Minamoto no Yorimitsu

Minamoto no Yorimitsu
Raikō by Kikuchi Yōsai
Utagawa Kuniyoshi, Minamoto Yorimitsu fights Tsuchi-gumo

Minamoto no Yorimitsu (源 頼光?, 948 – August 29, 1021), also known as Minamoto no Raikō, served the regents of the Fujiwara clan along with his brother Yorinobu, taking the violent measures the Fujiwara were themselves unable to take. He is one of the earliest Minamoto of historical note for his military exploits, and is known for quelling the bandits of Ōeyama.

His loyal service earned him the governorships of Izu Province, Kozuke and a number of others in turn, as well as a number of other high government positions. Yorimitsu served as commander of a regiment of the Imperial Guard, and as a secretary in the Ministry of War. When his father Minamoto no Mitsunaka died, he inherited Settsu Province.

Yorimitsu featured in a number of legends and tales, including the legend of Kintarō (Golden Boy aka Sakata no Kintoki), the legend of Shuten Dōji, and the legend of Tsuchigumo.

Raiko is usually accompanied by his four legendary retainers, known as the Shiten-nō (The Four Guardian Kings). They were Watanabe no Tsuna, Sakata no Kintoki, Urabe no Suetake, and Usui Sadamitsu.

Raiko in popular culture

It's worth keeping in mind that Raikou means something along "thunder king" and many entries here are unrelated to this character.

  • In the game Otogi Raikō is brought back to life by a mysterious princess and employed by her to quell demons and restore a powerful seal in order to rid the capital (and the world) of darkness. In the sequel, Otogi 2, Raikō is brought back to life again by Seimei and employed to protect an orb of power and protect the capital. Along with Seimei he is again playable, as are his four generals Tsuna, Sadamitsu, Kintoki, and Suetake.
  • In the Game Mass Effect The Raikou series Pistol is a weapon made by Ariake Technologies, a Japanese based company.
  • In the anime Otogizōshi, Raikō's sister, Minamoto no Hikaru, pretends to be her brother and journeys Japan in search of the magatama which will save the capital. She is also accompanied by Raikō's four generals.
  • In the OVA New Getter Robo, Raikō appears in episode 6 and is revealed to be a woman.
  • In Tactics, Raikou Demon Hunter, Manga by Sakura Kinoshita and Kazuko Higashiyama
  • In the Game Age of Empires: The Age of Kings Minamoto is the hero character of the second campaign, and an enemy in the third Mongolian one.

See also


  • Sansom, George (1958). 'A History of Japan to 1334'. Stanford, California: Stanford University Press.

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