- Argentine Jew
Infobox Ethnic group
group = Argentine JewCésar Milstein •Daniel Barenboim •Tato Bores
poptime=185,000 Argentine Jews [cite book
year=2007, to see chapter used, see [http://www.ajcarchives.org/AJC_DATA/Files/AJYB727.CV.pdf "World Jewish Population, 2007"] ]
popplace = Mainly in the cities ofBuenos Aires ,Rosario and Cordoba and in the province ofEntre Rios
langs = Spanish,Yiddish ,Hebrew ,Ladino
rels =Jewish Argentine Jews are
Jews who are Argentine citizens or resident aliens.Argentina is the second largest nation inLatin America and boasts the largest Jewish community in the region. From an open door policy of immigration to the harboring ofNazi war criminals, Argentina’s Jews have faced periods of peaceful coexistence and periods of intenseanti-semitism .__TOC__History
After the expulsion from
Spain in 1492, conversos (or secret Jews) settled in Argentina. Most of these immigrants assimilated into the general population and, by the mid 1800's, few Jews were left in Argentina.Argentina gained its independence from Spain in 1810.
Bernardino Rivadavia , Argentina’s first president, gave support to policies that promoted freedom of immigration and respect forhuman rights , i.e., he officially abolished theInquisition . In this atmosphere of tolerance, a second wave of Jewish immigration began in the mid-19th century with Jewish immigrants arriving from western Europe, especially fromFrance .In 1860, the first Jewish wedding was recorded in
Buenos Aires . A couple of years later, a minyan met for the High Holiday services and, eventually, the minyan became the Congregacion Israelita de la República.In the late 19th century, a third wave of immigration fleeing poverty and pogroms in
Russia , and other Eastern Europe countries, moved to Argentina because of its open door policy of immigration. These Jews became known as "Rusos" and became active in Argentinian society.In 1889, 824 Russian Jews arrived in Argentina on the
S.S. Weser and became gauchos (Argentine cowboys). The gauchos bought land and established a colony, which they namedMoisesville . Due to lack of funding, the gauchos appealed toBaron Maurice de Hirsch for funds and the Baron subsequently founded theJewish Colonization Association . During its heyday, the Association owned more than 600,000 hectares of land, populated by more than 200,000 Jews. While many of these cooperative ranches are now owned by non-Jews, Jews continue to run some of the properties.Between 1906 and 1912, Jewish immigration increased at a rate of 13,000 immigrants per year. Most of the immigrants were Ashkenazi Jews from Europe, but a number of Sephardic Jews from Morocco and the Ottoman Empire also settled in Argentina. By 1920, more than 150,000 Jews were living in Argentina.
Anti-semitic attacks against Jews were infrequent in Argentina before World War I. Following the Russian Revolution, between 1918 and 1930, anti-revolutionary feelings developed into full-blown anti-Semitism against the Rusos. From January 7-13, 1919, a general strike in Buenos Aires lead to a pogrom against the Jews. Many were beaten and had their property burned and looted.Despite
anti-semitism and increasingxenophobia , Jews became involved in most sectors of Argentine society. Still, they were unable to work in the government or military and so many became farmers, peddlers, artisans and shopkeepers. Cultural and religious organizations flourished and aYiddish press and theater opened in Buenos Aires, as well as a Jewish hospital and a number ofZionist organizations.After World War II
Juan Peron’s rise to power in 1946 worried many Jews because of he was a
Nazi sympathizer withfascist leanings. Peron halted Jewish immigration to Argentina, introducedCatholic religious instruction in public schools and allowed Argentina to become a haven for fleeing Nazis. On the other hand, Peron also expressed sympathy for Jewish rights and established diplomatic relations withIsrael in 1949. Since then, more than 45,000 Jews have immigrated to Israel from Argentina.Peron was overthrown in 1955, which was followed by another wave of anti-Semitism. In 1960, Israeli agents abducted
Adolf Eichmann from a Buenos Aires suburb. The Eichmann trial inJerusalem , in April 1961, aroused further anti-Jewish sentiment in Argentina.Argentina was under military rule between 1976 and 1983. During this period, Jews were increasingly targeted for kidnapping and torture by the ruling junta; about 1,000 of the 9,000 known victims of state terrorism were Jews. According to the
Jerusalem Post , the Israeli government had a special agreement with the Argentine government to allow Jews arrested for political crimes to immigrate to Israel. Once the military’s power waned in Argentina, anti-Semitic attacks also declined.Present-day Argentina
In 1983,
Raul Alfonsin was democratically elected as president of Argentina. Alfonsin enjoyed the support of the Jewish population and placed many Jews in high positions.Carlos Saul Menem was elected president in 1989, his Arab origin and support of Peron worried the Jews, however, he did not follow in Peron’s footsteps. Menem appointed many Jews to his government, visitedIsrael a number of times and offered to help mediate the Israeli-Arab peace process. After a Jewish cemetery was desecrated in Buenos Aires, Menem immediately expressed his outrage to the Jewish community and, within a week, apprehended those responsible.President Menem also ordered the release of files relating to Argentina’s role in serving as a haven for Nazi war criminals. A law against racism and anti-Semitism was passed in the Argentine parliament in 1988.
Despite Menem’s sympathetic policies and a democratic regime, the Jews of Argentina were targets of two major
terrorist attacks . The Israeli Embassy was bombed in April 1992, killing 32 people. In 1994, the Jewish community headquarters (AMIA ) in Buenos Aires was bombed, killing 85 and wounding more than 100. The community’s archives were destroyed in the bombing and the event left many emotionally scarred. ThoughIran was suspected of involvement, with the help of Argentine police, the culprits have never been found. In 2005, an Argentine prosecutor said the AMIA bombing was carried out by a 21-year-old Lebanese suicide bomber who belonged toHezbollah .Jews are active in all sectors of Argentine society and many are prominent figures in the arts, film, music and in journalism. Some influential Argentine Jews include: writer
Jacobo Timmerman , owner of a local newspaper who campaigned for human rights; Rene Epelbaum, who founded a protest group for mothers of political prisoners; pianistDaniel Barenboim , andCesar Milstein , the 1984 Nobel Prize recipient in medicine.Throughout Argentina’s history, Jews have held a large stake in the country’s fur, textile, chemical, electronics and auto industries. Both Banco Mercantile and Banco Comercial were founded by Jews. On the other hand, Jews are still absent from the high ranks of the military, foreign ministry and
judiciary branch of the government.Poverty in Argentina is on the rise, affecting Argentina’s
middle class , which is losing its small and medium sized businesses. Many Jewish business owners have lost their shops and are unable to pay membership or tuition fees to local Jewish institutions andsynagogues . These communal institutions now face declining membership and budgets to maintain their activities and services. In response to economic decline and lack of funding, theJoint Distribution Committee and theJewish Agency are training new, young lay leaders to rebuild the community and run local institutions.The economic situation has caused 10,000 Jews to leave Argentina in the last few years. About 6,000 emigrated to
Israel .References
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.