

IUPAC_name = ethyl 6- [2-(4,4-dimethylthiochroman-6-yl) ethynyl] pyridine-3-carboxylate

CAS_number = 118292-40-3
ATC_prefix = D05
ATC_suffix = AX05
ATC_supplemental =
PubChem = 5381
DrugBank = APRD01246
C = 21 |H = 21 |N = 1 |O = 2 |S = 1
molecular_weight = 351.463 g/mol
bioavailability =
protein_bound = >99%
metabolism =
elimination_half-life = 19 Hours
pregnancy_category = X (U.S.)
legal_status = Prescription Only
routes_of_administration = Topical

Tazarotene (marketed as Tazorac, Avage and Zorac) is a prescription topical retinoid sold as a cream or gel. This medication is approved for treatment of psoriasis, acne, and sun damaged skin (photodamage). It is commonly sold in two concentrations: 0.05% and 0.1%.

Common side effects include worsening of acne, dry skin, itchiness, redness and in some cases extreme drying and cracking of skin. For most patients these side effects are uncomfortable but mild and decrease markedly after the first 2–4 weeks of use.

For best results dermatologists recommend applying the cream or gel once daily before bedtime after washing the face with a mild cleanser. Dermatologists recommend using a moisturizer with tazarotene so skin will not be as dry and flaky.

"There is limited evidence that tazarotene and isotretinoin benefit patients with moderate photodamage on the face: both are associated with skin irritation and erythema." Samuel M, Brooke RC, Hollis S, Griffiths CE. Interventions for photodamaged skin. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2005 Jan 25;(1):CD001782. [http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15674885?ordinalpos=1&itool=EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Pubmed.Pubmed_ResultsPanel.Pubmed_RVDocSum PubMed Link] ]

In addition to tretinoin, which has been associated with greater skin improvements with high concentrations, tazarotene and isotretinoin creams are also found to be effective for photodamage, but at the expense of skin irritation. More evidence is needed before any recommendations can be made on oral or topical polysaccharides or hydroxy acids. Evidence from one trial suggests that the effectiveness of 0.05% tretinoin, is equivalent to the effects of 0.05% and 0.1% tazarotene.


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