List of characters in Time Squad

List of characters in Time Squad

This is a list of characters, including historical figures, that appear in the animated television series "Time Squad".

Major characters

* Beauregard "Buck" Tuddrussel (Rob Paulsen): A burly time cop in the peak of physical condition, Buck is less like a father to Otto and more like a carefree uncle. His obsessions are guns and beating people up, although he has a generally nice disposition. Tuddrussel is a total fanatic when it comes to justice, which is why he had a "Maximum Security" prison installed on the station for people in history who refused to set history right. He takes every opportunity on a mission to shout out his catchphrase: "IT'S GO TIME!" He frequently bickers with Larry, whose gentlemanly behavior and seriousness often clash with Tuddrussel's immature machismo. Tuddrussel's facemask and goggles seem to be permanently stuck to his head, (his goggles resemble those of the X-men's Cyclops) as it is the only part of his uniform he has never removed. He takes immense pride in his Southern heritage, most of his history knowledge centered around events such as the Alamo and Western characters such as Billy the Kid. His intellect seems to fluctuate depending on the situation, as he has expressed scientific knowledge from time to time. According to Dr. Freud, Tuddrussel suffers from an over-active super ego, which causes him to force his will on those around him, which in turn causes Larry to resent him. For a man whose job involves the stability of time, Tuddrussel has shown an ironic disinterest and ignorance to the historical events he maintains.
* Lawrence "Larry" 3000 (Mark Hamill): Originally designed as a diplomat, Larry was put into Time Squad service when the world's nations all joined together in the year one million, an event which turned out to be the worst thing to ever happen to him, second only to being saddled in Tuddrussel's unit. He is the only one capable of operating the time-traveling technology and most of the technology aboard the space station. Although Otto is smart, he does not know how to operate the actual console. He often expresses feminine tendencies, although he does show his masculine-side from time to time. He is an expert chef, although Otto is the only one who seems to appreciate his rare delicacies. He is also skilled at needlepoint, computers, and household chores, though he gets little to no appreciation from Tuddrussel. Although Larry expresses deep disdain for Tuddrussel, deep down he does value his friendship. David Wasson, the series creator, admits that Larry is a parody on Star Wars' C-3PO (and is in fact voiced by the actor who played Luke Skywalker, Mark Hammil).
* Otto Osworth (Pamela Segall): Otto was "adopted" (admittedly kidnapped) by Larry and Buck when they miscalculated a mission to the 21st century. He was more than willing to leave the orphanage and became an unofficial member of the team. Although Otto has an enormous memory of history in nearly every field, deep down he is still a child, and easily gets along with Tuddrussel's immature, childlike attitude. In truth, he is the only member of the team to actually enjoy the history aspect of his job.

Minor characters

* Sheila Sternwell (Mari Weiss): Sheila is a capable and effective lieutenant in the Time Squad ranks. In truth however, she was married to Tuddrussel at one point. After realizing he was an utter moron, she got a divorce, which Tuddrussel seems to both regret and appreciate. She has more skill than Tuddrussel and takes her job far more seriously, and has more than once been asked to rescue Tuddrussel after Tuddrussel makes errors.
* XJ5 (Daran Norris): XJ5 is Sheila's robotic partner. As Sheila is the exact opposite of Tuddrussel, XJ5 is Larry's opposite. He is cool, calm and collected, and rarely complains about his job. He is also much more technologically advanced, not to mention capable, than Larry and enjoys rubbing it in his face. When Sheila displayed interest in Tuddrussel, he became concerned.
* J. T. Laser (Jim Wise): Time Squad's snobbish poster boy and best agent, J. T. and his robotic assistant, the Lance 9,000,000,000,000 (nine trillion or 9 x 1012) are Tuddrussel and Larry's heroes respectively, although deep down they are true jerks. Their behavior can best be described as the "cool kids" of the Time Squad, and refer to Larry and Tuddrussel as "nerds".
* Lance 9,000,000,000,000 (Kevin Michael Richardson): J. T. Laser's robotic partner.
* Sister Thornley (Dee Dee Rescher): The cruel, stepmother-like head nun at the School for Wayward Tots, which was Otto's home before being adopted by the Time Squad. She is Otto's nemesis who antagonizes Otto for reading history books and punishes him with long lists of chores for it (for unexplained reasons) in Episode 1, "Eli Whitney's Flesh Eating Mistake". She makes a second appearance in the last episode, "Orphan Substitute", in which she notices Otto taking pictures of U.S. monuments and hauls him on the bus back to the orphanage. She does not care who goes missing as long as she has someone to do her dirty work. As seen in "Orphan Substitute", Sister Thornley looks for Otto so he can clean the septic tank. But before she can get to him, Larry and Tuddrussel take Otto back so they can get to Christoper Columbus. Thornley sees another boy who is a spelling bee champ that Larry and Tuddrussel picked up earlier in the episode, and mutters, "Well one orphan genius is as good as another" and grabs him and heads out the door.

