- Higher education policy
Higher education policy refers to how
higher education institutions like universities are organised, funded, and operated in a society.According to Ansell (2006) there are "three different institutional forms of higher education provision: the Anglo-American, Continental, and Scandinavian models"Ansell, B. W. (2006, Apr) "University Challenges: The Trilemma of Higher Education Policy in Advanced Industrial States" Paper presented at the annual meeting of the The Midwest Political Science Association, Palmer House Hilton, Chicago, Illinois Online
Retrieved 2008-06-11 from http://www.allacademic.com/meta/p140531_index.html] . The Angloamerican model
According to Ansell (2006), " [t] he Anglo-American model leads to a mass, partially private, and publicly inexpensive system".
The Angloamerican model is sometimes termed the Anglosaxon model [http://lse.ac.uk/collections/LSEPublicLecturesAndEvents/events/2006/20051213t1533z001.htm 'Anglo-Saxon' or ' Continental ' Model: the EU's false dichotomy? - LSE Public Lectures and Events - LSE ] ] .
The continental model
According to Ansell (2006), " [t] he Continental model leads to an elite, fully public, and inexpensive system".
The Scandinavian model
According to Ansell (2006), " [t] he Scandinavian model leads to a mass, fully public, but highly expensive system".
* [http://www.b-school-net.de/articles/Comparison_Business_education.htm Structure and Content of the American and European Models for Business Education]
* [http://www.bc.edu/bc_org/avp/soe/cihe/newsletter/News36/text004.htm Wars, Geopolitics, and University Governance in the Arab States]
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