- Samjinnal
caption="Yeonso dapcheong" drawn byHyewon which depicts an outing in spring.
mr=Samchinnal"Samjinnal" is one of "sesi pungsok" (세시풍속) or Korean traditional customs by season, which falls on every March 3 in the
lunar calendar . It was called "samjil" (삼질) in oldKorean language and referred to as "sangsa" (상사, 上巳), "wonsa" (원사, 元巳), "sungsam" (중삼, 重三), "sangje" (상제, 上除) or "dapcheongjeol" (답청절, 踏靑節) inhanja . Since the number 3 has been regarded as an "yang" (positive cosmic forces) in Korea, the date that is overlapped with the two 3 is considered as a "gilil" (길일, lucky day). [cite web|url=http://100.empas.com/dicsearch/pentry.html?s=K&i=296432&v=47 |title=Samjinnal 삼짇날 |publisher=Empas /EncyKorea |accessdate=2008-06-28 ]Nori
*Pulssaum (풀싸움)
*Pulgaksi noleum (풀각시놀음)
*Hwajeon nori (화전놀이) - It literally means "flower pancake play".ee also
*Dano (Korean festival) References
*cite web|url=http://www.foodinkorea.org/eng_food/foodculture/foodculture1_3_b.jsp |title=The Food on Samjinnal |publisher=Korea Agro-Fisheries Trade Corporation |accessdate=2008-06-28
*cite web|url=http://www.nfm.go.kr/downfile/book_mag/408/life2001.pdf |title=(진달래 음식의 종류와 조리법 고찰) The Kind and Recipe of Korean Rosebay Food|author=Chung, Hyeon-Mi (정현미) |publisher=National Folk Museum of Korea |language=Korean / English /Japanese |accessdate=2008-06-28 |pages=1-16p
*cite web|url=http://www.jt.or.kr/news/news03_view.htm?id=1767&gotopage=6&keyfield=&key= |title=전주전통문화센터, 모악산 대원사, 전주공예품전시관 삼짇날 축제 |publisher=Jeonju Traditional Cultural Center |date=2008-04-02|accessdate=2008-06-28 |language=Korean
*cite web|url=http://www.miz.co.kr/momboard/GCA_004/75 |title=봄을 즐기는 ‘삼월 삼짇날’ |publisher=miz.co.kr|accessdate=2008-06-28 |language=Korean
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