Taurus Millennium series

Taurus Millennium series

Infobox Weapon
name= Taurus Millennium Series

caption= Taurus PT145 .45 ACP pistol
origin= flagcountry|Brazil
type= Semi-automatic pistol
is_ranged= yes
service= 2005present
manufacturer= Forjas Taurus S/A
variants= See article

  • .32 ACP
  • .380 ACP
  • 9mm Parabellum
  • .40 S & W
  • .45 ACP
    action= short recoil DAO, DA/SA
    feed= 6, 10, and 12 round magazine
  • iron open fixed 3 dot
  • optional adjustable rear
  • optional night sights
  • Heine 'Straight-8' (Pro series)The Taurus Millennium series is a product line of double action only (DAO) and double action/single action hammerless, striker-fired, short recoil operated, semi-automatic pistols manufactured by Forjas Taurus S/A (Taurus Forge) in Porto Alegre Brazil. [ [http://www.taurususa.com/newsreviews/pistols.cfmMillennium Pro is Here"] , Taurus USA Web sitenews reviews section. Accessed June 12 2008.] The Millennium line was designed to contend in the civilian concealed carry Firearms market, and to be sold as backup weapons for Law Enforcement officers.Cutshaw, Charlie. [http://www.taurususa.com/newsreviews/CH0903.cfm "New Taurus 9mm Millennium Pro] , Taurus USA Web sitenews reviews section. Accessed June 12 2008.]

    Design features

    Taurus Millennium series pistols are manufactured with injection molded polymer frames, and blued carbon steel, stainless steel, or titanium slides.Quinn, Jeff. [http://www.gunblast.com/Taurus_PT111.htm "Taurus Titanium 9mm Millennium"] , Gunblast Web site. Accessed June 11 2008.] Available cartridge chamberings include .32 ACP, .380 ACP, 9mm Parabellum, .40 Smith & Wesson, and .45 ACP. Magazine capacities vary between 6, 10, and 12 rounds depending on model and caliber. The Millennium line includes several innovative safety features including a positive firing pin block as well as the "Taurus Safety Latch", a transfer bar safety which prevents firing of the pistol unless the trigger is pulled. Together these safeties assure that the pistol will not fire if it is accidentally dropped; selected models have been certified as satisfying the California Drop safety requirement. All Millennium models also include a slide-mounted safety lever. [ [http://www.taurususa.com/products/product-details.cfm?id=29&category=Pistol "Millennium 138 .380 ACP Pistol"] , Taurus USA Web siteproducts section. Accessed June 11 2008.]


    Three distinct series or generations of Millennium pistols have been produced. The 1st series featured double action only triggers and a 10 round magazine capacity. The 2nd series resulted from a complete redesign of the 1st, offering a more ergonomic and visually pleasing design, but retaining the double action only trigger system. The 2nd series also introduced the 'Taurus Security System' (TSS), the Taurus version of an Integrated firearm locking safety system, as well as the enhancements Taurus categorizes as the MillenniumPropackage. The 3rd series added double/single action triggers on several models in lieu of the double action only of the first two series. Additionally, the grips of 3rd generation pistols are available in various different colors and the grip stippling is altered; tactical or Picatinny rail accessory mounts are also an option. [ [http://www.blog.boiledfrog.us/archives/89-Identifying-the-Differences-Between-the-Taurus-Millennium-and-Millennium-Pro.html "Identifying the Differences Between the Taurus Millennium and Millennium Pro"] , Boiled Frog Blog. Accessed June 11 2008.]

