.1 mHz FM
format = Community radio
callsign = 2BLU
airdate = January 8, 1993
owner = The Blue Mountains Public Broadcasting Society Inc.

BLU FM (callsign 2BLU) is a community radio station based in Katoomba and broadcasting to the surrounding Blue Mountains region in New South Wales. The station is licensed to cover the area stretching from Mount Victoria to Woodford.

The mission of BLU FM is to promote access and involvement from all sections of the local community to produce material for broadcast. BLU FM is a volunteer run organisation and is funded through listener support, grants and limited commercial sponsorship.


The "Blue Mountains Public Broadcasting Society" was set up at a public meeting in Katoomba in 1985. The society conducted test transmissions at various times between 1986 and 1992. These are fully operational and programmed broadcasts, but are usually limited to one or two weeks at a time. [cite web |title=Allocation of Temporary Community Radio Licences |url= |date=October 2007 |accessdate=2008-07-15 |publisher=ACMA ] In June 1992, the then Australian Broadcasting Tribunal granted a full time community broadcasting licence to the society. [cite web |title=BLU FM History |url= |date=2008 |accessdate=2008-07-15 |publisher= [ BLU FM] ]

When BLU FM started it was on air for just four days a week. By the end of its first year this had increased to seven days a week. In 1994 the station purchased a satellite dish to enable it to receive the CBAA Community Radio Network program feed, allowing BLU FM to broadcast 24 hours a day. The Society celebrated its 21st anniversary in 2007. [cite web |title=Our Blu Heaven |url= |date=2007-06-20 |accessdate=2008-07-15 |publisher= [ Blue Mountains Gazette] ]


BLUyouth is a recent initiative set up as part of BLU FM, to help the young community of the Blue Mountains . It runs in three components: youth shows on BLU FM, attracting youth listeners and BLUyouth online. As well as its on air presence, BLUyouth organsies local gigs and fundraising for the station. [cite web |title=What does community radio do for youth? |url= |date=2004 |accessdate=2008-07-15 |author=Josh Graham |publisher= [ BLUyouth] ] Because BLU FM is the only locally based broadcaster, it has agreements with local emergency services to broadcast information in times of natural disaster such as flooding and bushfires. [cite web |title=Blue Mountains SES Storm Checklist |url= |date=2003 |accessdate=2008-07-15 |publisher=City of Blue Mountains ] BLU FM is a key supporter of the local music industry both on air and in the community, helping to organise and run the "Battle of the Bands" every May and "Blue Mountains Music Week" in November. [cite web |title=The sound of music |url= |date=2005-02-02 |accessdate=2008-07-15 |publisher= [ Blue Mountains Gazette] ]


The stations current programs cover a range of music styles including jazz, country, rock, dance and blues as well as coverage of local issues and events. The weekly "Mountains of Music" features only local bands and musicians.


External Links

* [ BLUyouth]

=See also=
* List of Australian radio stations

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