Historic Figures

* Eli Whitney (Tom Kenny): Whitney is the inventor of the cotton gin, but before he invented it he created a horde of flesh eating robots that he thought would help his fellow man. It's never explained why he thought they would help, though many of the historical figures seen on the show tends to act in incredibly illogical ways.
* The Achaeans: The Achaeans were known for their part in the Trojan War by succeeding over Troy with a Trojan Horse. The problem is that they are sending over Trojan Horses filled with gifts to a party. Time Squad managed to make a Trojan Horse (filled with wild Spanish horses) that caused Troy to end up in disaster.
* Napoleon Bonaparte (Carlos Ramos): Napoleon's days of conquest had come to a grinding halt due to his wife, Josephine Bonaparte. She decided that she wanted to "live her own life", and thus enrolled in various classes at a local college. While she went to school, Napoleon and the Time Squad were forced to stay home and do chores. In order to restore history, Larry, Otto, and Tuddrussell helped him sneak out of the house at night, enabling the conquests of Italy and portions of North Africa. Josephine, who failed all of her classes, found out and single-handedly defeated all of Napoleon's forces. Impressed, the emperor asked his wife to fight alongside him in his next battle...which just happened to be near a sign that read "Welcome to Waterloo."
* Confucius (James Sie): Famed for his short, virtuous sayings, Confucius decided to market enormous novels with long, boring stories (Larry: "I've seen dictionaries with less words than that"); at the end of each story was a famous moral. While Otto and Larry schemed to make the philosopher shorten his work, Tuddrussell took offense to one of the sayings: "He who knows nothing doubts nothing." He believed that Confucius was insulting him personally, and so repeatedly attacked him. In the end, Otto outright asked Confucius to condense his sayings; the philosopher agreed, so long as Tuddrussell stopped beating him up. In the end, Confucius became wildly popular, and sold his sayings on T-shirts and coffee mugs.
* Sigmund Freud (Tom Kenny): Freud, a psychologist extraordinare, developed such concepts as the Oedipus complex. Unfortunately, he became bored and experimented with hypnosis. He quickly discovered a talent for making people believe themeselves to be animals. Tuddrussell scoffed at this, but soon found himself brainwashed into thinking he was a chicken. The animal-people ran amok in the city, and Freud found himself unable to control them. The townspeople attempted to destroy Freud, but his patients came to his rescue. Finally, Larry offered up a dream he had; Freud enjoyed the concept of dream analysis and soon began to offer cures to everyone's psychological problems. The Squad would later prevail upon Freud to hypnotize Paul Revere into believing he was a horse to complete his famous ride. Sigmund Freud ended up shouting "the British are coming." Too afraid of dangerous horses, Time Squad had to return him to his own time later.
* Leonardo da Vinci (Joe Lala): The famous artist was found by the gang to be living as a beatnick with no interest in formal art. He was finally persuaded to follow his historical calling when Otto put a frame around the face of a woman serving coffee.
* Julius Caesar (Maurice LaMarche): Julius Caesar was the Emperor of Rome. When Time Squad arrived, Rome was in poor shape ranging from the buildings, the colosseum, and the lions. Buck Tuddrussel managed to get Rome into shape and was made Emperor. Otto managed to teach Julius Caesar how to do karate and he defeated Tuddrussel. Julius Caesar later returned to help Otto set Cleopatra straight.
* Robin Hood (Joe Alaskey): Robin Hood was known for stealing from the rich and giving to the poor. When Time Squad arrived, he was doing the opposite. Time Squad managed to make him do the opposite of what he was doing which resulted in Robin Hood losing his bow and arrows.
* Abraham Lincoln (Tom Kenny): Abe, America's sixteenth president, got tired of being a goody-goody and went from Honest Abe to Dishonest Abe. During his times as Dishonest Abe, he led a group of pranksters. Time Squad managed to outprank him and resumed his good behavior.