    Millennium Pro line

    The Millennium Pro pistols offer many improvements over the standard models, but were introduced as enhancements to the originals, not to supplant them. Pro counterparts have now been released for nearly all of the original models. Some features of the Pro line include optional increased magazine capacities, larger and easier to operate controls, a double action/single action trigger mechanism on some models with reduced trigger travel and an improved smoother and lighter trigger pull, an enhanced frame, and an improved more ergonometric grip design. Key to the grip upgrade are recesses which Taurus call 'Memory pads', intended to promote a consistent shooting grip from shot to shot. Other Pro improvements include the contrast enhanced HeineStraight-8sighting system, as well as optional night sights, a loaded chamber indicator which can be felt as well as seen, and a feature labeled 'posi-traction' which consists of an alteration to the number and layout of the slide serrations resulting in an improved gripping surface. [http://www.taurususa.com/products/product-details.cfm?id=1&category=Pistol "Millennium Pro 111 9mm Pistol in Blue Steel"] , Taurus USA Web siteproduct details section. Accessed June 12 2008.]

    Model designations

    Taurus Millennium line model designations consist of 3 digits followed by 1 to 3 characters, which in turn may be followed by an optional third sequence of a dash and 2 digits. The leading three numerals indicate the model's cartridge chambering, for example, number 132 represents .32 ACP chambering, 138 corresponds to .380 ACP, 111 signifies 9mm Parabellum models, 140 denotes the .40 S & W offering, and 145 indicates .45 ACP chambering. An optional 'P' character trailing the chambering digits indicates whether the pistol is aPromodel, and the next 1 or 2 characters denote the slide composition. ABindicates blued steel, the charactersSSindicate stainless, and a 'Ti' signifies titanium. The optional final hyphenated number at the end of the model designation (either a -10 or -12) indicates an extended magazine capacity. Thus the model number 111BP-12 would indicate a 9mm Millennium Pro pistol in blued steel with a 12 round magazine capacity, while model 138SSP-12 designates a .380 stainless steel Millennium Pro with a 12 round capacity. [ [http://www.taurususa.com/products/gunselector-results.cfm?series=MP1 "Millennium Pro Pistols"] , Taurus USA Web siteproducts section. Accessed June 11 2008.]


    Although considered excellent pistols overall, those in the firearms field have leveled a few criticisms at the Millennium product line. For example, the need for a separate manual slide safety on a double-action pistol marketed for concealment use has been called into question as well as the practice of including only a single magazine with each new pistol sold.



    9mm Parabellum caliber.


    Models 111B (blued slide), 111SS (stainless slide), 111SSG (stainless gray slide). Double action only trigger. Weight 18.7 ounces, length: 6 1/8 inches, width: 1.268 inches, height: 5.020 inches, 6 groove 3.25 inch barrel with 1:9.84 per inch rate of twist, 10 round magazine. [ [http://www.taurususa.com/products/product-details.cfm?model=111B&category=Pistol "Millennium 111 9mm Pistol in Blue Steel"] , Taurus USA Web siteproduct details section. Accessed June 12 2008.] [ [http://www.taurususa.com/products/product-details.cfm?id=21&category=Pistol "Millennium 111 9mm Pistol in Stainless Steel"] , Taurus USA Web siteproduct details section. Accessed June 12 2008.] [ [http://www.taurususa.com/products/product-details.cfm?id=22&category=Pistol "Millennium 111 9mm Pistol in Gray/Stainless Steel"] , Taurus USA Web siteproduct details section. Accessed June 12 2008.]


    Models 111BP (blued slide, 10 round magazine), 111BP-12 (blued slide, 12 round magazine), 111SSP (stainless slide, 10 round magazine), 111SSP-12 (stainless slide, 12 round magazine), 111PTi (Titanium slide, 10 round magazine), 111PIi-12 (titanium slide, 12 round magazine). Double action/single action trigger, Heinie sights withStraight-8rear. Weight: 18.7 ounces (111PTi and 111PIi-12: 16 ounces), length: 6 1/8 inches, width: 1.125 inches, height: 5.125 inches, 6 groove 3.25 inch barrel with 1:9.84 per inch rate of twist. [ [http://www.taurususa.com/products/product-details.cfm?id=18&category=Pistol "Millennium Pro111 9mm Pistol in Blue Steel"] , Taurus USA Web siteproduct details section. Accessed June 12 2008.] [ [http://www.taurususa.com/products/product-details.cfm?id=23&category=Pistol "Millennium Pro111 9mm Pistol In Matte Stainless Steel"] , Taurus USA Web siteproduct details section. Accessed June 12 2008.] [ [http://www.taurususa.com/products/product-details.cfm?id=24&category=Pistol "Millennium Pro111 9mm Pistol In Matte Stainless Steel"] , Taurus USA Web siteproduct details section. Accessed June 12 2008.] [ [http://www.taurususa.com/products/product-details.cfm?id=19&category=Pistol "Millennium ProTitanium 111 9mm Pistol In Titanium"] , Taurus USA Web siteproduct details section. Accessed June 12 2008.] [ [http://www.taurususa.com/products/product-details.cfm?id=20&category=Pistol "Millennium ProTitanium 111 9mm Pistol In Titanium"] , Taurus USA Web siteproduct details section. Accessed June 12 2008.]


