- Police Federation of Australia
Infobox Union|
name= PFA
members= 50,000
full_name= Police Federation of Australia
founded=January 1 ,1998
office=Canberra , ACT
people= Vince Kelly, President
people= Mark Burges APM, Chief Executive Officerwebsite= [http://www.pfa.org.au www.pfa.org.au]
footnotes=The Police Federation of Australia is a peak union body that represents the interests of
Australian police officers .It was formerly registered under the
Workplace Relations Act 1996 on1 January 1998 . TheCanberra office was opened by thePrime Minister of Australia theJohn Howard , on Tuesday,16 September 2003 [ [http://www.pm.gov.au/media/Speech/2003/speech485.cfm Prime Minister John Howard's speech] Office of the Prime Minister website Transcript. Accessed 30 April 2007] .The members of each
State , Territory and Federal Police Association/Union are members of the Police Federation of Australia, and the organisation is affiliated with theACTU . [ [http://www.directory.actu.asn.au/index.php3?page=unions&company_id=382 ACTU online directory] Accessed April 30, 2007] In 2007 Peter Alexander, President of the Police Federation of Australia, said the union represented 50,000 officers [ [http://www.abc.net.au/worldtoday/content/2007/s1841388.htm Mulrunji case sparks anger amongst Qld police] - Transcript ABC Radio "The World Today" - February 6, 2007 Accessed April 30, 2007] .In 2002 the CEO of the Police Federation of Australia, Mark Burgess, called for a national approach to tackling the problems of hand guns in the community "I think there needs to be a far greater cooperation and coordination between the Federal Government and the State and Territory Governments. We've said for some time it's unfortunate these things are finding their way into the country and then it's left to State and Territory police officers to clean up the mess and the carnage after they've been used." [ [http://www.abc.net.au/am/stories/s564869.htm Police Federation calls for national approach] Transcript ABC Radio AM 27 May, 2002. Accessed April 30, 2007]
In 2005 the Police Federation of Australia supported the fears of the
Australian Federal Police Association (AFP), regarding industrial relations laws relating toAustralian Workplace Agreement s saying the laws could erode the integrity of police officers. The concerns were rejected by a spokesman for Workplace Relations MinisterKevin Andrews , saying state police would remain in the state systems, and that AFP staff would continue to be governed by their certified agreement. [ [http://www.theage.com.au/news/national/police-want-out-of-ir-laws/2005/11/14/1131951100179.html Police want out of IR laws] The Age, November 15, 2005. Accessed 30 April 2007]Office Bearers
President - Vince Kelly (NT) Vice President - Jon Hunt-Sharman (AFPA) Vice President - Brian Rix (VIC) Treasurer - Randolph Wierenga (TAS) Chief Executive Officer - Mark Burgess APM
ee also
1923 Victorian Police strike References
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