* Ludwig van Beethoven (Bob Joles): Ludwig was one of the world's greatest composers. But before Time Squad came along, he was a wrestler, beating up people that mocked him and yawned at his music until he eventually made a career out of it. He was challenged by Tuddrussel and easily dominated the officer, until Otto played him a part of the 9th Symphony, putting him straight again. Time Squad visited him again during their inspection and Ludwig almost fought Tuddrussel again when he ripped off Ludwig's shirt.
* John Hancock (Roger Rose) and Samuel Adams (Daran Norris): When the Time Squad visited Hancock and Adams, they found that the Sons of Liberty would rather dress up in fancy clothing and drink the British tea rather than throw it into the Boston harbor. Otto manages to solve the problem by serving them all coffee and the caffine gives them excess energy, which they release by tossing the tea overboard. Time Squad visited them again during their inspection when the alert for Betsy Ross went off. John and Samuel later popped up at her camp.
* Nostradamus (Brian Hamilton): He's the most renowned of futurists. However, in one of "history's funniest home bloopers", poor old Nostradamus is accosted and cited for making "bogus predictions". When he pleads for a reason, in his native French, he's then arrested and ticketed for using profanity!
* The Wright Brothers (Bob Joles and Joe Alaskey): The Wright Brothers were known for flying the first airplane. Here, they were trying out stunts for their new airshow.
* Nicolaus Copernicus (Mark Hamill): Copernicus was a philosopher who discovered that the Earth rotates around the sun. When Time Squad was visiting his period, he was a farmer. They managed to get him to be a philosopher with him wondering what the sun is.
* Albert Einstein (Danny Mann): Albert Einstein is a physicist, but was shown as a car salesman when Time Squad visited him. When it came to a mathmetical problem, Albert admitted this and Otto persuaded the people not to be mad at him.
* Betsy Ross (Nika Futterman): Betsy is the supposed creator of the American flag, but instead she and a number of other people became hippies protesting the Revolutionary War, until she was introduced to coffee by John Hancock and Samuel Adams.
* Edgar Allan Poe (Paul Greenberg): Poe is one of the most famous authors/poets in history, known for his dark and depressing composure. But when Time Squad arrives, he has a bright and sunny disposition, and is living in a bright pink house. He invites them in for tea, but explodes into a rancorous rampage when they berate his cooking. Standing in the midst of the charred ruin of his house, he quotes lines from his famous poem "The Raven".
* Winston Churchill (Daran Norris): Churchill, the Prime Minister of Britain, became a nudist when Time Squad came along, and had his soldiers follow suit. He seemed to be blind to the fact that his soldiers were hurting their feet on the terrain, were cold, and had no pockets. The problem is solved when Winston sees that he has a big booty on Larry's built-in camera/projector and is seen wearing women's clothing after the problem is solved.
* Franklin D. Roosevelt and Joseph Stalin (both voiced by Daran Norris): They are seen later in the episode "The Prime Minister Has no Clothes". When they came along, Otto and Tuddrussel convinced them to straighten Churchill out, only to achieve the opposite result. After the problem is solved, FDR is seen wearing eskimo clothing (including a harpoon) and Stalin is seen wearing summer tourist's clothes.
* George Washington Carver (Kevin Michael Richardson): When the Time Squad went to that time, it seemed that George Washington Carver was doing what he was supposed to do....Making a lot of uses for the peanut. But you notice some two guys giving people some free peanuts that look suspicious. Then it's revealed later what the problem was. His evil brother, Todd, decided to come up with evil uses for the peanut as an attempt to destroy George. He first did peanut pellets, peanut gas, and those free peanuts were mind control devices to make the people go after George. George stopped them in their tracks with his most recent creation, peanut glue (aka peanut butter). Then Tuddrussel took care of Todd when he accidentally launched the grappling hook feature at Todd's airship when he was looking for the laser gun feature.