    .32 ACP (Automatic Colt pistol) caliber.


    Models 132B (blued slide), 132SS (stainless slide). Double action only trigger. Weight 19.9 ounces, length: 6.125 inches, width: 1.280 inches, height: 4.500 inches, 6 groove 3.25 inch barrel with 1:9.84 per inch rate of twist, 10 round magazine. [ [http://www.taurususa.com/products/product-details.cfm?id=25&category=Pistol "Millennium 132 .32 ACP Pistol"] , Taurus USA Web siteproduct details section. Accessed June 12 2008.] [ [http://www.taurususa.com/products/product-details.cfm?id=27&category=Pistol "Millennium 132 .32 ACP Pistol in Stainless Steel"] , Taurus USA Web siteproduct details section. Accessed June 12 2008.]


    Models 132BP (blued slide), 132SSP (stainless slide). Double action only trigger, Heinie sights withStraight-8rear. Weight: 19.9 ounces, length: 6.125 inches, width: 1.280 inches, height: 4.500 inches, 6 groove 3.25 inch barrel with 1:9.84 inch rate of twist, 10 round magazine. [ [http://www.taurususa.com/products/product-details.cfm?id=26&category=Pistol "Millennium Pro132 .32 ACP Pistol in Blue Steel"] , Taurus USA Web siteproduct details section. Accessed June 12 2008.] [ [http://www.taurususa.com/products/product-details.cfm?id=28&category=Pistol "Millennium Pro132 .32 ACP Pistol in Stainless Steel"] , Taurus USA Web siteproduct details section. Accessed June 12 2008.]


    .380 ACP (Automatic Colt pistol) caliber.


    Models 138B (blued slide), 138SS (stainless slide). Double action only trigger. Weight 18.7 ounces, length: 6.125 inches, width: 1.232 inches, height: 4.917 inches, 6 groove 3.25 inch barrel with 1:9.84 per inch rate of twist, 10 round magazine. [ [http://www.taurususa.com/products/product-details.cfm?id=138B&category=Pistol "Millennium 138 .380 ACP Pistol in Blue Steel"] , Taurus USA Web siteproduct details section. Accessed June 12 2008.] [ [http://www.taurususa.com/products/product-details.cfm?id=32&category=Pistol "Millennium 138 .380 ACP Pistol in Stainless Steel"] , Taurus USA Web siteproduct details section. Accessed June 12 2008.]


    Models 138BP (blued slide, 10 round magazine), 138BP-12 (blued slide, 12 round magazine), 138SSP (stainless slide, 10 round magazine), 138SSP-12 (stainless slide, 12 round magazine). Double action/single action trigger, Heinie sights withStraight-8rear. Weight: 18.7 ounces, length: 6.125 inches, width: 1.232 inches, height: 4.917 inches, 6 groove 3.25 inch barrel with 1:9.84 inch rate of twist. [ [http://www.taurususa.com/products/product-details.cfm?id=30&category=Pistol "Millennium Pro138 .380 ACP Pistol in Blue Steel"] , Taurus USA Web siteproduct details section. Accessed June 12 2008.] [ [http://www.taurususa.com/products/product-details.cfm?id=31&category=Pistol "Millennium Pro138 .380 ACP Pistol in Blue Steel"] , Taurus USA Web siteproduct details section. Accessed June 12 2008.] [ [http://www.taurususa.com/products/product-details.cfm?id=33&category=Pistol "Millennium Pro138 .380 ACP Pistol in Stainless Steel"] , Taurus USA Web siteproduct details section. Accessed June 12 2008.] [ [http://www.taurususa.com/products/product-details.cfm?id=34&category=Pistol "Millennium Pro138 .380 ACP Pistol in Matte Stainless Steel"] , Taurus USA Web siteproduct details section. Accessed June 12 2008.]