* Kublai Khan (Pat Fraley): Khan, the tyrannical conqueror, idled his time away reading comic books when he should have been conquering Asia much to his grandfather's displeasure (Genghis Khan: "I've had it with you Kublai! When I was your age, I conquered half the known world, you're still living at home"). Tuddrussel manages to infuriate Khan by ripping up a rare comic book, which solves the problem (as Khan then raises an army to conquer Asia until a new copy of the comic is found) but also causes Larry and Otto to have to rescue Tuddrussel from being executed with the help of Sheila Sternwell and XJ5.
* Meriwether Lewis and William Clark: The two great explorers were found suffering from a clash of personalities when the Time Squad show up. Lewis's organization and forethought gets on the more disorganized Clark's nerves. The two split up with Larry following Lewis (during which time they have plenty of food and are comfortable) and Tuddrussel and Otto follow Clark (they have no food and are miserable). Lewis and Clark meet again and resolve their arguments after realizing how much they miss each other.
* Ivan the Terrible: When Time Squad managed to make him give up ice skating to be a ruler of Russia, Ivan the Terrible (whose behavior here was depicted like a pet's behavior) followed them back to their time. After some time with him, they returned Ivan to his own time.
* Buffalo Bill
* John Montagu, 4th Earl of Sandwich (Marshall Efron): Earl of Sandwich created the world-famous sandwich. Before he could sell the sandwich and become famous for it, he used his mother's maiden name, Stinky pile o' poo. The only reason why it does not get out is because of its grossly unappetizing name (constantly mistaken for a pile of sludge), but is later changed to sandwich after Otto makes Larry sell it as a sandwich.
* Cleopatra (Vanessa Marshall): Cleopatra, the queen of Egypt, neglected her priorities by converting King Tut's pyramid to a shopping mall, until Julius Caesar came along to help Otto set things straight.
* Sitting Bull: The Sioux Chief, on the eve of the battle of Little BigHorn, has decided to become "Funky Fresh", Larry solved the problem by showing him a hologram of a toilet bowl cleaner to pass it off as a Native American spirit while hidden from view, and told him to lead the Sioux to the battle of Little Big Horn (part of it was, Larry: "You have angered me with your dancing").
* Harry Houdini (Danny Mann): Harry Houdini is a great magician. When Time Squad arrived, he was using his talents for crime. It's not until people became entertained by his tricks that he became a magician even helping Time Squad with their "disappearing act."
* The Hatfields and McCoys: The Hatfields and the McCoys were known for their long feuding until Larry 3000 taught them some pacifying skills from Thor Robinson's latest book "Busting the Barrier." Only when Otto and Tuddrussel vandalizing the properties and blaming the other is when the Hatfields and the McCoys resumed their feuding.
* Attila the Hun (Jess Harnell)
* Louis Pasteur (Daran Norris): While Pasteur did do many of his famed accomplishments, he flat out refused to discover how to pasteurize milk. Instead, he insisted on inventing fruit drinks. Otto solves the problem by suggesting to Marie Curie to invent fruit popsicles, which causes Pasteur to lose all attention previously given to his drink invention. Furious, he decides to go off and discover how to pasteurize milk.
* Marie Curie (Grey DeLisle): Otto enlisted her help to persuade Louis Pasteur to invent pasteurized milk by teaching her how to make fruit popsicles.
* Karl Marx: Not seen. At the beginning of "Floundering Fathers", they have just finished that mission. Karl Marx was going to build the worlds biggest igloo. And Tuddrussel got him to spread Marxism throughout Russia by kicking him in his belly (Tuddrussel: "If you want to make an omelette, you gotta break a few eggs").
* Benjamin Franklin (Bob Joles): Before this mission starts, Otto catches a cold when he forgot to bring a jacket on their previous mission to Karl Marx. So Tudrussel and Larry had to go without him to the mission. First, Larry and Tudrussel goes to where the Declaration of Independence was being written, and Tudrussel, not knowing what Benjamin Franklin looked like, beat up Benjamin Rush, John Adams, and Thomas Jefferson. As they leave, they see that the computer does not say the mission is complete. So they go back to Otto who shows them a picture of Benjamin Franklin and tells him that he worked at a printing press and experimented with electricity. Therefore, Larry thought that Benjamin Franklin was supposed to invent the light bulb. So Larry helped him do that. They go back to Otto who says that Thomas Edison invented the light bulb. Otto then deduces that the mission goal is to have Benjamin Franklin work with the others on the Declaration of Independence. Larry destroys the light bulb he helped Franklin invent, and they take him to where the others were writing the declaration, but an argument occurred between Franklin and Tudrussel what should have been next in the first paragraph, and Larry brought Otto to that time and he tells them the entire first paragraph, solving the mission.
* Al Capone (Jon Polito): Al Capone is a known mobster. Here, he is obsessed with clowns and is running a clown business. Time Squad managed to get him to be a mobster.
* Amelia Earhart (Patti Deutsch): Time Squad learns that Earhart is a neat freak who refuses to fly because of all of the germs in the air. She grows to fall in love with Tuddrussel, who teaches her the joy of being dirty. With Otto's head going to that Time Squad suit he received from Tuddrussel, Larry manages to get her to get over her neat freak behavior. She then sets out on her famous flight, after making Tuddrussel promise to wait for her.
* Alamo Defenders: Instead of preparing to fight off the Texans, the Alamo defenders planned on welcoming them with open arms. Larry is thrilled and jumps at the chance to use his cooking and sewing skills to prepare a welcome party. Ironically, this is what completes the mission, as the invading Mexican forces are insulted by the food and decorations and attack anyway.
* Socrates (Rodger Bumpass): He was shown teaching exercise to their students until Tuddrussel told him to be a philosopher in their pursuit of Blackbeard.
* Montezuma (Tom Kenny): The Aztec leader, before the Time Squad came along, decided to become a stand up comedian. At the same time, Tudrussel decided to try to not be mean anymore. There was a stand up competition he entered where it seemed that all the other contestants were worse than Montezuma. Otto tried entering the contest and told jokes about the names of the American Presidents, but the viewers did not know what a president was. However, in the Spanish dubbed version, Otto makes puns about how brave is Nicolás Bravo, and that Vicente Guerrero is a warrior, since brave and bravo are acognates as well as guerrero is Spanish for warrior. and It seemed that Montezuma was going to win the award. Until Tudrussel got tired of being nice to Larry who was taking advantage of it, and they both insulted each other (Part of it was, Larry: "You are a big guy who sleeps with a teddy bear!", Tudrussel: "You leave Mr. Fuzzums out of this!") the viewers liked it better than Montezuma's jokes and they won the award and Montezuma went back to leading the Aztecs.
* William Howard Taft (Earl Boen): William Howard Taft is the 27th President of the United States. When Time Squad arrived, the White House has become a haunted house which will disrupt the upcoming elections as William states even preventing Woodrow Wilson from running against him. Time Squad gets to the bottom of this, they have a run-in with monster versions of past vice-presidents. Upon defeat, Time Squad unmasks them to be William Howard Taft, James Sherman and Phileander Knox. With the case solved, Woodrow Wilson becomes the 28th President of the United States.