    .40 S&W caliber.


    Models 140B (blued slide), 140SS (stainless slide). Double action only trigger. Weight 18.7 ounces, length: 6.25 inches, width: 1.291 inches, height: 5.098 inches, 6 groove 3.25 inch barrel with 1:16 inch rate of twist, 10 round magazine. [ [http://www.taurususa.com/products/product-details.cfm?id=35&category=Pistol "Millennium 140 .40 S&W Pistol"] , Taurus USA Web siteproduct details section. Accessed June 30 2008.] [ [http://www.taurususa.com/products/product-details.cfm?id=37&category=Pistol "Millennium 140 .40 S&W Polymer Pistol With Burl wood Grips"] , Taurus USA Web siteproduct details section. Accessed June 30 2008.]


    Models 140BP (blued slide), 140SSP (stainless slide). Double action/single action trigger, Heinie sights with 'Straight-8' rear. Weight: 18.7 ounces, length: 6.25 inches, width: 1.25 inches, height: 5.125 inches, 6 groove 3.25 inch barrel with 1:16 inch rate of twist. [ [http://www.taurususa.com/products/product-details.cfm?id=36&category=Pistol "Millennium Pro140 .40 S&W Pistol in Blue Steel"] , Taurus USA Web siteproduct details section. Accessed June 30 2008.] [ [http://www.taurususa.com/products/product-details.cfm?id=38&category=Pistol "Millennium Pro140 .40 S&W Pistol in Matte Stainless Steel"] , Taurus USA Web siteproduct details section. Accessed June 30 2008.]


    .45 ACP caliber.


    Models 145BP (blued slide), 145SSP (stainless slide). Double action/single action trigger, compact frame, Heinie sights with 'Straight-8' rear. Weight: 22.2 ounces, length: 6.125 inches, width: 1.25 inches, height: 5.125 inches, 6 groove 3.25 inch barrel with 1:16 inch rate of twist, 10 round magazine. [ [http://www.taurususa.com/products/product-details.cfm?id=39&category=Pistol "Millennium Pro145 .45 ACP Polymer Pistol in Blue Steel"] , Taurus USA Web siteproduct details section. Accessed June 30 2008.] [ [http://www.taurususa.com/newsreviews/gunselector-results.cfm?series=MF1 "Millennium Pro10 shot, Stainless CA approved"] , Taurus USA Web sitegunselector section. Accessed June 30 2008.]


    .45 ACP caliber.


    Models 745BP (blued slide), 745SSP (stainless slide). Double action only (DAO) and a DA/SA version, compact frame, Heinie sights with 'Straight-8' rear. Weight: 20.8 ounces, length: 6.00 inches, width: 1.125 inches, height: 5.2 inches, 6 groove 3.25 inch barrel with 1:16 inch rate of twist, 6 round magazine. [ [http://www.taurususa.com/products/product-details.cfm?id=283&category=Pistol "Millennium Pro745 .45 ACP Compact Pistol in Blue Steel"] , Taurus USA Web siteproduct details section. Accessed June 30 2008.] [ [http://www.taurususa.com/products/product-details.cfm?id=285&category=Pistol "Millennium Pro745 .45 ACP Compact Pistol in Stainless Steel"] , Taurus USA Web siteproduct details section. Accessed June 30 2008.]


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