* Alfred Nobel (John Kassir): Alfred Nobel was known for establishing the Nobel Prize, but was shown doing other prizes in his run-ins with Sheila Sternwell and XJ5. In a recent one, he has established the Nobel Evil Prize and awards Tuddrussel for using a nuclear weapon on the city's sewer system. When both Time Squad parties arrive at his mansion, they end up in a fight with him, Black Bart, Jack the Ripper, Lizzie Borden, Grigori Rasputin, and Mrs. O'Leary's Cow. After Time Squad's victory over them, Otto has Alfred Nobel start the Nobel Prize that he was supposed to establish. As for Alfred's accomplices, they have to remain evil.
* Sir Henry Morton Stanley (Bernard Fox): Henry Morton Stanley was known for leading an expedition to look for Dr. David Livingstone. When Time Squad arrived, he was being attacked by cannibals. Tuddrussel, Larry 3000, and Otto had their vacation here until J.T. Laser and Lance 9,000,000,000,000 arrived to do the job when Tuddrussel and co. "went missing." When it shows Henry with Dr. Livingstone, Lance speaks cannibal to not eat them but to eat Tuddrussel, Larry, and Otto. After the rescue, Henry glove-slaps Tuddrussel, Larry, and Otto for not saving him in the first place.
* William Shakespeare (Daran Norris): Shakespeare, an author known for his plays, was planning on making children's stories instead of making plays. After his rehearsel on a Time Squad play was failing, Otto told him that the plays he writes are for all ages and persuades him to do that.
* Samuel F. B. Morse (Joe Alaskey): Before inventing the telegraph, he invented a method of communication involving shouting from person to person what you wanted said. It was an annoying method which would render the original message as gibberish when it got to its destination.
* Billy the Kid: Billy, the notorious outlaw, became the notorious crybaby who nobody took seriously when Time Squad came along.
* Johannes Gutenberg (Jeff Bennett):
* Joan of Arc (Grey DeLisle):
* Paul Revere (Jim Ward): Paul Revere was known for his Midnight Ride of warning people that "the British are coming." When Time Squad arrived, they discovered the problem....HE'S AFRAID OF HORSES. They take Paul to see Sigmund Freud to correct this problem. After a visit to Paul Revere's childhood, Time Squad and Sigmund deducted that a dangerous pony has left him traumatized. Sigmund Freud had to hypnotize him to act like a horse while Sigmund shouted that "the British are coming."
* George S. Patton (Kevin Michael Richardson): Instead of being a general, he's a florist. When Time Squad came along, Patton hired Time Squad when his previous employees stopped working for Patton and worked at the Floral Emporium (Patton's rival flower shop) instead. When the flowers were complete, customers came to Patton's flower shop, but they eventually flee to the Floral Emporium causing Patton's flower shop to run out of business. Therefore, he decided to run the army instead, on the suggestion of Otto.
* George W. Bush (Jim Meskimen): Instead of tax cuts for the rich, President Bush instead made the world's largest ball of twine.

Repeat Offenders

* Blackbeard (Roger Rose): Instead of being the notorious pirate, he's the notorious animal rights activist much to his crew's displeasure because they were more interested in pirating than saving the environment. In "Blackbeard, Warm Heart", he wanted to convert his pirate flag to an "I love whales" flag (a flag with a picture of a whale with a heart in its background). Although the problem was solved in "Blackbeard, Warm Heart", in its sequel "Repeat Offender", he was up to his old tricks and Time Squad caught him being historically inaccurate when dealing with environments on land. Throughout the episode, Time Squad chased him around and was eventually caught after hitting his carriage when he saw a cat on the road. Back in the satellite's maximum security prison, he scolded Gandhi when Gandhi would not stop flushing down the toilet.
* Mahatma Gandhi (Carlos Alazraqui): Mahatma Gandhi was seen in "Repeat Offender", in the satellite's maximum security prison because he was more interested in tap dancing than leading his people to freedom.

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